Just another example of bias and in fact fake news

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Revmitchell, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    'Total waste of time': Trump storms out of shutdown meeting with Dems

    So in the linked story by left wing politic they accuse the President of "storming" out of the meeting yet offer no description of what that storming looked like other than he left the room.

    Simply leaving a meeting does not equal storming. The article is dishonest and actually fake news in that it intentionally and with malice mis-characterizes Trumps actions.
  2. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    How about
    The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed

    "It arrived on Page One of the New York Times last Wednesday with all the subtlety of a supertanker berthing at a sailing marina, consuming all the editorial space above the fold. Based on more than 100,000 pages of documents, countless interviews, and the voluminous Freedom of Information Act requests that accompany such investigations, the piece, written by three of the paper’s ace reporters, was more than 18 months in the making. Overflowing eight broadsheet pages, the 15,000-word story, titled “Trump Took Part In Suspect Schemes to Evade Tax Bills,” served also as the subject of a Showtime documentary. It accused President Donald Trump of “outright fraud” involving hundreds of millions of dollars.

    The piece stirred both New York City and state regulators to commence investigations of their own that could ensnare the Trump family in years of consuming legal battles and force them to choke up hundreds of millions in fines and penalties. But even though the Times aggregated this piece for slow readers, produced clever video takes on the material and reprinted the original as a special section of the Sunday paper, the story has all but melted from sight. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called it “very boring,” as did Trump. By the time the pundits convened on the big Sunday political shows, the story was a goner—according to Matt Gertz at Media Matters, none of the shows covered it. (State of the Union mentioned it in passing; Joy Reid had a segment; and CNN’s press show, Reliable Sources, interviewed one of the Times authors.)"

    The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed
