Lord, Lord did we not do...?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by valueoftruth, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    There is no such thing as a Christian wolf. Your are either a sheep or a wolf in this passage.

    God Bless!
  2. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    While I believe that Scriptures bear out that these are believers who work lawlessness (which means they are saved, though as by fire), let's look at one common theme here:

    No matter what, they are wrong! Their teachings need to be confronted.
  3. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    Good evening.

    We all should read whole Matthew chapter 7. It is very important chapter for everyone. Some saying this chapter is not speak to the church. Well, they are wrong. This chapter is given warning to everyone of the world, among you and me too.

    Matt. 7:13-14 is very clear apply to us all. We go into either two roads lead us toward eternality destiny. One wide road toward destruction - everlasting fire, one narrow road toward everlasting life with Christ. We all have choice. God does not make us as robot. Calvinism does not believe that we(elect) have freewill to make decision.

    Christ already know, more people are on the way to destruction than into heaven. Because, the wide road respresents very simple ways, give people many opporiunities to make them satisfy, and comfortable life. Also, wide road shows that there are so many different religions in the world, easy to confusion people, and to deceived them. The narrow road respresents focus toward Jesus Christ only, and forsake the world, and cast our own ways, and fight against the world, satan, and flesh. Walk with the Lord in holy life.

    At the judgement seat of Christ, many people would saying to Christ. "Lord, Lord....", they know Jesus, they did do work for their Lord. But, Christ will sent them into everlasting life. Why?

    To my understanding, word, 'iniquities' means wicked. Many religions do good works for their God, but they are all hyprocrite. Because, they do not repent of their sins.

    Throughout in the Bible telling us, that we ought repent of our sins, and turn toward Lord, and walk in him holy life.

    Our works are worthless and vain, if we do not actual repent our sins to Christ. Same with Pharisees were going their good works for their 'God', by keeping the laws, but in their hearts were filled of wicked, because of sins, and refuse to repent.

    Matt. 7:15- CHrist warns to us all. That we ought to watch out for false pastors, leaders. Because so many are already deceived by believing their priests, pastors, think they preach the truth from the Bible. But, many are misleading, and are on the way to hell.

    Too many religions are false doctrines out there in the world today. We must be watch out, and do not be deceived.

    What about baptist? Well, I do not want to offend your feeling. Early in my Christian life, I thought Independent Fundament Baptist(IFB) is the truth, and sound doctrine. Because I was not really knowledge deep in the Bible. Throughout years, the more I learning in the Bible, the more I seeing too many errors within IFB on doctrines.

    Myself used to believe in security salvation, as what IFB actual teaching. I thought security salvation is sound doctrine and truth from the Bible. But, throughout years, I learned that security salvation is not find in the Bible. Because I saw so many conditional warnings in the Bible, obivously, these are against security salvation.

    Entering into the gate is not easy. Because we are in spiritual warfare. We all are weak because of flesh and lust. Too many are easy fall, and are not able to stand up and follow Christ again.

    Luke 13:24-25 says: "STRIVE to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door(Matt. 25:1-12), and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, LORD, LORD, open unto us: and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:"

    Notice word, 'strive', means struggle, fight. What we are strive for? Fight against world, satan and flesh according Eph. 6:10-13. Many of them easy give up, and do not endure for Christ, turn away from the Lord, back to the world again. That why most are not end up being endure for their salvation according Matt. 10:22; & Matt. 24:13.

    I fear that many baptists are on the way to hell. Sorry to saying it. Because, they hold security salvation doctrine, believing it. They thought, they are already saved, and already have 'ticket' for heaven, no matter how many sins they would commit in their life, will stay go to heaven. But, many are deceived and will be end up in destruction. I fear that many baptists are decieiving by their pastor(baptist pastors).

    SORRY! To saying it. :(

    Bible commands us, that we must be endure all the way throughout our life till death or Christ comes - Matt. 10:22 & Matt. 24:13.

    Enter into the gate is NOT easy!!

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  4. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Only saved Christians stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ.

    Berrian, Th.D.
  5. BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    "Lord Lord did we not.... in "YOUR" name?!!"

    "Not everyone who SAYS LORD LORD will enter the kingdom of heaven but he who DOES the will of my Father" Matt 7.

    "For it is NOT the hearers of the Law that are JUST before God but the DOERS of the Law WILL be JUSTIFIED" Romans 2:13.

    "For you see that a man is justified by works and Not by faith alone" James 2.

    What do all of these NT statements have in common?

    Answer! "We don't like to quote them"!!

    Why not?

    "For when they cry "PEACE and SAFETY" then suddenly destruction comes upon them".

    We are naturally inclined to conclude that "all is well". It is in our nature.

    Paul tells us in Romans 6 that IF in fact we are enslaved to sin then we are the servants of sin and not of Christ! "By their fruits you shall know them".

    The evil tree does not bring forth the good fruits of the Spirit.

    In Christ,

  6. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Notice we are to do the will of the Lord God and not merely talk about it.

    We are to live a life of personal holiness, witness often to the lost, pray for our pastor, and support him in all the guidance that he or she gives to the Christian church.
  7. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I ask you a question, whom of Matt. 25:14-30 is applying to??? Also, whom of Matt. 25:31-46 is applying to???

    Often, I heard baptists saying judgment seat of Christ is for Christians ONLY.

    Oh really?

    Can you please prove to us that there are two or three separate judgment days in the future in the Bible?

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  8. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    You have presented two serious problems.

    1) You are trying to justify yourself through endurance. Does endurance save you or is it the recieving of the Spirit of Christ?

    2) You have no way of knowing if you are saved. You fail the Lord daily and you sin daily.

    With me, everything I am and will be is only and solely because of Jesus Christ IN me. I will endure because I am one with the perfect Savior. Praise be only to Him for my salvation and nothing to me for enduring! I will endure because He is the anchor of my soul! Praise Him!

    I know I was saved, am saved and will be saved. Jesus is the perfect salvation! The Author and Finisher of my salvation, my faith. If salvation took even one ounce of effort from me I would fail. Even the slightest imperfection is condemnation before God. Unless, Jesus stands as your advocate and defense.

    Those who do not feel the security that is declared throughout the scriptures are sadly missing out on a wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ. All Him, none me.

    God Bless!
  9. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    14-23. The Parable of the Talents further emphasizes the need for personal preparation and faithful service to the Master. The talents represent monetary values and are distributed according to ability (vs.15). Far country indicating the time between Jesus' first coming and His final return during which He is in heaven. The three servants are typical of three types who are entrusted various tasks in accordance with their own ability. Not all are expected to produce the same results, but all are to be faithful with what they have had entrusted to them. Thus, the first two double their money, while the last one hides the one...in the earth. The phrase After a long time gives a veiled indication of the length of Christ's departure to heaven during the present age. Each of those producing results is commended by the Master: Well done...good and faithful servant and is promissed to be a ruler over many things, with a view to continue service in the millennial kingdom.
    24-25. The great mistake of the unfaithful servant was in misjudging the character of his Master: thou art a hard man. He could not have known the Master well to assume him to be severe and merciless. The slave seems to have thought that whatever he did his master would be unjust to him.
    26-30. The fact that the latter man is called wicked and slothful and an unprofitable servant (vs. 30) who is cast out into outer darkness , certainly indicates that he was not a true disciple of the Master. The idea of this illustrative parrable is that all true believers will produce results (elsewhere, "fruits") in varying degrees. Those who produce no results are not truly converted. Those who deny soul-winning, personal evangelism, and church growth will find no comfort in this story. Those who hide their treasure (probably, the life-changing message of the gospel), because of a harsh view of the Master's sovereignty over them, reveal that they do not really love people and, therefore, their own salvation is questionable!

    Edward E. Hindson, Th.D., D.Min. B.A., William Tynadale College; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity school; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary; Th.D., Trinity Graduate School of Theology; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary; D.Litt. (Hon), California Graduate School of Theology.

    God Bless!
  10. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    31-46. The judgment of the nations concludes our Lord's prophetic discourse. Christ's return in his glory to be enthroned on the throne of his glory marks the great interruption of history as He brings the Tribulation Period to an end and ushers in the millennial kingdom. This judgment of all nations must be distinguished from the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of the Mellennium. The nations are those peoples living through the Tribulation on earth at the time of Christ's return. This judgment is a judgment of seperation: sheep on his right...goats on the left. At this judgment all nations (better, "all Gentiles") stand before Christ who then seperates the sheep (the saved) from the goats (the lost) in a manner reminiscent of the wheat and the tares parable. Some view this as the last general judgment, whereas premillennial commentators see this as the judgment of the nations who have survived the Tribulation Period, with the saved going into the millennial kingdom. Note that these are living nations, whereas the Great White Throne Judgment is one of the wicked dead whose bodies are resurrected to face the final judgment of the lost. Thus, the saved are invited to come into and share the blessings of His Kingdom: Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom. The basis of their acceptance seems to be their treatment of the least of these my brethern ,i.e., the saved of the Tribulation. The acts of kindness (vss. 35-38) were done by these sheep nations unto the persecuted Jewish believers and their converts during the reign of the Antichrist and now bring the blessing of God's salvation upon these nations. The acts of kindness do not themselves merit salvation apart from the atonement of Christ. Since the nations are the Gentiles and "my brethern" are neither, they must be the Jews. The goats are banished into everlasting fire or hell. Both the judgment and the blessed life are designated by the same adjective, "enternal", clearly indicating their equal duration. This eternal judgment is in keeping with Revelation 14:11; 19:15. No unsaved adults are admitted into the millennial kingdom when it is begun on earth. A natural and legitimate conclusion, then, is that the Rapture must occur before this event. Thus, the Rapture precedes the Tribulation Period, which itself precedes the mellennial kingdom.

    Edward E. Hindson, Th.D., D.Min. B.A., William Tynadale College; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity school; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary; Th.D., Trinity Graduate School of Theology; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary; D.Litt. (Hon), California Graduate School of Theology.

    God Bless!
  11. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I have no time to reply to you. I am busy right now. I will reply back to you later. But, I ask you a simple question-

    WHO is 'servant' of Matt. 25:14-30?

    I will discuss with you on Matt. 25:14-30 & 31-46 later.

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  12. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    "For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants , and delivered unto them his goods."

    In the parable Jesus came from heaven and is present and delivering his goods to his own servants . Jesus is Master of all of Israel. Whether they believe it or not. They are his servants whether they accept it or not. He chose them, they did not chose Him. What they do with the "talents" Jesus gives to them will declare in the end if there was any saving faith within them. Jesus didn't come to give them money. I would conclude that the "talents" is a representation of something of value. I would conclude that that would be Truth, Knowledge, Information. Some have the ability to gain much fruit, reach millions. Some only a few. But if you bury such precious information in the dirt, then it proves you thought it of no value to yourself or any others. Born again believers do not bury the Gospel in the ground. Servant does not mean saved. If it did all of Israel would be saved just because God called them servants.

    " He came unto his own , and his own recieved him not" (John 1:11).

    "He hath helped his servant Israel ,...(Luke 1:54).

    God Bless!
  13. bmerr New Member

    Apr 23, 2005
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    bmerr here. Perhaps the question Deafposttrib should have asked is, "How would one become known as a servant?"

    All three of the men in the parable are called servants, but the unfaithful one is cast into outer darkness, which I don't think anyone would mistake for heaven.

    All three men call the lord of the parable "Lord".

    The lord of the parable is referred to as "His lord" in reference to each of the servants.

    Whatever it turns out a "servant" is, I think it is reasonable to conclude that a servant must be found faithful to avoid being cast into outer darkness. Would you agree to that?

    In Christ,

  14. bmerr New Member

    Apr 23, 2005
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    bmerr here. For the sake of argument, I need to ask you a question which is generally frowned upon on this forum. This is not an attempt to trick you into saying something that might get you censured by the administrators or anything, but I need your honest opinion in order to develop my point. If you don't want to answer, that's your call. I won't think bad of you however you answer, or if you choose not to. Ready?

    In your opinion, am I:

    - a Christian headed for heaven and leading others there,

    - a deceiver intent on deceiving others, or

    - a lost man who has been deceived by other deceived people into thinking I am a Christian headed for heaven?

    I promise this is not a trap. I need the information to develop a point. And after all, I asked for it

    In Christ,

  15. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    It's important to remember that this passage is talking about the Kingdom of the Heavens, and not simply salvation.
  16. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    Hi brother, I have no fear of traps. I answer honestly and seek the truth. I have been wrong before and will find myself wrong in the future. I am here to learn and sometimes that requires adjusting interpretations of passages.

    1) If you have been born of God by the Spirit of Christ then you are one with Jesus and are a new creation. It took an earthly father and an earthly mother to create an earthly bmerr. You cannot cease to exist. It took the Spirit of Christ and the spirit of bmerr to create the new spiritual bmerr. This new creation cannot cease to exist as well. As for "are you leading others there"? That I have no way of knowing. I pray you are.

    2) Basically the same as #1

    3) Basically the same as #1 as well

    Maybe I'm not sure just what you are asking. Wouldn't I need to know you more personally to make such judgments about you?

    God Bless!
  17. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    Applicable in this parable ( who called his own servants ), by being born a Hebrew.

    God Bless!
  18. BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Phil you are right on target brother. And you are right that the way they define "security of salvation" as meaning "OSAS" they are in error.

    But there IS security of salvation in Christ "The Spirit bears witness with OUR spirit that we ARE the children of God" Romans 8:16 --- it is in a living relationship with Christ where "by faith we are daily puting to death the deeds of the flesh" (Romans 8:5-15

    So while it is true that we can KNOW we are saved it is not true that we can never choose to be lost once we are saved.

    In Christ,

  19. steaver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    So as long as you hold onto that rope brother it won't break and you are secure. Hope your hands don't get cramped!

    God Bless!
  20. BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Paul said "I buffet my body and make it my slave LEST after preaching the Gospel to others I MYSELF should be disqualified" 1 Cor 9.

    But you seem to say "Dear Paul I just hope you are tough enough to keep on buffeting so that you can avoid being disqualified from the Gospel. Hope you don't get tired bro".

    As if that negates the Gospel teaching on this subject.

    What kind of defense is that?

    In Christ,
