Faithful Church Attendance

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by hsmom3, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Rosa --

    I have read your posts and believe that I know
    you not to be a judgmental person nor one who
    would step upon another in order to rise. Ii
    think, rather, that you do not see the impact
    that illegitimately stretching beyond one's limits
    can cause.

    Just so that you will know, when I first experi-
    enced burn-out, I was a single mom with two
    children and also a student, trying to get an
    education so that I could support my family
    when my husband's death benefits stopped
    (when my youngest would turn 16).

    When I finally quit all my duties from total
    exhaustion, I was a newly-wed with four tee-
    nagers, a Sunday school teacher, one of the
    main soloists, and in the choir. I was the co-
    ordinator and only teacher of the church's
    monthly crafts class for 20 - 25 students
    aged 11 - 13; I got no help. I had to attend
    weekly choir practices, Sunday school teach-
    ers' meetings, and prepare and practice for my
    sols and other group music. I also had a very
    low hematocrite count which left me exhausted
    and required surgery at that time. Furthermore,
    our children were going through some unnam-
    able hardships that would have exhausted
    anyone. I was also expected to be in my place
    each of the three-times-a-week that the church's
    doors opened. Add to that the fact that I was
    clinically depressed from childhood abuse, from
    my father disowning me three times right then,
    from what our children were suffering, and from
    abuse in the church itself.

    There is always more to a story than what we
    write on the screen. While it may seem that I
    often "spill my guts" 8o) , I don't tell even near

    [ October 25, 2002, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Abiyah ]
  2. just-want-peace Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 3, 2002
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    Rosa, I think that "church activities" and "giving God first place" in your life aren't necessarily the same! The last post by Abiyah shows that "works" do not equal "God ordained". Keep in mind that God created the family to be the BASIC FOUNDATIONAL unit of society, so there is one prime area of satan's attacks; to get you so busy that your family is neglected.

    Remember that even Jesus needed to call it all to a halt periodically to refresh Himself; this with no family responsibilities. That being the case, how much less can the average human DO, with family, and still keep from being burned out. It'a going to be different with each and every individual, so each MUST depend on God for wisdom and leading in this area. If satan has failed to keep you from accepting Christ, then he will try to get you to move your focus to "works" instead of Christ.

    My personal feeling is, that with God's guidance, you put God first in your life, and family second. If this is done, the degree of your involvement is not necessarily going to match that of any other; maybe or maybe not. At any rate, I certainly do not believe that God is going to lead you into any amount of involvement that will be detrimental to your family life.
  3. hsmom3 New Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I have been keeping quiet as I've been reading your replies to my post. I really appreciate all of you who've shared your opinions, convictions and experiences. I've been a little afraid too to say anything, as I didn't want to be condemned or judged for my thoughts and feelings, and I have a hard time articulating what I really want to say.

    I have lived in the fear and guilt of missing church for nearly all my life. I was saved at age 6. My Dad drove the church bus for nearly 15 years as I grew up. (He finally quit due to physical problems.) We had to be up at 6:00 am Sunday mornings to go drive the bus. Many times, we didn't get home until 2-3pm in the afternoons. And then we turned around and went back to church on Sunday nights. Sundays were always so very exhausting for us all.

    As a grown lady, I remember when I had my newborns, that I would be up until 4-5am with them, and still get up to go to church on Sunday mornings, because I felt I HAD to. I knew that my folks still expected me to be there unless my head had fallen off. (lol) But looking back, it makes me want to weep, that instead of getting the rest I needed back then, I felt too guilty and killed myself to get to church...even trying to recover from C-sections. I did this many, many times. In our church, if you are not there for every service, you are automatically judged as being worldly, carnal, etc.

    I know that we tend to seperate things into "God's work" and "other things", but I honestly consider my family life as God's work. My children are my ministry. Every thing I do in my life, I do for God, whether it is cleaning the house, reading the Bible to my children, or encouraging a friend having a hard day. I do not seperate them into different compartments. I want God to be pleased in all I do. I use the Proverbs 31 Woman as my guide.

    I'm reading my Bible and praying earnestly for His direction. I know that I cannot simply follow what seems like a Baptist tradition just because someone else says I should. It is just me here, with an incredible load on my shoulders. I can kill myself to be at church at every service, impress the other folks with my "Christian service," etc, but when it comes down to it, I'm still the one who comes home alone to do it all. :( Physically, emotionally, and mentally I cannot do it all.

    Sunday was created to worship God AND to rest. I seems a hard thing to balance them both sometimes. ;)
  4. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Hsmom3 --

    YOU don't express yourself well??!? You do
    not see my smile. 8o) &lt;- It looks kind of like
    that. I was totally dazzled by your ability to say
    what you intended. 8o)

    Hsmom, I think we need to come down to these:
    Who are we trying to please? Who is God to

    The one we seek most to please is our god,
    whether it is the congregation, our parents,
    the pastor, an organization, or our God Himself.
    But you cannot please our God in physical
    exhaustion caused by trying to please others.

    I have been there. I tried that, too.
  5. just-want-peace Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 3, 2002
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    I wish you could have seen the smile on my face when I read that!!!!!!

    That one truth, if applied diligently, could turn this country around. As I've stated earlier, family is 2nd ONLY to God Himself; not church, not sunday school, not mid-week prayer service, not bible study,---- but 2nd to GOD ONLY.

    I would venture that 90% of our current moral problems would never be, had parents taken the same attitude toward family that you have.

    Hang in there; I'm convinced God is "in your corner"!
  6. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Amein, Just-Want-Peace!!