How To Have A Bipartisan Friendship

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by FR7 Baptist, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    It's interesting that she finds it necessary to avoid having political conversations with her friends of other political views entirely. I talk politics with my Republican friends at times, but always in small doses. I'm sure if we talked politics all the time that would be an issue, but on occasion doesn't seem to cause issues.
  2. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Maybe if you sat down and talked politics all day with your republican friends you'd figure out that democrats and republicans really all want the same thing.

    For government to do your thinking for you.
  3. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Bull! You either don't know many Republicans or your extreme libertarian views have corrupted your thought process!
  4. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    You are less informed than you think if this is your belief.
  5. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Really? My extreme libertarian views corrupted my thought process huh?

    That's a joke.

    Who gave us the endless wars, the endless debt, and the patriot acts? Who gave us the total surveillance state with it's warrant less wiretapping, indefinite detention and state sanctioned assassinations of American citizens?

    Was it extreme libertarians or libertarianism?

    No! It was republicans and democrats. You all agreed to what we are getting now. It was a bipartisan effort to destroy our constitutional republic all the way. Oh you all voted for the lesser of two evils and complained about how the people you voted for were doing a poor job and all but then you turned around and voted them right back in. You all bickered about the best way to reduce liberty to nothing. You all took turns beating the daylights out the republic and molding it nearer to your heart's desire. But you all agreed freedom was a dangerous thing for others who weren't like you. So now we got none at all.

    What kind of thought process does that come from?

    Libertarians were the voice of reason but you chose to let the republicans and democrats do your thinking. Scaring you into giving up your liberty for safety. Even after repeated warnings by libertarians and the founding fathers of this nation. Nope you had to have it your way. You were smarter. You were more informed. The corporate media even told you so!

    Libertarians warned you all over and over but you wouldn't have any of it. You all knew better because your views weren't extreme like the libertarians. Yeah right. You all knew what was best. You didn't want little Johnny to smoke a joint so you made sure thousands went to jail for non violent crimes, now we have the biggest prison population in the world.

    You didn't learn from the failure of prohibition and how it caused criminal gangs and all the violence and death that goes along with it. The more violence drug prohibition caused the more power you gave the state and police. More violence more power, more violence more power. It's not the drugs that caused the violence it was the policy. Libertarians said whoa enough get rid of the policy. But you all wouldn't hear of it. You didn't like drugs and millions have had to suffer and die all over the world because you all wouldn't admit prohibition doesn't work. Because your views weren't extreme like the libertarians.

    Need I go on?

    We're in this mess because of republicans and democrats. Not because of extreme libertarian views. So who's thought process has really been corrupted?

    Republicans and democrats shouldn't even be complaining about the way things are now. You voted for it. Then you complained about it then you voted for it again then you complained about it again then you voted for it again then you complained about it then voted to keep it. And now where are we. Swirling around the toilet bowl ready for the final flush. Well thank you very much republicans and democrats. I'm so glad you all used your heads to keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again and again.

    And you still say libertarians have extreme views? It wasn't the libertarians that put Bush in office. It wasn't the libertarians that put Obama in office it was republicans and democrats.

    Because you all knew best and your thinking processes were as sound as the devalued dollar you all helped devalue by insisting we let a group of private international bankers control our economy for us. Libertarians are all about personal liberty while republicans and democrats can't stand the thought of not being in control of everyone else because you don't like this or that or there should be a law to limit this freedom or that because you just don't like the idea of others doing things you don't like.

    The only extreme view here is that personal freedom is an extreme view that corrupts people's thought process and republicans and democrats agree on that 110%. When it gets right down to brass tacks republicans and democrats hate freedom. It scares you. You can't stand the thought of someone doing something you don't like. So you move to limit thier freedoms and to take control to make everyone just like you.

    Thank you all very much for your well reasoned sound approach that turned this country into the 1984 big brother debt ridden nanny state it has become. My hats off to all of you for fighting so hard to get exactly what you were after.

    A prison planet for all of us that none of us can even hope to escape. You should have listened to the extreme views of libertarians and the founding father's warnings and advice. Instead of thinking we were the nuts for just wanting to be free from the millions of needless controls and government coercion you all fought so hard to put on us.

    Thanks all of you republicans and democrats for being so well informed and using your awesome power of reason to flush the republic straight down the toilet. We extreme libertarians just love how you guys took control and made this such a wonderful and happy place to live in slavery. :applause: Good goin hope y'all have a great bipartisan relationship from here on out.
  6. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    If yer so much more informed than I am then answer these fifty questions.
  7. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Quote:Originally Posted by poncho
    Maybe if you sat down and talked politics all day with your republican friends
    you'd figure out that democrats and republicans really all want the same thing.


    I'm still waiting for the punch line?!
  8. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Here it is in one word . . . CONTROL.

    Republicans and Democrats both want CONTROL.

    Take all the arguments that have gone on here between Republicans and Democrats what are they all about? CONTROL.

    Let someone come along and say what about freedom? The Republicans and Democrats will say get out of here you extremist we don't want your kind around you endanger our CONTROL.

    For all the years that Republicans and Democrats have been taking turns running the government what have they done besides try to CONTROL everything?

    We have so many laws on the books no one even knows how many there are and thousands more are added every year. Why? CONTROL.

    Freedom to Republicans and Democrats is a loophole that must be "fixed".

    The only argument between them is how it should be "fixed" and who is going to do it. And what is the result of all of it? We have a president that acts like a king.

    Republicans and Democrats should be happy with what they created together and yet here you all are complaining about it and at same time you put down those who just want to be left alone without big brother getting into every aspect of our lives. Be happy. You got what you all demanded. You got your CONTROL over every little thing. There's no freedom or liberty left.

    Throw yourselves a big party and congratulate each other. You succeeded! Yippie. :1_grouphug: