God Is Real

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by E. K. Smith, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. E. K. Smith New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    God Is Real

    How do I know He is real? I know that He is real because I experience Him in my life daily. I know he is real because my experiences with Him in no way contradict what is written about Him in the Bible. I know He is real because He works even the seemingly bad things for eventual good in my life as promised in Romans 8:28. I know God is real because I am able at times to make a difference in the lives of others in ways totally beyond my own capabilities, because they are done through His resources, not my own. I know God is real because of several miracles done in the lives of people I know; and in my family.
    I will pray for those unbelievers who argue against actual experiences of Christians with God as if they think their personal thoughts can over ride any personal experience. My prayer will be that they will be able to recognize God’s revealing of himself to them for He surely has or will. I pray that they will not be so caught up in the lies they believe that they cannot recognize God’s spiritual voice from others. God is a God of love and justice who desires that all would come to Jesus. How? Study the Book of John for yourself for it was written to show that Jesus was indeed God the Son.
  2. DeclareHim New Member

    May 7, 2004
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  3. amixedupmom Guest

    Dearest E.K,

    God speaks to the lost. They don't hear him cause they are not ready. Before I was a saved woman, God spoke to me all the time. I just didn't hear him. Everytime we were on our last 5 dollars, everytime I needed anything, he was there to bail me out. It could have only been him because I never asked anyone for anything. After I started to listen to the LORD, I realized he has been with me my whole life. I just wasn't ready. I pointed out to my husband (who was unsaved) look, what else could that be? Who else could have known. He thought and after a few minutes agreed it couldn't be any other way. Then after a few months something amazing happened. He became saved. This man who said he would never step into a church now goes on wensdays EVERY week. We have finally found a church as a family and are going to be requesting a membership. God talks to everyone. He leaves no one out. They just have to be willing to listen.

    God Bless

    Wendy Lea
  4. Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    Amen Wendy, thank you for that great testimony.
  5. E. K. Smith New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I echo Eugene. That testimony is compelling proof that God Is Real! Thank You!