Is It Unethical

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Bro Tony, May 4, 2006.

  1. Yes-it is always unethical.

  2. No-it is okay to share information as long as names are not given

    0 vote(s)
  1. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Wrong...this poll was placed in this forum to deal with a legitimate question not to attack anyone. Please dont continue the paranoia and make a martyr where none exists. The question of ethics in counseling is a serious relevant question that is dealt with everyday in our churches. How do I know the intent of the poll? Well I posted it, and if you wanted to know why all you had to do was ask me, and not assume.

    Bro Tony
  2. Carolina New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    Sorry I hit the button to post accidently but...
    I really appreciate your words regarding the situation. I am glad I am not the only one who interpreted it that way. The rejoicing at one's fall from grace only confirms to me that the result at hand was a group effort. I am grateful to the one's whose replies don't beat a dead horse. Replying negatively to the same person over and over seems to flame a fire. I agree that wemay not reolize how many non-christians may be reading certain people's posts for humor, their thoughts, or whatever.
    In heaven, wouldn't it be neat to have someone approach you and say "Hey, I know you from the BB board, you sparked my interest and now I am saved"
  3. Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    Wrong...this poll was placed in this forum to deal with a legitimate question not to attack anyone. Please dont continue the paranoia and make a martyr where none exists. The question of ethics in counseling is a serious relevant question that is dealt with everyday in our churches. How do I know the intent of the poll? Well I posted it, and if you wanted to know why all you had to do was ask me, and not assume.

    Bro Tony
    </font>[/QUOTE]Thank you Bro Tony.
  4. MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Wrong...this poll was placed in this forum to deal with a legitimate question not to attack anyone. Please dont continue the paranoia and make a martyr where none exists. The question of ethics in counseling is a serious relevant question that is dealt with everyday in our churches. How do I know the intent of the poll? Well I posted it, and if you wanted to know why all you had to do was ask me, and not assume.

    Bro Tony
    </font>[/QUOTE]Thank you Bro Tony for clarifying your poll's intent. Notice I said as this poll is seeming to do and it is how I read most of the comments. I would not want to put words in your mouth or act like I know your intent so for that impression I apologize but I did want to also share my impression of the thread.
  5. Rev. Lowery New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Ephesians 4:29

    Now go get your Bibles and read. As far as I know all versions say the same thing in this particular scripture.
  6. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Anyone who would share anothers privately told secrets isn't worth anyone ever confiding in, and certainly isn't a counselor. How many of you would ever confide in someone if you knew they were going go tell people about it?
  7. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Thank you MRCoon---with all that went on prior to my poll, I certainly can understand your perception of why the poll was made. It is a shame that ideas cannot be dealt with in a fashion that is civil and where if we disagree we can say I love you anyway as a brother or sister in Christ. I know I dont always do it with that intent. It is also ashame that every once in a while someone who comes in here seems to do so for a self-righteous reason and seems determined to become a martyr and prove they are closer to the Lord then everyone else. Too bad this could be a great place to let iron sharpen iron.


    Bro Tony