Hard Question...

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by AdoptedDaughter, May 15, 2003.

  1. AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Tell me, truthfully, are you being Christ's light? Not just in your personal life, but on this board? Are you shining Christ's light through what you wear? What you say? What you do? How about what you write on this forum?

    There are thousands upon thousands reading these threads; are you contributing to the love and grace God has bestowed upon us, or are you treating your brother or sister as a lesser? Are you calling them names? Are you calling them pharisees, unintelligent, or unjustly calling them immature?

    Remember, when you sin against your brother/sister, you are sinning against Christ as well!

    I know that I am guilty of that, and I am no perfect than the next person, but I do want to be used as a light to shine the grace and love God has given me!

    Think about it...and then make things right, please,

  2. Lala New Member

    Feb 21, 2003
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    What a beautiful reminder!

    Thank you!

  3. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Yes, I believe I haven't grieved the Holy Spirit. I believe I've acted and reacted exactly how I would anywhere else in my life. I believe I've kept my testimony. Now, other people may disagree, but I hope not.

    I do however believe that I have been made a target for those who got a little in the flesh for who knows what reason recently. And believe you me...posting with Christian charity while under that kind of persecusion...is only possible with lots and lots of prayer. And even then I still loose sleep over it.

    If I didn't care about what people thought...I would have a much more pleasant time around here.

    And as to dressing modestly...that just cracks me up Teresa. I'm sitting here in a dress I would feel very comfortable wearing to church...but, it's not like anyone reading my posts can see me. :rolleyes: ;)

    Love you girl, thanks for posting this, it's a good post.

  4. AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Seriously think about your attitude. We as Christians need to be the light and salt in the world.

    Tell the truth...how are you doing with this?