Kerry: "The fight belongs to the Iraqis"

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by thisnumbersdisconnected, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Joined:
    Apr 11, 2013
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    So, we kick Saddam out, help them establish a democratically elected government, then change presidents, strategies, and priorities. And what are the Iraqi people supposed to do? The vast majority of them want a free country, a democratic government. It is the fanatical minority that want Sha'riah law and a theocracy. The problem is, it is that nutball minority that has all the weapons, because immediately after we left, Iran started smuggling the weapons in to the al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups.

    It has been suggested that we could fast-track F-16s -- an obsolete aircraft from our standpoint -- and Apache helicopters to the Iraqi military, but the administration "doesn't want to get entrenched that deeply." So essentially, in "reversing" Bush foreign policy, we've told our friends "tough -- learn to defend yourselves."

    Great policy.