I'm In Need Of Assistance!

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Donald Baker, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Donald Baker New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Hello folks. My name is Don, and I really really need some help right now. I've been waiting a couple hours for my account to be activated because I need some backup from some devout Christians. [advertising site snipped per BB policies] Some of their intent is to "overwhelm" my board which only had 19 members two days ago....but now I have 43 atheists on my board who seek to wear me and my little staff down. I desperately need some backup, and from what I've been told some of these guys have been on this board causing mischief. I truly believe this is a spiritual battle on my site that is winnable. I am willing to let my board be the battleground if it brings the Lord Glory. So please help. I'll post a banner of baptistboards on my site in return if required to. I just hate to see God mocked....not that He can't take care of Himself.

    In Christ, Don.

    P.S. I invited nonbelievers to the board, but I never was prepared for the large group. Advice on how to deal with them is also appreciated.
  2. npetreley New Member

    Oct 20, 2002
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    The "invade and overwhelm" strategy is alive and well. It happened to a Christian board I used to run. I got a huge influx of evolutionists who overwhelmed the board to the point where it was too much trouble to manage it, so I shut it down. Later, I found the actual "call" on another forum to come and overwhelm my board, so it wasn't coincidence. It was an organized effort.

    I sometimes wonder if that's happening here, too, only by people wih a different axe to grind.

    I don't have any advice for you. I hope you end up dealing with it better than I did. I'd hate to see another board fold under militant pressure.
  3. Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Is it possible to revoke the privileges to some? Maybea re-start that can enable you to choose how many atheists are able to join.

    Will be praying.
  4. Donald Baker New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Well so far they have been civil and they are quite articulate in their message. They are overwhelming the board with their content, and I can't match them post for post day in and day out. I try, but I'm only one person. I happen to be seminary trained, so I am familiar with most of their arguments and can refute them point by point in most cases, but it's a volume issue. They will wear me down by attrition. I don't want to shut the board down, and I don't want to restart or ban.....I'm not into banning folks unless they do really stupid things. I think it would be best to just reinforce the board with more Christians who can hold the line and retard the advance of the enemy. It's a shame that atheists feel they must ruin Christian boards to "win.":BangHead:
  5. bobbyd New Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Sounds like they are wearing you down already.
    I think revoking memberships may be the best route and limiting the number of non-believers who join.
    If most folks are like me, i only have a certain amount of time to focus on things like message boards and to take on another one would mean taking time from something else; and as a pastor, i'm already limited.
  6. Donald Baker New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Well I can't limit the memberships as it was my invitation and decision to open the board up to nonChristians. I never dreamed I would get such a response, so I didn't prepare. They haven't done anything to "destroy" the board or anything ban worthy yet, so I was hoping that some kind of outreach could be done while the window of opportunity existed.
  7. ReformedBaptist Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I would revoke memberships too, but I just signed up brother. I will try to help.
  8. Donald Baker New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I am in your debt my friend. But be forewarned....some of them are "over educated" and can twist logic very well. Roll your sleeves up because you're in for a devil of a fight...pardon the pun.:1_grouphug: