
Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by amberb1991, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. amberb1991 Guest

    i want to get off this site every one is douting me about a horse and yelling about my gramer but there is a reson for that bye forever thanks for nothing
  2. amberb1991 Guest

    i am so sorry it is just that nobody belveis in me and i hate that someone fussed because my gramer and it is because i had a bad teach and i hate typing
  3. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Hi, horses!

    Did you read my post on your thread about horses?

    Please read. You can overcome bad teaching and you can overcome hating to type. You will like it much better when you are good at it.

    Ask your Dad about a spell check on your computer. It will help you learn to spell.

    You should see how my 17 year old grandson misuses words and misspells words. I don't usually correct him because his dad will.

    I know that sometimes when we get in a hurry to type we make typos which I really don't count as misspelled words, but I guess they are.

    Keep working on your dream to have horses and stay on the board and chat with the youth.

    May God Bless you and your sister.