Help Need..Advise Please!

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by GulliverBarb, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. GulliverBarb New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    This is an e-mail I got from a friend who I've been witnessing too. I've been praying for the Holy Spirit to convict her, so she may see the light. I take her to bible studies,(she doesn't drive) She has been going to church occasionaly. She is reading the bible. My question is, Is there anything else I can do for her??

    The e-mail:
    I’m sure that if you really trust Christ - your belief will help you when you leave the world. I do trust Christ. But I think that He told us about “narrow gate” and “only a few find it” not by chance. My opinion is that He meant that you can enter a Kingdom of Heaven when your soul became ready for being there. That means you must not only to do what He advised to do, not only pray “Lord, Lord” but most importantly you must feel like you’re living for God only and totally ready to devote yourself for Him.

    And it is a long process. Even if I understand what feelings I should sense inside - I can’t keep them under my control so far. I’m too weak. Our life gives us a lot of various tests to check your reaction. So if I still can feel an irritation, grievance and so on – how can I enter the Kingdom of Heaven having such a bad feelings inside? There is the Place for perfect souls. I’m not. God may forgive me all my sins and He will, I’m sure. But He can’t change my soul’s immanence because it would be like interference into my freedom of choice. Also what are we going to do in Kingdom of Heaven? Enjoy nothing doing? I think that the Perfect Souls who forgot about their needs and who really love God and an every person on the Earth work hard for helping us. They come to us and help us until every one here will be “rescued”. I can’t be a God missioner if I know I need to train myself before I can help even a one person. So that why I believe I have more than this short life. It is impossible to make myself perfect. This is only my personal point of view. Maybe you, Barb, can enter Kingdom of Heaven from the first try. I think I’ll do it later. J You can help me in my future life like an angel.
  2. NateT Member

    Oct 25, 2000
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    This sounds like Budhism with the name Christ thrown around.

    The presence of God is perfect, and she alludes to that, however, we are made perfect by Christ. It is not just that we are forgiven. This is not something that takes several attempts, for then it is that we are made perfect by ourselves, and not by Christ.

    My honest recommendation would be to do some research on how you witness to someone from an eastern religion or possibly new age. That's what this smacks of.
  3. GulliverBarb New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    She is from Russia, and she is learning English so our communicate at times can be difficult. Our English words have so many definitions at times she gets confused easily.

  4. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    How about a russian translation of His word. Should'nt be too hard to find nowdays. That might help her to grasp what it say's better.
  5. Joman New Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Maybe reply her back with verses about Grace, Salvation by Grace and only by grace.

    Paul said he did what he don't want to do...and he was sure he was saved..Share with her those verses.

    (sorry for my english)
  6. Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Are there any Russian Christians living near you?You might talk to one of them and get some help.
  7. fatbacker New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    I would like to take a stab at this email. It is very philisophical and could easily get very wordy, but fortunately I am not wordy!!

    1. So if I still can feel an irritation, grievance and so on – how can I enter the Kingdom of Heaven having such a bad feelings inside? There is the Place for perfect souls. I’m not. God may forgive me all my sins and He will, I’m sure. But He can’t change my soul’s immanence because it would be like interference into my freedom of choice.

    If she has submitted her life to Christ and has repented for her sins and has accepted Jesus as her savior and sole caretaker of her soul then taking our earthly sinful body and soul and spirit and turning it into a perfect one would in no way be interfering with our free will since we have subjected our very lives to do the will of God and if we have faith, meaning believing in what we cannot see then we believe that God can change us from sinful to perfect at any giving time according to His choosing. Sin cannot live in the presence of God and therefore He will remove it. It is my desire and free will to believe that God can change my circumstance at any time in any realm.

    2.Also what are we going to do in Kingdom of Heaven? Enjoy nothing doing?

    When Adam and Eve were first created God gave them the task of cultivating and caring for the entire earth. Let's not forget that Adam and Eve were created perfect and should by all means still be alive today tending the same earth God had entrusted to them 4 or 5 thousand years ago. The earth is a very big garden if you can look at it that way and I am sure there was plenty to do and without the sin and struggles we face today. Before the fall there was no pestilence and really nothing to hinder us from enjoying the task God had given us.
    And once we get to heaven let us not forget of the vastness of the universe I am sure we will not just be sitting around waiting for something to do. We also cannot look at it from a sinful broken world view, that would drive anyone to the point of insanity to see heaven in the same respects as we see our own earth today. Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelations give many pictures of what heaven will be like and what we can expect to see.

    3.So that why I believe I have more than this short life. It is impossible to make myself perfect. This is only my personal point of view. Maybe you, Barb, can enter Kingdom of Heaven from the first try. I think I’ll do it later. J You can help me in my future life like an angel.

    Your friend needs to realize that she does not have any power what so ever to make herself perfect but that Jesus giving His life for us and raising from the dead does have the power to make us perfect. It frees us from ever having to think we can earn our way into heaven because of something we have done other than believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. She needs to realize that we enter into heaven on the first try only by repentance and forgiveness and holding fast to our faith in the One who has all power to bring it all to reality.

    Your friend has a dark worldy view of life and has probably lived a hard life or has been around people who believe in reincarntion or entering heaven through good works.

    What you can do is just keep doing what your doing and invite her to other christian events outside of church. She needs to be around other christians besides Sunday and Wednesday to see how they really live. She has to realize that christianity is as much of a lifestyle and faith as it is a religion that we practice once or twice a week.
  8. jarhed New Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    What part of Russia. I know a great soulwinner who is building a church in the Eastern frontier of the country, near the Kamchatka peninsula (north of that and across from Alaska)...if interested let me know, and I can get you his address or Email privately. Also, he mentions this tendency of thought to be predominant in Russia, as folks are steeped in Eastern Orthodoxy. In Christ, Jarhed
  9. Humblesmith Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    See if you can get this person to just keep reading the bible. Tell her to read it and take it as plain language, just like reading a newspaper. Eventually, the thinking will straighten out. Right now it's very fuzzy thinking.
  10. TexasSky Guest

    The American Mission Board has a center in Russia. I know because one of our deacon's daughters just returned from Russia and worked for the AMB while she was there.

    Contact the AMB and ask them for help.