
Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by neal4christ, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. neal4christ New Member

    Nov 1, 2002
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    I know some of you may think this is another attack or whatever, but it is a honest concern on my part. I have noticed that bigot, anti-Catholic, Catholic basher, or some variant of names have been used rather freely around here by some of the Catholics. I do not deny that there are some here that do seem to be vehemently anti-Catholic. However, I am concerned because these accusations from Catholics are becoming rather freely used for anyone who may disagree or question some others around here. This is very bothersome because what is happening is that some Catholics are acting just like the ones that oppose them.

    This just bothers me because I have read some books recommended, talked with some here, listened to things, etc. and I am called anti-Catholic and a bigot. However, I have shown much more openness or friendliness than some or most of the Catholics here. I could very easily just start calling many here anti-Protestant, bigots, etc. because many dismiss my arguments from the get-go as wrong. They really won't even consider them. When I call some on false or misleading information, I am told I am assasinating characters. It just seems to me that there is a big double standard going on here. Why does it seem that Catholics are not even open to considering the other side, yet they want others to listen to their positions? Why can't they step outside of their box and try to see their beliefs as others do (as I have tried to do, though I must admit, it is difficult).

    I do not write as one who is perfect or superior. I am not trying to "attack" anyone. I just would like some answers, if possible. I feel that many Catholics here have just as much dislike for Protestants as some Protestants have for the Catholics. To me, that should not be so, especially if what you claim is true. So please, do not fly off the handle in response here. In fact, I probably won't engage in discussion much for a while because I have been wasting too much time here and some recent things have really disturbed me from some members here. I just ask that you think on some of these things and really consider them. It is easy to react out of anger and call names (believe me, I know), but I think this issue deserves much more than that.

    And for the record, I do not hate Catholics or make it my goal to undermine them at all costs. I am not a bigot and do not set out to belittle Catholics. I consider some of you here my friends. I do disagree with some of your positions, but that does not make me a bigot. That makes me someone who disagrees with you. I have not always reacted in the correct manner, and for that I apologize to any I may have offended. However, because of recent events and accusations heaped on me, I need to step back a while and cool my jets and reassess the situation, starting with myself.

    Submitted in the love of Christ,

    [ October 03, 2003, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: neal4christ ]
  2. Carson Weber <img src="">

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Hi Neal,

    I apologize for whatever names you have been called on this web board, and I appreciate your openness to truth. I pray and hope that everyone on this board - Jew and Gentile - will emulate your attitude. ;)
  3. dumbox1 Guest

    Hi Neal,

    There are a few folks on this board who -- well, let me just say that I generally don't bother with them. (And, if I had a bit more will power, I could omit the "generally" from that statement. A couple recent posts of mine spring to mind, I'm embarrassed to admit).

    You, however, are not among those few. While you have your less-than-perfect moments (as I do), I consider it a privilege to be able to engage in discussions with you on this forum.

    While I'm not a particularly frequent poster, if I have ever treated you with other than charity, please forgive me.

    God bless,

    Mark H.
  4. CatholicConvert New Member

    Jun 15, 2001
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    Neal -

    I do hope I have not been guilty of labeling anyone a bigot who does not deserve that label. There are a few on this board who seem to deserve just a moniker, however, they are a few, and not numerous.

    I hope you will understand that on our part, as we try to defend what we have come to understand as truth, it becomes profoundly frustrating to have knee jerk reactions tossed at us (I can usually tell this by the amount of time required to respond to our posts -- the quicker the response, the less thought has been given to our position) and the blanket statements made which condemn us, all the popes, and the Church as a whole into eternal hell.

    And being human, sometimes I just respond in kind. Not that such is correct, just that I am in a bad mood or don't feel well (funny how being sick makes us so grouchy!).

    If I have offended you, I sincerely apologize. I take your post instructively and will try to be more circumspect in the future.

    Thank you.

    Brother Ed
  5. neal4christ New Member

    Nov 1, 2002
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    Even though I may disagree with you guys, this I do try to understand. I admit, I wouldn't like it. I know it has to be hard when there are many here (more on my side, I admit) who post things before they even think about it for two seconds. And yes, there are some who deserve the name bigot, that I do not deny. What bothers me is that it being used rather loosely and freely (I am not say you in particular, I am speaking generally).

    I look forward to the day that calm, thought-out discussions can occur from both sides. Thank-you for the kind words thus far.

    In Christ,

    P.S. I must admit, Brother Ed, when I first encountered you we rubbed the wrong way. ;) But after a while, I grew to love ya, man! I do hope all is well with you and your family (if there are any specific prayer concerns, especially with regards to your wife, please PM me.)