Is it really SIN to be angry with God ?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by RightFromWrong, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    you are being unfair to say the least. They are not being mean-spirited, and they most certainly are not saying you should stuff your feelings away.

    Emotions are not supposed to lead us. Emotions should not take over our lives. Frankly, you are coming across as pretty angry right now, I think you are taking what these others have said and are extrapolating a whole lot more out of it than they are intending.

    I think we've answered your question, but you don't like the answer. There might be a time when one is angry at God and sins. Does that mean that God will not forgive the person? Of course not! God understands! But God's understanding does not make that any less of a sin.

    Personally I think you should move on. I don't know why you keep after this, unless you are still needing some healing time yourself because of a trauma in your life.

    I do not believe that anyone in this thread thought they were speaking to a personal tragedy of YOURS, they were merely answering a generic question about anger directed toward God.

    Look, don't be afraid to admit that something is a sin. You know God forgives sin, and you can go to Him just as you always do and ask for that forgiveness and He freely offers it, already He waits. If you have gotten it taken care of already, than please stop beating yourself up with this thread. It is getting you nowhere but worked up.

    Your pastor seems to be doing a good job helping you, and Im glad.

    But please, don't lash out at us in this fashion, claiming that we would not be a comfort or aid to those who are hurting. That is unfair, especially when you introduced your question as a very generic, impersonal one....and now you seem to be making it personal to yourself.
  2. Consider this statement by a Pastor....

    Misunderstanding, disagreement, and conflict are inevitable in any relationship, especially one in which a sinful human being tries to relate to an invisible God in a fallen world. thus, if we want to have an honest and intimate relationship with God we need to be willing to " wrestle with God."...Among the Christians I work with in counseling, it has been my experience that those who are willing to honestly wrestle with God by confronting, questioning, or even complaining to him about the pain and injustice they experience are the ones who develop the most intimate relationship with him.

    You Might Be Familiar With The Poem
    " FOOTPRINTS " ( I know it's a man made poem not scripture but hopefully you can get the point )

    One night a man dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. As scenes of his life flashed before him, He noticed that there were two sets of footprints in the sand. He also noticed at his saddest, lowest times there was but one set set of footprints. This bothered the man He asked the Lord, " Did you not promise that if I gave my heart to you that you'd be with me all the way ? Then why is there but one set of footprints During my most troublesome times ? "
    The Lord replied , " My precious child, I love you and would never forsake you. During those times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, It was then I carried you . "

    This anonymous poem is widely known as an inspirational expression of deep devotion. But did you see the ANGER ? right there in the middle is a Complaint: " Didn't you promise this ? Why only one set of footprints ?" In other words, " where were you when I needed you GOD ? Imagine how this stroy would go if this anger were never expressed, Let's say this poet sought counseling from a friend who said " Oh, No, YOU MUSTN'T BE ANGRY AT GOD " would the poet DENY his or hers true feelings ? "Maybe there were really two footprints the whole time".
    Or maybe the poet would just STUFF those emotions, feeling betrayed by God but never saying so.
    The VICTORY of this poem is its HONESTY. The poet dares to challenge the Lord, and the Lord responds. Maybe you'll never get such a CLEAR response to your questions, but you"ll never know unles you ask.

    DAVID WRITES IN THE PSALMS ( guess he was sinning )

    " Why O'Lord, do you stand far off ? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble ? "

    " Why do you hide your face and forget our misery and opression? "
  3. Bapmom, no I'm am not angry. I do not like having what I am saying put in the same catagory as WRATH, EVIL THOUGHTS, ADULTERIERS,FORNICATION, MURDERS, THEFTS, COVETOUSNESS, DECIET, BLASPHEMY, PRIDE, ET.

    They are being harsh, if you go back and reread all the post by them you will se a one sided attack on what i am saying. I already admitted that I and my pastor understand the difference between SELFISH anger and RIGHTEOUS anger. One is wrong the other is not.

    These attitudes that are being expressed only hurt those who need understanding. But we all know man is flawed, that is why I am SAYING Thank God, God understands our ANGER and doesn't hold it against us like man does. God wants us to be honest with him. He already knows how we feel, why lie to him. Get it out and move on.

    He already knows the anger you felt when you loss your child. I have never met anyone who wasns't angry through any type of loss. You may have hid it very well to others but God knew.
  4. Frances New Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    If God loves you he will chasten you when he sees you are straying away, like the shepherd with his staff as he taps and sometimes has to tap pretty hard to make his sheep fall back in line.
    We are not to question gods chastening. If we have a conscience we know why we're chastened. We should only confess where we were going astray and ask Gods forgiveness and get back in line.
  5. bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    I understand, RFW,

    actually I don't remember hiding it at all. I remember asking God why, but I don't remember any anger directed towards Him. Thats just my own personal experience, though.
  6. Frances wrong again, read the parable of the LOST SHEEP, the PRODIGAL SON who left his father and so fourth. LUKE 15.....then maybe you will have a better understanding of how God deals with those he loves. By the way If you actually read what I wrote I said I was NEVER in sin. I never walked away from the LORD, I didn't go to church for a few years because of People like you and a few others on here. Stop putting words in my mouth.

    So why would God be chatising me if I wasn't sinning. There are many in the Bible like David and Joesph who were not living in sin, and yet still had bad things happen to them, lots of bad things. More reason to question God don't you
    think ?

    Frances and Craig believe they can lose their salvation so of course everything is sin to them. So much of their understanding of who God is, is he is a mean father just waiting for you to blow it. So he can punish you.
  7. JackRUS New Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    We are commanded to love God with all our heart mind and soul. Mt. 22:37

    When one is angry with God are they not breaking this commandment? Are they not second guessing Him as well? Didn't God use several pages of Scripture to point this out to Job?

    BTW, all OT saints were sinners. (1 John 1:8) So their occasional anger with God is not put forth in Scripture as an example for us to follow.

    And is anger of any sort compatable with the fruits of the Spirit as explained in Gal. 5?

    When one is angry they are walking in the flesh. Here is what the Scriptures say about anger, which is also describes as 'contention'.

    "Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom." Prov. 13:10

    Is not pride a sin?

    "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Ps. 119:65

    Your pastor is right on this RFW. Ps. 51:10
  8. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    If you're unwilling to put off anger, at least put off the clamour. :rolleyes:
  9. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    I have not read this entire topic, maybe I should before responding.

    however, I would say that many, if not most Christians resemble the friends of Job most of all in situations where their brothers and sisters are hurting.

    I say this because of my own experiences which too are private.

    For most Christians, if a person is tried it simply means they are sinning, or even not saved.

    This attitude is incorrect.

    Then for a person to be angry because of their suffering is not a sin; the person must take the time to come to an understanding of God's purpose in their suffering. Even then His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways and it is sometime difficult to see through to His purpose in such painful events.

    Sadly, many are taught and do believe that once they believe on Jesus they will never again be unhappy, nor suffer pain as long as they live.

    Just some of my thoughts on this topic stemming from my personal experiences.

    Bro. Dallas
  10. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    If she did nothing wrong and did not sin, what did she have to get right with God? Wasn't her anger understandable and justified? BTW, when Stephen was being stoned for Christ, what was his attitude? Paul? Look it up and tell me what the Bible says.

    Joseph Botwinick
  11. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Being angry at God is never right nor righteous. It is a sin. You and your pastor are wrong and would do well to read the Bible sometime instead of catering to your emotional, carnal nature.

    Joseph Botwinick
  12. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  13. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    How would I respond? I am only guessing here, but I think it would go something like this:

    1. I would do everything I could to find my son (regardless of his condition), and try to save his life if possible.

    2. I would do everything I could to kill whoever did this to him. If I got my hands on him before the authorities, I would probably beat that person continuously until they were dead. I would bash his brains in. I would kick him mercilessly. I would do everything I could to inflict as much pain on this person as possible before I killed him.

    3. I might even be angry at the perpetrator, and possibly even at God.

    4. Response #1 is understandable, righteous and just.

    5. Responses #2 and 3 are carnal and sinful.

    Do you understand now?

    Joseph Botwinick
  14. I've already delt with all your questions in earlier post on this subject Joesph.

    Again you do not read what I write. this person obviously had a long term anger lets say 70 or more years! David, myself and others have very short periods of questioning. Not long term. BIG DIFFERENCE ! give it up trying to trip me up. I have studied this and know I am right.

    You all will not understand unless God has you tried through the fires, obviously none of you have. Hey when you do let me know how you feel.

    FROGMAN and my Pastor GET IT, because they have been tried and tested and like me came out with a better understanding of God and more compassion for others.

    I wish more people could go through what we have then maybe they wouldn't be SO JUDGMENTAL !
    And continue to say the wrong things to hurting people.
  15. Frogman did you read my intro on this subject seems alot of what I said was distorted.
  16. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    1. You are most ignorant of me, my life story, and what I have or have not been through in my life.

    2. You are very judgemental in your self righteous attitude that you are somehow more holy than I because of your life experience.

    3. Your teaching is unBiblical and Blasphemous, regardless of how good it might make you feel.

    4. You have not answered any of my questions. You have avoided them at all turns.

    5. If you are angry at God about something, let me tell you that you have no good reason to be, your anger is not righteous, and you need to repent of your sin and rebellion.

    6. I pray that God will open your heart to the truth of the Bible, and free you from your pride, arrogance, and anger.

    Joseph Botwinick
  17. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear RFW,
    I just now read your opening post.

    Dear Joseph,
    I do not wish to Butt heads with you. I am in agreement with your post regarding points 1, 2, 3, 4, and of what is and is not sin.

    I strive daily to wait upon the Lord's time to reserve to Himself the manifestation of His Glory because HIS judgment alone is a righteous judgment and not mine to execute at any time.

    All I can tell you is this, and if this offends you or makes you feel as if I believe I am thinking myself holier than you or any other I am sorry for that, but for what is in my heart, I cannot be sorry for, my experience has taught me to lean more on the hand of God and His Everlasting Love, Mercy and Grace and to lean on nothing else, especially my own strength.

    Because of this, I would sincerely doubt that I am more righteous than you or any other, and I would dare to say without knowing the experiences of RFW, she feels likewise regarding herself.

    None of us know how we will react until we are faced with certain things in our life. I can remember in my younger days imagining what I would do in certain scenarios.

    I can assure you that not one of us know what we would do until we must endure certain things.

    I hope and pray that very few of my Brothers and Sisters would ever have to face the kind of experience that I have, yet at the same time, for those that do, do not fall into the misguided teaching that you are always the sinner in these circumstances.

    Have I been angry with God? Yes.

    Am I still angry with God? No.

    Did God cause the sin that was manifested in my particular experience? No.

    Was this sin and experience against me or God? (See Ps. 51:4).

    Did I and Do most take these experiences as being personal, that is sins against themselves? Yes.

    Why? Because we are yet human.

    Does this cause in some and not in all a period of anger toward God that is differing in length in each case? Yes, very often it does.

    Is this sin as well? Yes, no doubt that it is. Why then do we experience these sufferings, and also this anger toward God? (See Deut. 8:1-18).

    bro. Dallas
  18. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Originally posted by RFW:

    Don't get me wrong when I first got saved I went through many trials as a new christian again more than most I was even almost raped and murdered, but my faith was strong and I looked to God all the way through each trial. One of the big differences was I had a new Christian FAMILY that supported me ALL the way. When I went through the 5 years of Hell, I had no one there for me,( actually just a few NONchristian friends, I have no real family, but my husband and kids ) even my own Husband didn't know what to do and he was part of the problem he had no back bone, to stand up for injustice. Anyway see the difference. I think it is amazing in itself I am still alive , still sain, still going to church and still know God loves me and has a plan for me.

    May God Bless you Dear Sister.

    Bro. Dallas Eaton
  19. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Bro. Dallas,

    I agree it is sin to be angry at God. I also think you answered your last question with the first part of your quote above...because we are totally depraved humans, sinners saved by the grace of God.

    Joseph Botwinick
  20. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    You are probably misunderstanding your pastor because your posts make it appear that he has confused God with Santa Claus. And you are right—a whole lot of two-year-olds do get angry with Santa Claus. But God is perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness—and those who are Christians know God personally and they KNOW that God is perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness—and therefore it is NOT possible for them to question God or get angry with Him. Santa Claus, on the other hand, ….

    </font>[/QUOTE]Some people just like to show off, not unlike most two year olds, is it? Who said God is not perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness?

    Many saints have questioned God, many have been angry with God, these HAVE been instrumental BECAUSE of their EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES to provide comfort to God's People.

    Not the least is OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST:

    Santa Claus? I guess so, if you have a score to settle with him from the memory of your second Christmas experience, but really, he is not under discussion in this forum and would suit better in the other denominations forum.

    Bro. Dallas