Giuliani and Romney

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by saturneptune, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Many threads have been started about the lack of quality and morality in the Republican frontrunners. Many arugments have been made about each candidate at length, and the wisdom of voting 3rd party.

    My question is, which would you find easier to overlook, Romney being a flip flopper and Mormon, or Giuliani being for gay rights and abortion?
  2. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Romney. At least Romney has had success in life outside of being elected to office.
  3. church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Oh, please!

    Oh, please! Do we have to kowtow to the rich all the time? And do we have to tolerate a cultist who believes that Jesus is just one of many, many gods?

    Romney was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, literally. His father was President of American Motors in Detroit. And George Romney was also a presidential candidate. Even Romney's biography admits that he comes from one of America's leading families:

    Governor Romney has said he felt compelled to assume the seemingly impossible task of rescuing the Games by both the urgings of his wife, Ann, and by the memory of his father, George Romney, who had been a successful businessman, three-term Governor of Michigan, and a tireless advocate of volunteerism in America.


  4. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    :thumbs: Exactly! This would be a repeat of George Bush all over again.
  5. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Agreed, although Rudy has achieved some "sucess" in private practice, etc. Plus, I like Romney's JD/MBA. Flip flopping doesn't bother me if it's viewed as a progression, and not pandering (as in happening right before our eyes). If Romney says he's anti-abortion now, fine, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Rudy saying whatever he can to please conservatives without admitting his pro-abortion stance is different. Am I wild about Romney being Mormon? No. But is being Mormon worse than being Catholic? Worse than being a liberal Methodist? Liberal baptist? I can find fault with each.

    And Romney was born wealthy. Okay.....and? Why is this an instant disqualifier? It's not like Paris Hilton is running or anything. Romney has actually done something.
  6. church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    OK, you have brought up some of the same questions that I have been wrestling with so I am going to list my thinking with numerical points.

    1. The Romneys are a very rich and powerful family. George was President of American Motors and made a lot of good cars, as you know. He was Governor of Michigan and a presidential candidate, as you know. Some say that Mitt is worth $500,000,000.

    2. It is usually the rich who rule in politics. Look at the Kennedys and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for example.

    3. It is no sin to be poor but it is very inconvenient.

    4. # 3 does not belong but it is a British saying.

    5. Theologically speaking, Tom, you are correct that a Mormon is no worse than a modernist or theological liberal in that both are heretics.

    6. The Mormon Church, however, is on a long-standing power drive and is organized behind the scenes and working on all sides of the spectrum as evidenced by Harry Reid and Mitt Romney, as well as others such as Hatch and even Tom Udall.

    7. Mormons are polytheistic and Romney does believe that he can become a god. It is wrong to say that Mormons are in any respect Christian as Kathleen Parker did in a newspaper column.

    8. There is no religious test for public office but that does not mean that I have to vote for the lost soul closest to hell. There are degrees of theological error, Tom, and no one of us is totally correct theologically, as you know.

    9. People like Martin Luther said government could use a smart heathen over a dumb Christian but I think that a dumb Christian is smarter than any heathen if he stops and thinks about it and does like Harry Truman and asks God to help him.

    10. I pray that God will save Mitt Romney but I will never vote for him.
  7. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    No one knows if an idividual is saved or not. One can make the statement Mitt is probably not saved based on my HUMAN observations.

    I cannot agree that Mormonism can be compared to all other liberal churches that do not agree with us. Mormons do NOT give Jesus Christ the status of God. Catholics do. As far as making a general statement about Mormons and other liberal religions, one would have to know their doctrine. For instance, lots of liberal Protestant denominations say Jesus is God.

    Having said all of that, getting back to the op, my personal barrier I cannot get past, more than Mormonism, more than any other social issue, is abortion. This is just me, but I cannot stomach anyone who openly is for abortion. Of course, since Romney flips and flops like a fish, he may be just as guilty as Giuliani.

    Lets pray neither gets the nomination.