Fight at the Football Game

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by FriendofSpurgeon, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. FriendofSpurgeon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 24, 2003
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    Now that the FIU/UM melee has been hashed and rehashed, what about the big Saturday football fight? You know, the one between Holy Cross and Dartmouth.

    "Witnesses said some players were thrown to the ground and kicked. Coaches, campus security and police broke it up. "We'd separate one group, and then it would start up again with another group," said Police Chief Nick Giaccone. "We'd get to that place and it would keep rolling, and a third fight would break out before it finally stopped."

    According to a recent article, arrests may be forthcoming. But there have been no disciplinary actions against any of the players from either team (at least I've not been able to find any).

    Interesting, eh? So why no scrutiny here? I never once heard about this on the news or ESPN. Here are some thoughts ---
    * College IAA football
    * White, northeastern teams
    * Not televised
    * Not UM

    Any thoughts on this?
  2. Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    I will agree with what you say, except for "Not UM." The Clemson/S. Carolina donnybrook was 'scrutinized' rather heavily and both teams lost bowl bids [and $$$]. I seem to recall an Oregon/Oregon St. battle that was similar, not too many years ago, that was scrutinized, with sanctions. And there have been many 1A games with 'fights' similar to Holy Cross/Dartmouth in which the coverage and penalities (almost none) were about the same.
  3. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Here's where you're right about this not getting coverage: Northeast, No TV, & Div 1AA. College football means very little in the northeast. No TV cameras means ESPN can't replay 12 times an hour on their 47 different outlets. You're wrong about it "not being UM" since Alcott pointed out fights that happened with teams also not UM that got similar attention. However, since UM has a record for rogue behavior over the past 25 years, they have built a reputation that, as Keith Olbermann said, gives real hurricanes a bad name :tongue3:

    You're also wrong to play the race card. That's a non-sequitur. I don't know the racial characteristics of the teams involved, but who cares? It's a non-issue. I know that's not politically correct to say, but we have to be realistic. What, is ESPN racist because they don't want to show "white Ivy leagers" in a fight? Come on.

    Another issue that keeps this from getting a lot of press (and I read this in the paper a few days ago, so it did get some press) is that it happened after the game. Skirmishes between players happen all the time before and after the game. Some even get very heated.

    I do believe the biggest issue for this incident is that there were no major TV cameras there (I haven't seen ANY TV for this), and if there were ESPN cameras you can bet we'd be seeing this til we're blue in the face.