How Do You Read The...?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by TCGreek, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. Sopranette New Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    I don't have a set quota per day, because some chapters, some verses have a lot more important information than others, so they require a slower and more careful read through. Also, I tend to jump around, to connect verses together or compare from different parts. Some books I really just enjoy, some just leave me completely in mystery, so I try to tackle those at least once a year.


  2. thomas15 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    I have been thinking about reading the Bible cover to cover for years. I have decided to commit to it finally.

    My idea at first was to read the KJV, so on October 8 past I started the NT in the KJV, this to get ready. Right now I'm at James and should be to the maps sometime late next week. I thought reading the KJV NT would be good prep for tackling the entire Bible in the KJV.

    I have decided that after Thanksgiving, I will start at Gen 1:1 using a modern translation (NKJV) instead of the KJV. I'm finding that I 'm just reading the words and not getting the message. My goal will be to finish the entire Bible by my birthday (50 yrs old) on May 6. I will do this by having weekly goals, it is the only way that I will keep at it. I will use one of those thru the Bible in 1 year plans and double it.

    I know this is a fast pace, but my goal is to read the entire Bible. I will make notes for review later but I want to know in my head that I have read every word in the Bible at least once.