Generic Congressional Ballot

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Revmitchell, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Support for Republican congressional candidates has risen to its highest level in recent years, giving the GOP a five-point lead over Democrats in the latest Congressional Ballot and stretching the out-of-power party's lead to six weeks in a row.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.

    Democratic support is down two points from last week and is just one point above its lowest level measured over the past year. Support for Republican candidates is up one point from last week.

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  2. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Throw Them All Out

    Given the performance of the six year Republican Congress under Bush, the two year Democratic Congress under Bush, and now, the Democratic Congress under Obama, it would be great if both parties sunk to the single digits, and we could elect some decent members of Congress.
  3. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Given the choice of a mosquito or a vampire to feed on you, which would you choose? That's the choice we have in 2010—that is, if Usurper Obama hasn't exploited some event to falsely declare martial law and take his place among some of the most notorious oppressors of all time.
  4. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    We are not on opposite sides of the political spectrum. There was a time when the Republican Party meant something. I believe it started its march towards liberalism when Reagan handed power to Bush the First. I stayed with the party until this last President's second term. The point is, when Republicans act like unConstitutional Democrats, it damages the country beyond imagination, because conservatives either stay home or vote their conscience, and the Democrats win. The Republican Party got exactly what it deserved. We are paying the consequences.

    There is no disagreement between us about Democrats and Obama. They are about as bad as this nation has seen. Things have gotten so bad, if John Kennedy was the Democrat nominee the same year McCain was the Republican, Kennedy would have been to right of him.

    I wish there was a good solution to the mess of the two parties. The easiest solution would be for the Republicans to realize what they have done to themselves in the past twenty years and start over at their roots.
  5. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I had predicted that during the election. I predicted that Obama would win, and that the democrats would gain seats. But that, by the next election, Obama (if reelected) would have to contend with a Republican majority in Congress.

    On a sidenote, whether Obama wins reelection depends on whether ther Repubican party puts up a Reaganesque candidate, espousing classic core republican values. If they do, they will win. If not, Obama will win reelection by a small margin. Either way, the 2012 election will result in a Republican majority in at least one of the houses of Congress.