Fun but Rough!

Discussion in 'Prayer Requests & Praise' started by Gina B, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Requesting blessing of prayer. Working for sports teacher, means working out a good five hours a day for six days - shared medical issues with teens to prove they have no excuse to sit out cuz if I don't, they surely don't need to! But it means taking my full medication regimen and a bit more (ok with doc) which usually doesn't happen as I try taking as little as possible to spare my kidneys, but think maybe this jump will kickstart weight loss so a week should be okay. It's loads of fun, but still very tiring and painful. It's worth it though, having fun connecting with the classes. I love teaching!
  2. PamelaK New Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    Praying for you, my dear friend Gina!
  3. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Thank you Pamela! It's been a trip and really fun so far, although my body is SCREAMING at me, but that's okay. Maybe this will jump start some weight loss, although so far I've actually GAINED five pounds. That's after playing games all day one day (kickball, dodgeball, pacman zombie tag which is hilarious) and yesterday it was Zumba and dancing most of the time. Today it's game day, then Monday a mix of cardio workout videos and more zumba.
    It's weird how this always happens...DH has been getting lots of exercise and lost about 15 lbs, I do the opposite and gain. I don't get it, but I'm guessing, HOPING it's muscle with me and that it will soon turn to that muscle burning off fat. Who knows. My body is so whacked out that I'm wondering if it triggered my thyroid (I had half of it taken out, so it's still possible for it to go insane) but maybe not. I didn't expect this since we're not using weights with zumba, even the weight lifting class is off them while I'm there, we're just doing the games and videos.

    Last night was a full moon and I fought a migraine all night, so today will be extra rough. Doubling up on the one meds, so praying praying praying today goes okay. It didn't help that I got stuck there extra long yesterday to go into a classroom. Usually I walk right after, walking it off after all that is relaxing, so going to a hot classroom and just being still probably contributed to the migraine as sudden changes like that are really bad for them, especially heat so the combo of being slammed from a cold gym without walking it off in the cool air, the full moon, and the stress of breaking up a fight on the way there (kids were bigger than me!) all played a part. Oh, and I was dumb enough to not check the calendar and realize the full moon was last night, so I ate a beef stick. I can't eat that stuff anywhere near the time when migraines are a possibility, anything with tyramines/preservatives like that are horrible for migraine sufferers so I avoid them like crazy, but have been too busy to pay attention. That'll teach me!
  4. PamelaK New Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    Gina, glad you are having a great time with it. Sorry for some of the stuff coming along with it! I will KEEP PRAYING for you! My migraines have really picked up as of late until I want to scream and I went to the library and got a good book on them and am learning a lot. Also searching the net. I have seen what thyroid problems can do because of the ongoing issues with my DH. Hang in there, dear!!
  5. jilphn1022 New Member

    May 8, 2007
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    :praying::1_grouphug:Ditto with PamelaK !! Hang in there, have fun and we will be praying for you, Gina B!