Luther Rice Seminary

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by Peter James, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Peter James New Member

    Jun 8, 2015
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    Hello to all; people on here may not know me because I am not a regular contributor. But a couple of times, I have asked about people's opinion on which seminaries to go to. I was besides myself trying to figure out between accredited versus non accredited.

    I just wanted to give an update for anyone who might be interested. Just a slight background on my journey. I had been massively considering unaccredited, like Master's International School of Divinity. But I wasn't sure; I stumbled upon their "Master's" final examinations for some courses and I also believe their syllabi. (Not sure how I was able to do this, but apparently the google search engines somehow picked them up.) Now - I am *not* the brightest bulb in the world, so there is no patting myself on the back here. But when I saw the questions and the things that were being asked to do at a master's level course - I began to realize that I didn't want to spend my money on that content which could easily be found on the internet during a thorough weekend research survey.

    So I began wondering which seminaries might be a good choice, again going back and forth between Southern Baptist Seminaries (even though SBC is not my denomination) and asking around. The lull to unaccredited (like Trinity) was still a great pressure because it would mean being able to take more courses for less money. I still wasn't sure what to do, however.

    Ultimately, I decided upon Luther Rice College and Seminary and have been accepted into their Masters of Christian Arts program. I decided to go via this online route for several reasons: #1) They were offering a chance to win a free ipad (I know, I know - *super* spiritual!) #2) This program can easily contribute to an MDIVs #3) It's the most affordable program I know for a "pay as you go" since I don't have a lot of money #4) It's accredited even though I know some people believe TRACS is the most minimal accreditation you can get that is accepted by the feds and #5) I ultimately decided a conservative Baptist college that doesn't really have any particular denominational affiliation because in the future - I don't want to be limited. I enjoy teaching and would like to help prepare men and women for the gospel ministry and I don't want to be limited as to where that could occur, be it an overseas Bible institute, a college, a high school, etc.

    So, thank you everyone for your thoughts that helped me make my decision. Would it at all be helpful to everyone considering their own seminaries for me to let you know what the course work is like? I'm not sure I'm at liberty to publish the syllabus, but certainly the course requirements so people can see if this would be for them? Thanks - Peter J. Markavage
  2. EVChris New Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Can you provide a link to that Masters of Christian Arts program? I went to their website but didn't see it. It sounds interesting. Is it visual arts or performing arts or...?

    As for affordability, I'm curious why you chose Luther Rice over BMATS? BMATS is only $190/credit vs Luther Rice at $274/credit. And BMATS is RA/ATS too. Was it their history that turned you off?

    I ask because I'm considering BMATS right now.