Interesting idea about how to beat the "health care reform" legislation

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by thisnumbersdisconnected, Sep 27, 2013.

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    Daniel Henniger from the Wall Street Journal" says, "Let it fail on its own."

    The Great Pretender is already setting up the eventuality that this is exactly what will happen.

    So if it's a success, it's because of his "vision." If it fails, he has already blamed Republicans. It will be their fault registrations fail to generate the revenues able to cover the financial obligations the program will require. It will be the Republicans' fault premiums rise. It will be the GOP's fault small businesses fail.

    Bill Clinton is the original "Teflon President" because nothing ever stuck to him. If the American people let this classless fraud get away with destroying the economy and the healthcare system, we will make Clinton look like he was made of Super Glue, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.