Great Pretender's NSA changes are no change at all

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by thisnumbersdisconnected, Jan 17, 2014.

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    Amid what guarantees? We didn't know this data was even being collected, much less stored, until Edward Snowden told the world. Do you trust this clown to actually do this? I don't.
    Since the implimentation of the Patriot Act under President Bush, this has always been the requirement. He's not saying anything new. Data of this kind has been subject to FISA court review from Day One, before it could be accessed. This is just more smokescreen.
    Anyone want to start a pool as to what other intelligence agency winds up being the caretaker?
    I'm sure Angela Merkel and Dilma Rousseff are so relieved to hear that!
    Two degrees of separation, in reality, isn't enough. This is the one place he's clamping down that he ought to be expanding.
    Meaning that if Angela and Dilma are talking to their advisors on the phone, they have no reasonable expectation of not being spied on.