Good Rebuttal of Obama's Insult to Small Businesses

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by InTheLight, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. InTheLight Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Dec 17, 2010
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    People, not Government, Make America's Wheels Move

    And they do it by working hard and sacrificing -- something Obama doesn't truly grasp.

    When President Obama hauled off and slapped American small-business owners in the mouth the other day, I wanted to dream of my father. But I didn't have to close my eyes to see my dad. I could do it with my eyes open.

    All I had to do was think of the driveway of our home, and my dad's car gone before dawn, that old white Chrysler with a push-button transmission. It always started, but there was a hole in the floor, and his feet got wet in the rain. So he patched it with concrete mix and kept on driving it to the little supermarket he ran with my Uncle George.

    He'd return home long after dark, physically and mentally exhausted, take a plate of food, talk with us for a few minutes, then flop in that big chair in front of the TV. Even before his cigarette was out, he'd begin to snore.

    The next day he'd wake up and do it again. Day after day, decade after decade. Weekdays and weekends, no vacations, no time to see our games, no money for extras, not even for McDonald's.

    Continued here: