Even Youth Grow Tired...

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Caleb Gordon, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. Caleb Gordon New Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    Noah after a fun filled afternon

    Have you ever just been so tired that you felt the world was crushing in on you from every side? I look at my kids sometimes, and wonder “Will they ever get tired today” and then all of the sudden the noises stop, and there is complete silence. They GAVE UP. Their little bodies do have limits.

    So do we. We have limits. The times when the Devil is most able to attack you is when you are tired, when you’re tired it is easy to snap at someone you love, and say hurtful things to them. This is why even when we are tired we need to be on the look out for holes in the road.

    Keeping yourself refreshed in God’s word is so important. If we totally understood the life giving power of God’s word our Bibles would be totally worn out. We’d have to change out Bibles like we do toothbrushes. If you just stopped brushing your teeth today and did not pick it up until next week this same time, what would your mouth taste and feel like? YUCK!!! I don’t even wanna think about it.

    It is so much more important that we keep our spiritual lives brushed up on a daily basis as well. The plaque that builds up on your life when you don’t brush it out with the cleansing of the Word can become devastating.

    So today pick up the BIble and read Isaiah 40. Great passage.

    Read more at http://www.calebgordon.com