For Your Review

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by Lori, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Lori New Member

    May 18, 2004
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    I have a theory as to a way to explain sin and the fact that we are sinners to non-believers, but I would like to have y'all review it and let me know if it would be 1)Biblicly(sp?) sound and 2)make any sense Thanks a bunch in advance for your help...

    Ok here goes.

    1)Give them the Biblical definition of the word sin, and then also give them the definition of the same word from a dictionary (the two should agree right?)

    2)Hopefully they've understood that and can agree with those defs so from there you give them an example of a sin. Let's say tell a lie.

    3)Ask them if they've ever told a lie to which they *should* be willing to reply yes they've told at least one.

    4)Hopefully by this time they're still with ya and understanding what you're saying so you ask them "In society if you lie doesn't that classify a person as a liar?" To this they should say yes.

    5)"Well then would you agree that a lie is wrong?" This can get tricky because different people think telling lies at different times/situations are acceptable. So ask them to pick a situation where a lie would be wrong...i.e. you knock something over and have to lie to cover it...they should hopefully see that as wrong. At this point they should be able to see that a lie is wrong (or at least they should bend enough to notice that even to them there are lies that are just wrong).

    6)Loop them back to #1 where in if they've lied more than once that makes them a liar and since a lie is wrong and they've done it more than once that would make them a sinner.

    Ok how was that? Suggestions comments?

  2. Lori New Member

    May 18, 2004
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    Perhaps I gave this the wrong title name or it was just a booorrring theory. It's in my head so I'd like to know if this is something that if I told someone (non-believer) about it I wouldn't be leading them astray.

    Thank-you everso much!

  3. mr. messy New Member

    Jul 30, 2001
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    I am new at witnessing. It could work. A missionary to Mexico back in 1980's or earlier told us that Mexicans seem to take pride in lying. I am not saying that all Mexicans are liars. Your line of reasoning may work with some people or with some people groups but maybe not with all. I am just thinking or talking out loud. Thanks, mr messy.
  4. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    If I were using your procedure, I'd probably give more than one example. For instance, the questions "Have you ever lied," and "Have you ever stolen," or something like that.
  5. Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    That's one approach. Try reading several other books on personal evangelism to round yourself out a little.
  6. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    The Law of God.
    In order for a person to get saved he must first see himself as lost.
    Therefore, one MUST use the Law of God to show the person that they cannot nor ever will perfectly obey the Law of God. Lying is only one part of it, as others have said. Many will tell you thay have never lied. Whether that is true or not doesn't really matter. So you must also include ALL TEN commandments. Have they ever used God's/Jesus's name in a flippant or unholy manner? Have they ever put anything before God in their life? Have they ever disobeyed their parents? Have they ever coveted another's things? Have they ever been hateful of another? Have they ever taken anything not their own without permission? Have they ever spread gossip/false witness?
    Once you show them that they have no hope of being perfectly without flaw in their dealings with man and God, then and ONLY then can you show them they are under condemnation.
    Then you show them God's solution in Christ.

    In HIS service;
  7. Servent Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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