Glenn Beck "Where Am I Wrong?"

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Glenn Beck asks in poll...

    Check Results

    Well, he just had ta ask. :D
  2. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    From Glenn Beck's site....

    If 75% of everyone said there was no God, would you make fun of Christians ?
  3. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I just think it's funny these (media) guys get so uptight about a few hecklers and try to make like everyone involved in the so called truth movement is a crazed madman waiting to strike, or like some others are trying to do and put nazis, antisemites, anarchists...violent ones not just the wimpy anarchists mind you but violent, violent, violent, anarchists, sex offenders, Osama Bin Lazarus, little green men from mars and what not and all the "truthers" in the same little box. Predictable but funny at the same time.

    Predictable because this is what they do, it's their job, to demonize and smear people and cover up for the elite that own them, and funny because less and less people buy what they're peddling everday. (and they knoiw it)

    As far as making fun of Christians...75% of everyone else already believes in other gods, do you hear me making fun of Christians because of it?

  4. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Well I guess the Truthers have the same problems muslims do. Only the loud mouthed Jew-hatin' ones get the press. The "good ones" are in the shadows, afraid to speak out, in fear of being kicked out of the club.
  5. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I'm not sure that I'd necessarily go so far as to call somone who believes this stuff, and thinks this way "insane", but neither would I consider someone who would think that the collective Congress and other top government officials could possibly pull something like this off, exactly a mental heavyweight, either.

    These Congresses, in my lifetime, for the most part, could not come to a unanimous agreement that the Sahara is actually a desert.

  6. betterthanideserve New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Ed, Do you plan for retirement?Vacations you might take?Did Hitler or Stalin have plans to take over the world?Why is it that your so quick to say that the Global bankers,leaders,both political as well as corporate would fail to make plans for their future?are they that stupid?Do you really beleive that?
    I sure don't. They are highly educated in the most elite and expensive schools,yet you do not think they have plans,real plans to increase power and control over the "little ones"? We are thought of as WORKERS just a means to produce what they have a great desire to have, MORE MONEY,MORE CONTROL and eventually a one world government. To think anything else is to deny the truth...
  7. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    You are misunderstanding me entirely. And that is not the thrust of the Glen Beck question, in the first place. That question was whether or not the Congress and government even had the ability pull this sort of thing off, completely surreptitiously.

    On that, I say "No!"

    Openly advocate and get the majority to buy varied lies and other varied stupidities, and agendae? Certainly, "Yes!", here.

    If you don't believe that, just look at some of the laws we have passed. And some, such as the recent Immigatation Bill that almost got passed, but again that was not the question.

  8. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Let's shake out what Glenn was trying to do with this question.
    Title, "conspiracy craziness". Statement...conspiracy theorists are crazy. That's easy enough to figure out. This is what he wants people to believe.

    This is good misdirection. Most 9/11 "truthers" do not believe the 'government' planned 9/11 but he wants to believe they do. To make the "crazy" label stick better later on. I would say most 9/11 "truthers" suspect a faction within the government and military industrial complex planned and carried out 9/11, not the whole government.

    Change a couple words in GB's question...

    That's a little better.

    (Myself, I think that anyone who doesn't believe that a small powerful faction within the government and MIC (and toss in the energy industrial complex) couldn't have planned and carried out 9/11 is a little touched in the head or knowingly covering for their owners.)

    And he finishes with the idea he's trying to put in your head again. Conspiracy theorists are all nuts. If you watched his show you'd know that he also wants you to believe that all conspiracy theorists or "truthers", (amateur independent 9/11 researchers?) are violent crazy anarchist wackos bent on the destruction of our country.

    Nothing could be further from the truth of course but then the media talking heads aren't interested in the truth or they would do what they constantly accuse the "9/11 truthers" of not doing, simple fact checking. At any rate Beck is only there to entertain and make you think what the elite want you to think.
  9. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I highly doubt its like you claim but don't let that stop you from trying to demonize all of them together equally brother. :smilewinkgrin: