Evangelism Ideas

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by Kiffin, May 4, 2004.

  1. Kiffin New Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    What are your Churches doing to reach your communities for Christ? It seems at times more difficult to do such things as Tuesday or Thursday night visitation. We cancelled ours because you cannot seem to catch anyone home. It seems more families spend their evenings at Walmart, Ballpark etc...than before. Most of our visitation was driving around fellowshipping with one another. Also there was a lack of names given as prospects as well as a lack of participation by church members.

    We do have a Christmas and Easter Evangelism campaign that canvasses certain neighborhoods with New Testaments and Invitations to our church. This is a very low pressure, quick way to visit many houses without intruding in people's space. I am thinking about trying to get the church to do this on a quarterly basis (About 4 times a year).

    What other ideas that are practical do any of your churches use? Do you use tracts in door to door canvassing? What other techniques have you found effective?
  2. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Right now, our church is making the attempt at the G*R*O*W program. It's a good "architecture" for the visitation program that uses one of four teams once a week - and every week of the month is covered. We're not all the way set up with it yet, but it seems as though it's going to work. Hardsheller, how's the program going so far over your way?
  3. ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    We're investing and inviting in our student group. We're partnering as a church with them in winning people to Christ. We have a seeker-safe environment (not a seeker-sensitive service), that allows people to experience God with Christians who are worshipping, fellowshipping, and becoming more like Christ. It's working well, even though it's not what we Baptists would consider as "traditional evangelism."
  4. Servent Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Were doing Faith Sunday School Evangelism, seeing many people come to Christ. 10 teams of 3 go out ever sunday afternoon.
  5. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    We encourage our members to reach their friends and co workers and family.
  6. Baptistgal New Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    We have 5 different soul winning opportunities throughout each week. We have a Ladies group that goes out every Tuesday morning. The first two weeks of the month this group goes door to door, the second two weeks we go out to a busy street near our church and pass out tracts.

    The teens go out on Wednesday afternoons, then on Thursday night there is another soul winning time...I believe they only pass out tracts on the street, though if individuals have visits to make that is one time they do it.

    Saturday we have our bus ministry, like Sunday School only on Saturday. This is due to limited space, and by having all the bus kids come on Saturday we utilize the whole building just for them, and are able to have more people free to minister and teach on that day. There is also a group that does door to door, and makes visits to people who have recently visited our church.

    Then on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons we have groups that go out to several different Nursing Homes in the area and hold mini church services.

    No one group in all this has huge numbers of people going out (we are not a real large church)but it offers plenty of times when all our members can get involved in at least one. And most of us do participate in at least one time.

    We've started a program of mapping the city and marking off an area when it has been visited door to door, as well. Each soul winning group has their own area to cover over this next year.
  7. Hardsheller Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 21, 2002
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    We're into our second month of our Modified G.R.O.W. plan and Our Prospect List is growing and we have seen 5 make public professions of faith in Church and who are awaiting Baptism.
  8. Hardsheller Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 21, 2002
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    I'd be interested to know:

    How long has your church been doing FAITH?
    How large is your church?

  9. Kiffin New Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    We are beginning next month a quartely door to door visitation on Saturday mornings. We are calling it a "Soul Winning Rally" (Though it is not confrontational type evangelism). We have bought some Gospels of Luke and Gospels of John in the NIV translation to be distributed door to door along with a invitation to Church plus info on what our Church believes(Check out International Bible society's website for affordable New Testaments and scriptures to give out at IBSDirect.com)
  10. Servent Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I'd be interested to know:

    How long has your church been doing FAITH?
    How large is your church?

    </font>[/QUOTE]We have two services both together run about 500, we are in our 15th week and have talked with over 400 people and have had over 50 come to Christ,most of these are joining the church. We also have more and more signing up for next semesters training.