History: Vets tear down barricades as feds back down

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Army of vets now marching on White House

    October 13, 2013

    The corporate media is avoiding the significance of the latest developments in the “Million Vet March” in Washington, DC.
    Vets have torn down “barrycades,” riot police have been dispatched, and snipers deployed, according to reports, as the number of protesters swell outside the White House.
    Sarah Palin and Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, arrived to speak with the demonstrators. Police also responded.

    “US Park Police have arrived in front of WH. Some in riot gear! Tea party/veteran protesters start booing,” wrote CNN’s Jim Acosta on Twitter.

    The latest developments follow the closure of the World War II Monument following the supposed government shut down.

    “Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis. We feel that this should never be the case,” the Million Vet March On Memorials website states. “This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes. In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th! Our veterans deserve that!”

    Scads of microblog posts on Twitter are covering the latest developments:

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