dressing up for church

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Emily, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. Pete Richert New Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    Modesty is a command every day of the week.

    Of course, people who do interviews judge by looks and appearance. They will also judge by how attractive you are, your weight, whether you are white or black, male or female, tall or short. God wants people to trust and obey him. Depending on God brings him glory. You can look all real nice, do the right things, not raise hands, whatever, but God cares if your are activily trusting him with your life.

    I don't dress up for anything more then I do at Church. And you can ask my wife, I certainly don't follow any fads (I'm about twenty years behind). But the truth is a suit is a worldly standard as well. (unless you wish to argue Jesus and Paul were walking around in three piece suits). It is what the world defines (or at least defined twenty years ago) as successful, respectful, and well kept, not what God does. God commands that you love and obey him with all your heart, even if he doesn't provide you with enough money to buy a suit or if he provides you with enough to buy the whole church suits.
  2. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    God doesn't care how fancy we are dressed or even if we come to Him naked(you would do that in church obviously). No where in scripture does it say to dress up to worship. God doesn't live in a building, He lives in me. Saying a person must dress up to go to church leaves some people out. What of those who only onw rags? They aren't allowed to worship in a church who believes you have to dress up to worship God.
    Thank God He doesn't think this, only men do. When men's rules add to God's, leave them behind throw them out in the trash where they belong.
  3. ShagNappy Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I realize you did Johnv, I just take issue with the snotty attitudes displayed. Somewhat of a "I'm a better Christian than you are because I wear a suit" attitude. It annoys me. I have lost enough weight my "nice" clothes don't fit and I don't have enough money to pay my bills some months so I certainly don't have enough to go buy a suit, or have it altered until it can't be anymore, every month as I continue to lose weight. However, some here have implied, or flat said, I am disrepectful to God, or less of Christian, because I wear jeans and a sweater to church.

    Perhaps someone would like to take on whether Jesus would be more appalled at me in jeans or the attitudes towards people like me shown here.......
  4. moira3 New Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Well, in Hawaii "dress up" is an aloha shirt and khakis for men...if you do see someone in a suit, the first thought that comes to mind is: newcomer....But women do tend to wear dresses to church. I usually wear pants, but they are not casual pants. I don't really care what someone wears to church, as long as it's tasteful. A lot of the young girls wear the lowrider jeans and skirts. I think that is ridiculous. I don't see any kind of respect for anyone when someone wears that type of clothing.
  5. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    I've often wondered why Judas had to give Jesus a kiss for those folks to recognize Him...

    I do believe the outside should reflect the inside. This world stinks to God & I try not to have a "worldly" appearance. (Women should look like women & men look like men).
  6. atestring New Member

    May 3, 2001
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    I don't like the sight of Belly Buttons (or cracks) in church or out of church but especially in church.
    I am glad that men tdo not show their belly buttons that would be a sight.
  7. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    My King is not limited to a house made with human hands. The Bible commands modesty. In context, the passage is referring to those who overdress to impress people rather than those who underdress or don't meet a certain code.

    Maybe... but wouldn't that make him a respector of persons?
  8. Mitsy New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
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    While I agree with some that it's basically more important to be in church than it is to do "dress critiques". However, I've always had a personal gripe to some younger people wearing jeans to church. I personally do not ever wear slacks to church, but I don't condemn those who do wear them. I think "modest" is more of a broad term than some realize. What is considered modest by some is not to others. I also see nothing wrong with makeup on women, but some denominations (even some Baptists) do not think any woman should wear it. I think there is a line between looking decent and looking trashy. My own belief is that I think "most" people know what is appropriate and what is not, however, some go ahead and dress inappropriately just to make waves.
  9. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    If I am not badly mistaken, the first century Christians wore their every day garments to meet and the command for women to dress modestly has to do with their "dressing up" too much, not too little.
  10. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    We don't know for sure that the first century Christians came to church wearing their everyday garments. After all, fashion isn't a 20th century monopoly. And the fact that Paul upbraided the paints on the faces of women points to their efforts to dress up.

    Here's my point:

    If one's best wardrobe is a shirt and tie and casual slacks, he doesn't have to go out and buy or rent a suit for Sunday. However, if he has got something better than that, then that's what he should wear.

    If one were going to an interview, one dresses up so he can give an impression to the interviewer who is nothing more than flesh and blood like he is. Also, if he really wants that job and the interview required he wear something formal, then he would go rent a suit or a tux.

    Anyone who says he'll let the job go as long as he can wear what is casual and relaxed for him is a liar.

    Dressing up properly for church is not being snotty. It is being proper.

    What. Go to church wearing the week's jeans and shirts because we feel casual and relaxed in it ? The word "worship" means "worth"ship, somebody said. That means presenting ourselves to the one who redeemed us with His own blood. We're not there to please ourselves .

    In Old Testament times, they stood the whole time the Word was being read, and worship was going on. Nobody complained it wasn't comfortable for them.

    Oh, somebody said he lives in us and couldn't care less if we stand literally naked before him, in that case why don't we ?

    There was a thread here sometime ago if I remember correctly about some "christian" who practices nudity, and everybody gave him flack for it.

    Why can't the philosophy "well- Christ- lives -in -him -and couldn't- care- less -what- he- wears" be as true to him as to those who want to wear what feels comfortable for them in worshipping.
  11. Emily New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    I agree that modesty should definately be a part of a womans daily dress.. There is scripture to support that..

    I myself chose not to wear slacks, but I also chose not to take any kind of moral issue with women who chose to wear tasteful slacks... I just feel less exposed when my legs are invisible.

    The church we attend... usually the men wear khakis and a button down shirt. The women usually wear nice slacks and sweaters.. Some folks wear jeans.. but all in all, its casual.

    On New Years eve, I was at a prayer service at a Baptist Church, and the guest speaker adamantly preached against Pastors wearing anything other than a suit and tie.. He had gone to a church where the Pastor was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and he found it very irreverant..

    I dont know if I agreed with him, though all the men in the service shouted several AMENS!!!

    There was once a missionary named Shane Claiborne who spoke at my old church. He was radical about Jesus.. When he spoke, he wore the most disgustingly old sandals, raggedy t-shirt, and jeans with holes in them...


    He didnt have any luxuries in his life, because he chose to give them all up for Jesus so that he could better help those less fortunate.

    Even though he looked like a bum on the street, he had an amazing confidence and love about him.. When he was preaching, you were listening.. His choice of clothing had no bearing on his witness.. It truly didnt.

    Now, I realize that not everyone is called to give up everything and move to India to be a radical missionary like that, but if I had a choice to listen to him, or the preacher on New Years Eve who would say that someone like that is irreverant to God... I would have to say I would go for Shane Claiborne. Mr. New Years Eve preacher had nothing but a piousness going for him... a holier than thou attitude which was absolutely disgusting.

    I try to look extremely feminine and modest every single day, but I do like the fact that I can wear my khaki or denim skirts to church, and I dont have go spend so much money on expensive dressy clothes.. I had to do that at my "name it and claim it","God wants to make you rich" church..
    I hated that.. It was so fake.
  12. ShagNappy Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    "Dressing up properly for church is not being snotty. It is being proper." - pinoybaptist

    Provide scripture for "properly" being a suit or "dress" clothes other wise it's man's personal opinion and not God's command. And we know how well man does deciding things..... And labeling others as being disrespectful to God because they don't conform to YOUR idea of what is right for Church is extremely arrogant.
  13. JustAsIAm New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    I'm sorry if you took my posts to mean that I thought everyone "had" to dress up. It wasn't my intention.

    In our church, many of the older folks dress up, as do many of us "middle aged" people. Some in pants some in dresses (not the men :eek: ). The young folk are mixed, some dressed up, some in jeans. I don't think anyone looks down on anyone for how they dress. It is one of the things I love about my church. I agree with the other posters. The only mention of dress is that it be modest.

    I PREFER to dress in my better clothes (which ain't sayin much) on Sunday because I look forward to going and it is a special place for me. If I have a family reunion, I'd dress up too. Hope that makes things clearer.
  14. Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    Personally, I just praise God that people come, whether they are dressed up or not.

    I do not own a suit, even though I am a preacher. When I step into a the pulpit, it is with a nice shirt (button down or polo) and slacks, because this is the best that I have. I do own a couple of ties, but if it doesn't match, my wife won't let me out of the house!!!

    My wife will not go to church without a dress. The only way she will is if we are going there to work, and even then she is very uncomfortable walking into the sanctuary. She feels this way because she was raised this way. Nothing wrong with it.

    When my Mom goes to church (she goes on special occassions), she usually wears a nice pantsuit, or a skirt outfit. Nothing wrong with that, because that is what she is comfortable with. She wasn't raised the same as my wife.

    Our daughter wears dresses and skirts to church, because that is how she has been raised. All the other girls in her youth group wear jeans most of the time, and she wanted to for a while, but we explained to her that we are going to the house of God, and that we are to show respect for Him. She now understands.

    In Christ,
  15. Ephesus23 New Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    At my church, most of the men wear a suit and tie, but it is also extremely acceptable and normal for a button-up shirt and dress pants and dress shoes, which is what I wear. I also wear a nice sweater sometimes instead. I don't even own a suit or tie.
  16. Eugenia New Member

    Jan 2, 2004
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    As most of ya know i am 58 years old and probably what i have to say shows my age. lol I am from the old school. I do not care what other people wear to church but for myself I will wear a dress or skirt. God takes us as we are but this is just how I was brought up. Eugenia
  17. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    It is just another building, nothing more, nothing less. </font>[/QUOTE]With a sorry attitude like that, no wonder no one has the respect for the House of God like they used to. Maybe you should quit going? I hope not, but if you considered just Who it is you're going to "sup" with, you'd dress for the occasion. </font>[/QUOTE]I deliberately dress casual when going to church. Maybe slacks or blue jeans and definitely no tie with a shirt. One reason I do this is to help identify the pharisaical churchs from the genuine.

    Since God sees me twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, I don't think He is impressed when I dress up. Besides, I think that many people who do this, do so to impress others as much as they do it for the Lord.

    As far as my church attendance is concerned, judging from the attitude you display toward others, one way for me to quit would be for you to become my pastor.
  18. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Why be "pretty" on the outside when you look like "crap" on the inside? God wants a contrite heart.
  19. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Remember how the rich in the book of James came to church--in shiny clothes.

    I had personally seen people not come to church because they felt as though they didn't had good enough clothes.

    How about those who have more, sharing with those who have less? Isn't that what James talks about.

    Church is not about clothes but about Jesus.
  20. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    No wonder sinners look at Christians going to church on Sunday mornings in their best suits and dresses and hats and think they could never measure up. Especially the ones working paycheck to paycheck. I wonder what a sinner hears when a preacher condemns the congregation for not dressing? Where is the gospel? the need to dress up is from the past, a wish to return to old American standards of the 40's and 50's when there was such a thing as the American dream. It has nothing to do with the Gospel. I love granny's post. Did Jesus dress up to go to synagogue? So much legalism!