How many will burn?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Calvin12, May 15, 2004.

  1. Calvin12 New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    Ever wonder how many people are going to hell? I read once that there are 2 billion Christians in the world, tops. That means 4 billion people going to hell. Kinda scary..

    Does anybody have different estimates for how many are going to hell, and what do you base it on?
  2. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I believe in my heart there will be more souls in heaven than in hell. No sarcasm intended or disrespect here, but I believe your definition of Christians will be those who:

    1. Are believers by virtue of the fact that they have 'accepted' Christ as personal Savior and have been baptized into a Christian Church;

    2. Or, if you are of the Calvinist persuasion, those whom God elected unto salvation, and regenerated and converted thru the preaching of the Gospel, and thus having become 'believers' had themselves baptized by and joined to a church of the same persuasion.

    I believe that God elected a definite number of persons unto salvation, wrote down their names in the Lamb's Book of Life (both actions done before time began), sent the Eternal Word in the person of His Only Begotten Son to effect their redemption here in time , and that the Son did what He was sent to do, He saved His people from their sins, He redeemed them who were given to Him, who were born here on earth from the dawn of time and will still be born to the end of time.

    Thus having successfully secured their salvation and sealed their redemption, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit alone regenerates them without any need for a preacher or the Bible.

    I believe that God is not a 50% God of mercy, and 50% God of wrath and punishment, though He is both a God of mercy and a God of wrath and punishment.

    His mercy is greater than His wrath in that He has undertaken the work of redemption alone and without partnership with any man,angel, r instrumentality after electing those whom He wants saved which the Bible speaks of as more numerous than the stars and as countless as the sands of the sea, and describes as a multitude which no man can number.

    For if He had partnered with man in the regeneration of His people, He will have no choice but to limit the number to a few millions perhaps considering that man, unlike the Holy Spirit, cannnot be everywhere but is limited in his movements by such things as space, time, and will , both of the preacher, and of the listener.

    Those who will limit the number of the inhabitants of heaven for either the reasons of Arminianism or of Calvinism, and boxing these under the title 'believers', fail to consider that infants, unborn and born who die in infancy or early childhood, are all recipients of God's mercy if not subject to God's electing sovereignty, as well as those who by virtue of mental incapacity cannot in any way understand the preaching and therefore respond in a 'saving' manner.

    With all due respects, lest I be accused again by somebody of doing gymnastics
  3. massdak Active Member
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    Oct 27, 2002
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    i do not know, i hope many more then that are lost, but my mind seems to think less then 10% of baptist will be saved and probably less then 1% of the world.
    numbers could be alot more then my estimation, but this is how i see it at this time.
  4. Calvin12 New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    What about when Jesus said: Matthew 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

    What does he mean by this - when he says "few" does he mean less than 50%? or less than 33%?

    This verse has always bugged me because it seems to mean God could never saved 100% of the people on the earth, because that wouldn't be "few"???
  5. Calvin12 New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    I would like to believe that, but I cannot find the Bibicle basis to believe it. Our own paster recently quoted something like 4 billion potentialy going to hell in a sermon.
  6. Calvin12 New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    Yeah, there are times when I think it is about 1% of the world or less saved. I know what you mean.
  7. Carolyn Dee New Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    To all: while we are talking about numbers, does anybody know/theorize the population of the world in Noah's day? I read it somewhere and I was amazed...I had never thot of it before! It was a high number and I forget what it was now. Help! :eek:
  8. massdak Active Member
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    Oct 27, 2002
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    this also brings me to the point of baby's and those never born, i will not direct this thread into that direction but at this time i do not believe baby's are less then sinners and it is clear that a baby snake is still a snake. it seems to me that it would be a blessing for abortion if that was the case. my belief at this time is all people are sinners and doomed to hell until the Lord has mercy on the elect.
    buy then the aborted babys could be of the elect
  9. Ronald New Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Yes, it is a mind staggering thought. Just look at all the millions upon MILLIONS of other people in other religions who don't accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. We're talking about BILLIONS dead and alive! By their rejection of Christ they are now in hell or going to be, if we believe our bible.John 3:18

    Now lets consider what is called "Christian religions", be it Catholic, Baptists, Methodists, Lutheran or whatever. Just how MANY of these people in these religions REALLY BELIEVE AND PRACTICE what is taught them? 90%,80%,70%??? Try 20%!!!!! I'm serious. Most Christians today are wordily in their lifestyle. The only difference is, is that they attend church on Sunday or once in awhile. While the rest of the time, they are more interested in the next "Harry Potter" movie coming out or the latest sports games on television or the next music video or whatever fills their lives the most.

    I even question my OWN walk with the Lord at times. I love both baseball and the Cleveland Browns and I am a faithful watcher of "Stargate" on the Sci Fi channel on television. Just HOW SPIRITUAL are Christians in America?

    This is the chief reason why I personally believe we are ETERNALLY saved by Grace THROUGH faith in Christ. Because if God really kept a record of all our works done after we became a Christian to determine our eternal destiny, believe me, there would be no promotion to heaven. We would all be found short of being the Christians we should be.How about you?
  10. Calvin12 New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    I'm out visiting my Dad and we went to Disneyworld MGM/Studios and Epcot center. Now usualy we U.S. folks would say that is just good clean fun, but there are times when I feel that I should be having less fun and doing more of God's work of witnessing. My ownly hope is in God's grace giving me the faith and my salvation. I have nothing to boast about.
  11. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I got this from another website:

    World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.

    (That is 10 raised to the 89th power not 1089 - pinoyb)

  12. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Whooopss!! Sorry, TeaTime. Looks like what I posted is not going to help any.
  13. Carolyn Dee New Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    pinoybaptist: 6 billion...sounds reasonable to me! Why do you say it won't help any...? :confused:
  14. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Some numbers from OUR GLOBE AND HOW TO REACH IT (1990)

    All persons born 33AD-1990AD - 34,903 Million
    All Christians 33AD-1990AD - 8,2903 Million (24%)

    Some common current numbers:

    Current persons - 6,000 Million
    Current Christians - 2,000 Million

    So that means since 33AD, roughly 1/6 of all
    persons born are living now.
    Since 33 AD, 1/4 of all Christians reborn are living now.

    There is a larger percentage of nominal Christians
    now as there ever were before.

  15. littlewhitedove New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    After the flood 8.
  16. GeneMBridges New Member

    May 13, 2004
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    I am persuaded by Scripture that all persons are born sinners. At the same time, they are held accountable not for the personal sin of Adam, but for their own sin. However, I accept that all are born sinners by nature, not morally neutral, for in Adam all fell and became sinners. That said, I reject the notion of the age of accountability, because it requires too many gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that the Bible teaches it.

    While I can not say that all children who die after a particular age are, themselves, guilty of personal sin, I can not deny that I am not God, and therefore I do not know this. I do believe that babies are not capable of personal sin.

    I accept the notion that God actively decrees whom He will for the pleasure of His good will those who are the elect, not based on foreknowledge, for foreknowledge of who will believe is to make man, not God, the determinant of salvation. Election is unconditional.
    The rest, He allows to go their own way into condemnation. Since He owes only death to those that sin, and all have sinned, then He need not actively elect them to condemnation. This is good, right, and just.

    Because I am not persuaded that babies can be justly held accountable for personal sin, and because conditional election is unScriptural, I think the only right thing to conclude is that all babies who die, are aborted, or stillborn are, in fact, the most blessed among the elect, for they experience one of the greatest honors and mercies of our Father. They are all elect to salvation and receive the privilege of bypassing this world of sin and suffering to go directly to be with our Lord. They are thus born directly into the heavenly Kingdom of our Lord and Savior of aborted or stillborn. This isn't to say we should by any means advocate abortion or lack of prenatal care. However, it is cause to rejoice, where such rejoicing can be had in this world, that, while their deaths are violent and tragic, they are, indeed with the Lord.
  17. mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    The list of the Saved will grow very short, very swiftly if you take the more 'strict' point of view.

    6 billion people around now.
    only christians are saved.
    2 billion people left.
    Roman Catholics aren't Christians.
    1 billion left.
    If the RC's aren't Christians, the other Christian rites that fall under the pope of Rome also aren't.
    And the Eastern-Orthodox and the Oriental-orthodox also aren't.
    700 million left

    There are less than 50 million baptists currently living worldwide and that includes 'cultural' baptists and extremely liberal baptists.
  18. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    [tongueincheek]Only thee and me, Sister, and sometimes i worry about you[/tongueincheek]
  19. Calvin12 New Member

    May 9, 2004
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    Well I believe that people can be saved if they have faith in Jesus, even if they have lots of details wrong. So to me there is hope for the Catholics, although I certainly believe the Batpist denomination is more correct.
  20. Ronald New Member

    May 8, 2004
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    The real tragedy of Catholics, is that they do NOT trust in Christ ALONE. They also pray to Mary as a co-redemptrix. And they do not trust in the bible ALONE, but in what their church teaches them concerning salvation.They trust in a sacramental "system of works". NO MAN can be saved except believing ON the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 16:31, Rom 3:26.