Health Care Reform Assumes Millions Would Pay Fine Rather Than Get Coverage

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Revmitchell, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    The health care reform bill awaiting debate in the House assumes millions of workers and employers would rather pay $167 billion in fines than purchase or provide adequate coverage, according to a recent analysis, raising questions about whether the plan does enough to make insurance affordable.

    Though the bill is estimated to expand coverage from the current 83 percent to 96 percent of legal U.S. residents, the windfall of projected penalty payments also exposes a potential contradiction in reform. A significant part of the plan to expand coverage relies financially on fines from the uninsured.

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  2. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    too poor to afford insurance and the governement wants drain a little more $ from them.
  3. Bob Alkire New Member

    Mar 23, 2001
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    As we all know the government can't give out anything to one group with out taking it from some other group or all the rest. Every program that I can think of has ended up costing much more than the government had said at first.

    I talk to a lot of younger folks who don't have health insurance ( 30 to 35 and down) but are working, would rather spend their money other ways ( Paying for school, party, cars, fishing boats, gambling and so on).

    Now there are those who want health insurance and aren't working or aren't making enough to pay for it. But to rip apart what is working and take away from the ones who are paying for there health care to give to those who can pay and don't, isn't correct.

    I give at church and work with others to help, but I help where I feel I'm lead to help, not by the government.

    This is going to cost big time if it goes through and at a time when more and more are losing their jobs. This shows they care more about what they want to get done in Washington, than they do about the people. And as Joe Wilson has brought up, if this is so good why not put our elected folks in D.C. on it too.