Excuse me

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by amixedupmom, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. amixedupmom Guest

    Pardon me but i'm going to lay a few facts out for you and you come up with the scripture to dispute these facts i'll listen Thank you!

    1. you do NOT have to be baptized to be a Saved person. Baptism is a step of obedience ONLY.

    2. You do NOT have to belong to a church in order to be saved. the reason we have churches is so that we can be each others SUPPORT system.

    3. You do NOT have to jump though any hoops, special recomendations, take communion or any other insane drivel to get to heaven.

    CHRIST'S salvation came with no requirements, no conditions and absolutely nothing else other than FAITH IN HIM is required. It's between you and HIM. No you him and fifty other people. Do NOT let someone question your salvation. It is NONE of their business. The only person you need to worry about is YOURSELF.

    I'm sorry i've prayed and prayed about this and, The more I pray the more I feel nagged to post this.

    People should NOT be interfering with others lives. Telling them WHAT is or is NOT right. That's for the LORD to do. The LORD has better experince at chastisment and the like, and he doesn't need any help from anyone else. Now, I understand it's hard to watch a bro or sister sin. That is LIFE folkes. It's time to understand that. What you should be doing is PRAYING that they see the light. That's it. I see so much of " you shouldn't do this, or that " it annoys me. the LORD will let you know what is wrong in your life, and it will be in your heart. It shouldn't come from another SINNER.

    thank you and i'm sorry if my words upset anyone

    -waits for the explosion -

    God bless all who read this!
  2. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Since the three items you listed are scripturally sounds, I can't argue them I like the rest of what you said as well.
  3. Daniel David New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
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    1. Baptism isn't about salvation, but it is an act of faith and obedience. Any person claiming to be saved but is not baptized is in rebellion.

    2. Church is for the saved though. Church isn't merely a support system either. Good grief.

    3. Do you enjoy the lowest common denominator idea of Christianity? Our goal is not just initial salvation, but the perfecting of who we are in Christ.

    We as Christians do actually have the duty to care for other believers. Sometimes this necessitates a confrontation over beliefs and/or activities.

    I don't know how much you prayed about this little rant, but it is only partially accurate. I encourage you to see what God has already said in his word before you look for something else you think he might say in prayer.
  4. amixedupmom Guest

    The church is so that we can ALL have a place to fellowship with like faith, gain support and learn. Learn about him and his PLAN for our life.

    Daniel, you must understand there are several people out there that push and pull others. And, I wanted them to know how it's supposed to be. A church is supposed to be a place of scantuary not a place you dread going because people hound you about your life. We all rid ourselves of sin in our own time. -sighs- this is all i wanted to get across .

    And that is the point. to profect ourselves, not to have one sinner sit there crucifing us for what's wrong with us. Screaming at us because of how we dress, what we eat, where we go to church, what Bible we read, what our personal beliefs are. The LORD burdens our heart when it's not right. We don't need to be nagged like that by other humans who are just as flawed as we are. It does no good. It hurts THAT christian's testimony to nag and rag on everything don't you think?

    This is not really a rant. This is me speaking up for what I think is right, What I personally believe. I'm sorry that it bothers you but, This is my life. And i'll read and examine my life as I see fit TYVM for your concern!

    God Bless you Daniel
  5. Charles Meadows New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Nice Lea!

    I agree completely! There are many who insist that we must forbid pants on women, listen to hymns form the late 1800s, carry a KJV, be judgmental of anyone different, and hate higher education in order to be real Christians - OK maybe I exaggerated but you get the drift. ;)
  6. Kathy New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
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    AMEN LEA!!!
  7. amixedupmom Guest

    So the thief on the Cross is in rebellion .. OK Daniel ... I saw this when I reread it. There are many who are saved on thier death bed. LIKE the thief who died with Jesus. Are, you seriously going to sit there and tell me he was in rebellion? -shakes head- I'm sorry i don't agree with this statement either

    Forgive me, but I just can't. my LORD your LORD is a loving and forgiving man. AS long as you believe in Christ, THAT is what matters, the rest is nit picking. It's not what gets you there. It's no wonder so many people think it's by works. Some people have done a good job pushing that ideal.

    Again I apologize for being blunt.
  8. Daniel David New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
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    Lea, baptism wasn't a requirement until the Great commission. As to those who are on their death bed, well, I guess they are about to die.

    Why does your extreme example negate God's word?

    Further, what matters is truth and conduct. Simple belief must be accompanied by obedience to Christ.
  9. amixedupmom Guest

    I wasn't aware that John 3:16 had any clauses
  10. Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    God provides in His Word a way to confront those in sin...to be obedient to Christ we must help others to repent in love because we care for their souls.

    God can and does convict our hearts through His Word,but we should also listen to others and be humble enough to be reproved or corrected by another christian.

    I agree with Daniel David...Truth is what counts,not what we think or feel.

    But,you did make some good points.

  11. amixedupmom Guest

    I understand that Molly but telling someone they are sinning is not what i'm speaking of. What i'm speaking of is the total judgemental Attitude by people who think that they are better than others. This is what i'm speaking about.
  12. Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    Oh,okay....yes,that would not be good. Sorry I misunderstood you.
  13. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    I don't see the problem here Lea... Daniel David didn't say people aren't saved if they're not baptized...just living in disobedience. Obviously, the thief on the cross was unable to come down and get baptized, but I'd like to refer to this scripture:

    While I agree with your initial statements, I would assert these things:

    1) If you are saved and physically able, you ought to be baptized - to rebel right off the bat is certainly not an admirable trait in a regenerate person.

    2) If you are saved, you ought to be a committed member of the local church body - instead of making excuses.

    3) You're right, as long as we're all pressing toward that goal, and not slacking in our faith.
  14. WallyGator New Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Would you consider these verses? Hebrews 10:24 & 25: "And let us consider one another to provoke (literally, spur) unto love and to good works. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting
    one another, and so much the more, as we see the
    day approaching."
  15. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I am not sure I know what you are talking about. I agree with Daniel David. Would you please give me an example of the "total judgmental Attitude by people who think they are better than others"? Did someone say something to offend you? Did you follow the Biblical pattern for Christian reconciliation? You know, going to the offending brother / sister in private first? If not, is it possible that you are Unbiblically judging that person too harshly?

    Joseph Botwinick
  16. amixedupmom Guest

    ok situation

    A woman must wear mens shoes because of medical problems.

    Another woman finding out they are men's shoes begins to quote scripture as to why she shouldn't be wearing those shoes.

    What this bascially is, is watching my brothers and sisters not give the LORD a chance to work.

    People get so full of the Holy Spirit, and begin getting their lives in order, then they look around them and see other people sinning as they used too. And being the good Christians as they are they run up to them and begin telling them everything that is wrong with their life. They don't stop to remember they didn't get there in one day, and no one else is either. I'm honestly not trying to start a fight. And yes i HAVE gone to them. It is a very sticky situation. And, frankly I decided to leave quietly was the best recourse.

    I had a very bad day today and was reading a thread and it just, well honestly put me over the edge. It's just people don't stop to think that they are hurting others. With their comments. They just speak with no sugar in thier words. They don't stop to think how much it hurts. For me it was just too much and I apologize for brining my rl into this forum.

    And your right Wally that is an excellent verse! I just -sighs- lost my cool, temper, and spoke from my heart without letting it pass though my head.

    USN I totally agree with you. It's just very frustrating to have people who pray for someone else's ruin, instead of praying for their eyes to be open. Onecan only sit back and watch for so long, before they explode. It's taken me a year to explode and i'm regretfully sorry to MY LORD and to my board mates.

    I'm not judging anyone though. I just want them to stop pushing and shoving and let people choose for themselves rathter than being forced because it's what someone else deems "right".
  17. amixedupmom Guest

    I agree!!!!!!!!
  18. Charles Meadows New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Go Lea!!

    I like this discussion!

    In all seriousness lea has made a great point!! Would Jesus approve of some of our little "Christian hangups" that we tend to hold onto?

    Consider a sincere Christian woman who wears men's shoes for the above mentioned reason. She is chastized by another woman for violating the biblical command not to dress like a man. What would Jesus say if He witnessed this exchange?

    He'd probably tell the judgmental lady to worship Him with her actions and not with pious speech!! It is true that legalism has crept into our churches. Those who are insistent that a literal interpretation of this or that verse is more important than treating others in a Christ-like way are wrong.

    I recall a young lady at a friend's church who came to church with her kids (no husband) and her PANTS. After church one of the trustee's wives came up and basically said if she would stop dressing like a man and "living in sin" (remark about her single status) then perhaps God would actually listen to her prayers! That young lady hasn't been back to church since.

    Now I won't judge since I don't know that older woman - but if her heart contains the same thing that her words contain she may one day hear, "I never knew you".
  19. amixedupmom Guest

    I've seen this happen more than once. Luckily a few of us were able to talk to her. And , change her mind about the LORD.

    I am a sinner. I sin EVERYDAY. That is who I am, I can only try to get rid of what sin I can. But, I will never be free of it all until, That day when I go home. When I meet my maker and savior. Then and only then, will I have to answer for my life. And, in that seat of judgement, it will be me and him. Not me, him and the people I went to church with. I'm sorry but, I'm very animate about this point.
  20. Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    You say it is not about sin and church discipline,but you keep calling it sin. I'm not following you....is it over sin issues or over things like wearing pants,etc.?

    We are to be kept under accountability with our local church...if someone sees us sin,they should be able to come to us with restoration as the goal. Yes,we all can sin and do,but we can help eachother not to. We are free from the power of sin now...we just choose to sin. We sure don't have to sin.