
Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Gershom, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. Bro. Williams New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    We at one time did bake sales... well, the women did them, they didn't want the men contributing that much...

    Anyways, we would set up at wal-mart and at one time wal-mart would match what you brought up to $200, as long as the cause was community based.

    We haven't done this in a long time since that food poisoning incident...
  2. Bro. Williams New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    I was just joking on that poisoning thing...
  3. Bro. Williams New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    I know the Amish or Mennonites around here have a rule against money coming in from out of the community (although selling stuff to outsiders is permitted with them).

    I was never sure where it was at in the Bible but I am willing to learn it if it is so... never really looked into it to be honest...
  4. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    You say what I am doing is wrong. I ask for scripture and ask for you to explain so that I am sure of what you're saying and where you're coming from. You then begin with stand-offish remarks, and then you accuse my church of not wanting to give from their own pocket. You had no reason to do this.

    You stated that "theres nothing in scripture that allows us to take money for the unsaved". I asked where you get this from in the Bible, and you say "I already told you (which you didn't, btw) ... Paul wrote it ... I think it's in Corinthians."

    Now I'm supposed to take your advice, but you've yet to pin point any Scripture and use that Scripture to explain why it's wrong.

    So now, when your "back is against the wall", your response isn't to explain to me why it's wrong (as you accuse), but "tell me why it's alright."

    If you can't stand by your speech, don't say anything.
  5. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    I have no desire to bicker back and forth with someone who accuses, but when asked to present their case based on Scripture, they can't.

    When you have a biblical explanation for why you see fund raising as wrong, please post it. Otherwise, my conversation with you is over.
  6. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    I went over all the texts. Thanks for posting them.
  7. TLB New Member

    Mar 31, 2007
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    i didn't read what everyone said, so forgive me if this has been said before...

    i wouldn't see a problem with having the car wash...with signs that say "youth from xyz church to hold a car wash saturday 8-noon" "donations for abc charity"
  8. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I posted this a while back...

    We do very little fundraising at my church, but there are some occasions. Here are my student ministry's "fundraising principles:"
    • We do not engage in "nothing for something" fundraising. In other words, I'm not gonna ask you to buy a teeny box of candy for $5. If that's my MO, I'm just gonna ask for $5. We try to provide something folks can use, and not be predatory in our pricing. For our Canada mission trip (about 60 high-schoolers going), we're selling camp stew. It's excellent stew, and we'll sell 1300-1500 quarts, and make about $70-90 per kid. For the same reason, I tend to stay away from pledge-based "thon's"--rock-a-thons, etc. They don't usually benefit anyone. The only time I've done these is when we did a "rake-a-thon" or "clean-a-thon" for our community or some needy folks within.
    • (for kids & families) If you want to receive a fundraiser's benefits, you must fulfill all requirements spelled out. Absolutely no exceptions.
    • If there are donations & scholarships for needy kids, I operate "double blind:" no kid will know who helped them, and no adult will know who they helped.
    • We work through our church leadership. No fundraising is done--ever--without permission.
    • We will be economical. I'm not wasting my time gathering 40 kids to each work 4 hours to collectively earn $320 at a carwash. That's $2/hour/kid. Our camp stew fundraiser requires about 4 hours of work per child, and they will earn roughly $20/hour. (we netted, after expenses, about $8,000 this past year--in basically a weekend's work!) Much better.
    • I'm blessed to serve a church that believes in investing in its students. Some churches hamstring their kids by not budgeting enough for them to carry out their ministries.
    • I don't fundraise for Six Flags...but rather for minsitry/missions, and for events that are spiritually focused.
  9. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Donna, I used to believe this way.

    Some in the church I pastored (which had a rule of no fundraisers) decided to have a multi family yardsale, and donate the money to the church....
    What do I do? Say, no?

    On the same premise, if a group from our church, decide to donate thier time to wash cars, or bake goods for a bakesale, and then give the donations to the church, How can we say no?

    Jesus taught on good stewardship...
    Remember the one that hid the talent, and the lord jumped on him, and said to the effect, "you could have at least put it in the bank, and collected interest." Where would the interest come from? How many banks are owned solely by the people in your church?

    Some on low income, may not have money to donate, but they can use their talents to help raise money....

    Don't rob people of their blessings by refusing their time or talents.. just because what they give is not in the form of a greenback, or check...

    Some may want to give some old clothes or things that could go in a yardsale.... It is still them giving it.... and using their talents wisely.
  10. Bro. Williams New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    In the same sense, isn't the money people make, from the secular world for the most part?

    So no tithing from those members who don't work in the ministry? And those in the ministry can only tithe from the money they get from the ministry, nothing else?
  11. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    We made alot of money on a Silent Auction. It was a spaghetti feed also. You could also do a desert and silent auction to make it easier.
    I headed this fundraiser at our former church. We only accepted donations from people from church, no outsiders. Most donations were in the form of services by business owners.
    Here are a few examples: A massage therapist donated an hour massage, a dentist donated a free exam with x rays, Painting contractor donated painting a room (up to specified size), local theater donated movie tickets, etc..

    I also like the idea of holding a large church rummage sale.
  12. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Jim, I think you've got it right.

    I think our church is willing to donate to a fund for youth mission trips, with no strings, or even put it in the budget. Instead, though, we asked them to help prepare and serve a couple of spaghetti suppers, for which we each chipped in five or ten dollars.

    We would have given the money anyway, but wanted the kids to have a stake in paying for the trip. Sort of like Paul, the tentmaker.

    But we did not go outside our church to solicit money.
  13. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    And there is nothing that forbids it.
  14. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    What is the difference between working 40 hours a week... getting paid for it.. and donating it to the church....


    Having a garage sale, bake sale, car wash, and donating the money to the church?...

    Both instances work is involved.
    Both instances money is exchanged for service/services rendered.
    Both instances the money is not only from Christians.
    Both instances the money is donated...
  15. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    This is a good point and what I had in mind when I asked another poster about offering time at church.

    On another note, I once took on a part-time job working every Saturday in additon to my 40 hour per week full time job. I did this for the sole purpose of giving that entire pay check to the church. It would be similar if I went out one Saturday to work washing cars (or whatever the task) and gave the money earned to a worthy cause.
  16. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Good post, TT.
  17. David Lamb Active Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    I am perhaps a bit off-topic, but if you need to locate a particular phrase or word in scripture, and you don't have a concordance handy, a useful web site is: where you can search a great number of different translations.

    Perhaps you can find the passage you mean that way. I hope it helps.
  18. Mr.M New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Because giving is a form of worship. It is the private expression of a person toward God. One works and then allocates their money as they determine and part of that for some people is used to worship God through giving. The other is an enterprise, a form of commerce and that is NOT the function of the church.

    I am not saying, however, that means no group related to a church may not ever have a car wash to raise money for an endeavor. My detailed comments for now will be left unsaid due to time. However the occasions are far and few and most often fail the commerce principle.