Likes and Dislikes of Evangelism Programs

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by Bob Dudley, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Bob Dudley New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    As some of you know, our ministry provides evangelism training for both church leadership and lay Christians. In our staff meeting today, we were talking about some of the other great programs that are out there today and were out there in the past. I was wondering if I could get some of you to share your likes and dislikes of different programs you have tried. It may help us to provide a better service to the brothers and sisters we work with.

    There may be others but, here are some of the programs I am familiar with:

    Evangelism Explosion (Dr. D James Kennedy)
    EvanTel (Dr. Larry Moyer)
    Operation Go (Dr. David Wood)
    Soul Winners Club (Dr. Larry Staner)
    The Four Spiritual Laws (Campus Crusade for Christ)

    Thanks ahead of time. I look forward to discussing this most important topic - learning to share Jesus with others.