Liberal Indoctrination

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Revmitchell, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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  2. JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Is there something I am missing in this post?

    I don't see anything wrong with a parent using a book to teach their kids the values of a political party. Maybe if more kids learned about the system, then we could finally get to a point of having an honest system again...

    As the kid grows up, it is the choice of the kids, but I think a parent should teach their kids values and the importance of those values.

    This could have easily been a book aimed at Republican kids and the statement would have been the same.

    Aren't parents suppose to teach their kids values? Do you think that the values a kid has as far as a political party just happens overnight?

  3. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Professonal jealousy. Some people just can't stand the idea that other people might disagree with them, and teach values to their kids.
  4. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Excerpt from "about the book"

    "Why Mommy is a Democrat may look like a traditional book, but it definitely isn't just for children. with numerous subtle( and not so subtle) satiricle swipes at the Bush administration and Republican Party, Why Mommy will appeal to democrats of all ages.

    Spueing Democratric hatred of the President and misrepresenting the Rrepublican Party. Based on this review by a Democrat.
  5. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    yes because you know what emotions and concerns are going through the minds of others you have not met or do not know.
  6. Filmproducer Guest

    Hmmmm....I am going to have agree with Jamie and Galatian on this one. I think you are overreacting a tad bit. You're not going to like the book, you're Republican. Since it does not actually name characters Republican or actually bash Bush I hardly think it is spewing hate for either, as most kids won't know the difference one way or the other, (it's for pretty young kids).

    It's not like the book will change political affiliations much anyways. If you go back through the myriads of studies on political affiliation, most, not all, people tend to join the party of their parents, at least initially. (That goes for Democrats and Republicans.)
  7. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Propoganda is propoganda.
  8. Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    I'm not too sure about that.

    My dad was a lifelong Democrat until I "turned him on" to the Republican Party in 2000. He voted for Clinton twice. My mother voted for Clinton in 1992 and Perot in 1996. I also convinced her to vote Republican in 2000, though she was already conservative-leaning, so that wasn't as hard a task.

    My grandmother, although having not voted since FDR was president, was a lifelong Democrat supporter. I convinced her to vote for the first time in 60 years in 2004. She loves President Bush.

    My grandmother, mother, and father are all Republican Party supporters, for the most part. My moral upbringing definitely had a lot to do with my party affiliation, but I was never a Democrat supporter.

    My parents and grandmother joined the party of their son/grandson.

    My brother, on the other hand, is a loose cannon in this respect. I'm never quite sure who he will vote for. One cousin is the same way.

    My other cousin, has listened to me enough now that he has switched parties and is now a Republican.

    I seem to do a fairly decent job at "converting" people, politically. Maybe I should run for office. :smilewinkgrin:
  9. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Oh dear, that's just sad :tear:
  10. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Since this Democratic children's book upset RevM, and in the spirit of equal time, I give you . . .

    "Why Daddy is a Dittohead"
    by Magnetic Poles

    Illustrations by whoever can actually draw, since I can't.

    Chapter I - The Rush Man, Daddy & Pro-Life Politics

    Every afternoon, Daddy picks me up from school.

    On the car radio, there is a man named Rush, talking about those evil Democrats.

    "Daddy, Daddy, why is that Rush man mad at the Democrats?", I ask.

    "That's because those Democrats are bad people, Sonny", he says.

    "What makes them bad, Daddy?"

    "Unlike us they are not pro life", Daddy explains.

    "You mean they are for the death penalty, Daddy?"

    "No Sonny, it is us pro lifers that want to kill the bad criminals", Daddy explains.

    "I don't understand, Daddy?"

    "It will all make sense to you someday", said Daddy.

    Chapter II - The Scary Lady on TV

    After dinner, Daddy turns on the TV to his favorite channel. It is called Fox News Channel. Daddy says they aren't run by the bad Democrats and evil people who run the rest of the media. Daddy says you can't trust CNN or The New York Times. Only Fox News Channel, Mr. Rush, and WorldNet Daily.

    "Look! Look! It's Mr. Hannity on TV. He is calling people names!"

    "Look, Daddy Look! There is a scary lady spewing hateful names at the Democrats!"

    "Yes Sonny", says Daddy. "That is Ann Coulter. If I believed women could run for office, I would vote for her for President. She hates the bad, bad Democrats as much as Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Hannity and I do."

    I can't tell Daddy, but Miss Coulter is scary looking. Look! She has an Adam's Apple in her throat, just like Daddy does!


    Hey, maybe I've got a good start on a best selling childrens' book here!! :)
  11. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    If they can sell the homosexual agenda to children - I am sure someone will sell your book . . .

    Just send me $100k and I will get you a publisher.

  12. Filmproducer Guest

    Yes, well notice I said MOST, not ALL. Maybe you are an anomoly, maybe not :) My parents, and most of my extended family are died in the wool ultra conservative Republicans, I am not. Growing up I thought I was a Republican, now I know better, (guess it was that liberal/communist college education I received from the communist liberal UK (KY) :smilewinkgrin: ). (FTR, I am not a Democrat either)

    Notice I also said INITIALLY. In your examples you had to "convert" people to "Republicanism", therefore the studies would still be correct.
  13. StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Do you want a single party system (dictatorship) in America rather than a democracy? What's wrong with our two party system?
  14. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    It's needs to be a multi-party system so that we can get out of playing 2 Card Monte where the citizens of the United States always lose.
  15. Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    I went to the University of Houston. It's very multi-cultural (it's known as the working man's/woman's college) and I can promise you that I had many very liberal professors...especially my polysci profs. I can't tell you how many times I've been yelled at by Lyndon LaRouche supporters who have stands set up in common areas all year round. We even had students in Bush/Cheney masks a few years ago yelling at the top of their lungs that they wanted to eat children and what not.

    btw, just because I had to convert people doesn't mean they were the way they were because of mom and dad.

    My mother was a middle-of-the-road conservative...based on her religious convictions.

    Her mother and daddy were both non-voting Democrat supporters...they were from the south, you just about had to be a Democrat.

    My grandmother's father was a Democrat who switched to the Republican Party during the 1930's because he thought FDR was a Communist. This from a poor, southern, sharecropping, cotton farmer.

    My grandmother's sister was a hardcore Democrat who refused to vote because, in her words, she would never vote for a Republican, and she would never vote for a baby killer (modern-day Democrats). She even said she would never vote for me if I as running for office as a Republican.

    My dad was a Democrat because he thought they were the party of small business (plus his brother was a Teamsters President). He now knows better.

    None of them were made Democrats by their parents. They were Democrats because they had a perceived notion, probably brought on by their environment, the media, and political spin, that the Democrats were the party which helped the little man and watched out for their best interests. They have since seen the light.

    Of course, all that said, that does not necessarily mean I just tow the party line.

    I will more than likely vote for an indepedent for TX governor. I would never vote for Arlen Specter, Lincoln Chafee, or Olympia Snowe. I would vote for Zell Miller in a heartbeat.

    As I've said before, my first choice in a candidate is one who is socially conservative. Secondly comes fiscally conserative. That is the right man for the job, in my opinion. It just so happens that a Republican is that right man about 99% of the time.

    I will give you this, the conservative view that I have comes from the morality that my mother taught me and from my religious convictions. That, however, does not make me a Republican. The fact that I was able to see Democrats and what they stand for is what makes me a Republican.

    I would venture to say that there are just as many young voters who shy away from their parents' political persuasion as an act of rebellion as there are young voters who are in line with the same.

    There was a young lady whose father was a deacon at our church. She became rebellious in her teen years and fell into the heavy metal type crowd. When she came to church, she would wear a dress with black hiking boots and she shaved around the edge of her hairline...very weird. I was still in Jr. High, but we would argue quite a bit about pro-life, conservative - her pro-abortion, very liberal. She got married 6 years ago, joined the church with her husband, has a baby, and is very conservative. She even served as the church treasurer for a few years.

    I can think of just as many people who rebelled against their parents as those who didn't. Politics is no exception, in my opinion.

    fyi, good story, MP. Can I get an autographed copy for my future children?:smilewinkgrin:
  16. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    It is rather dishonest to attribute emotions to me that you cannot prove nor can you know.

    The problem with this book isnt the teaching of Democratic principles. It takes adult material(by its own admission) and by that I mean serious political issues, and dresses them up in a childrens book. And by its own admission and as a marketing ploy, is proud of its "subtle" "and not so subtle" hatred of the President described in the book.

    What liberals do not get is there is some issues not appropriate for children. Heavy political issues are one of these. But just like so many in Islam teach their children to hate and kill Jews and Chrsitians, liberals throw on children the unnecessary weights of politics, and sexuality. It is sick and disgusting and abusive.
  17. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Since you are from Houston, sure thing! ;)
  18. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Hey, that's pretty good. How about a book called Dick and Jane go to the White House. Next they'll pick on School house rock.
  19. Filmproducer Guest

    Guess you didn't notice my sarcasm about my liberal/communist university. At any rate you just proved my point by saying that your conservative leanings came from the morality that your mother TAUGHT you, or even the example of the teens rebelling. The teens are not choosing the party for the party, but to rebel against their PARENT'S BELIEFS. I am not saying that people are R or D just because of their parents, but that initially their political leanings can be influenced by that of their parents. There are many factors that determine why someone chooses whatever party they are.
  20. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Please provide the quote where I said I was against a two party system.

    Good luck!:thumbsup: