Making A Living as a Minister

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Jamal5000, Feb 3, 2002.

  1. Jamal5000 New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    As a prospective minister, the issue of making a essential living for myself while I earn my M.Div and once I start my ministry troubles me.

    What works best? Going to school full-time and borrowing money to eck out a minimal living until I finish my degree or going to school part-time for five years to earn my degree? Once I earn my M.Div, how do I make a living until I get my own church? Do I work some sub-standard job? Or should I establish solid employment BEFORE even starting my theological degree and my ministry?

    I hope this makes some sense. I appreciate any help you can give me.

    In Christ,
  2. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I have known many seminarians who have gotten by, working one or two jobs while taking classes, but the key phrase is "getting by." Your theological preparation is the greatest investment you will make in your ministry. Give it top priority. If you go full time, I'd limit my work schedule. If you must work full time, don't try to go to school full time. Something will suffer. If you can handle both, have at it. But most people cannot. As for loans, avoid them unless absolutely necessary. While education is one of the few things worth going in debt for, do you really want to come out of school tens of thousands of dollars in debt right off the bat? A lot depends on your individual situation. But above all, give your education top priority.
  3. DocCas New Member

    Jul 24, 2000
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    No reputable school will even allow you to enroll in a doctoral program until you have at least 5 years of experience in your selected field of study. You have the cart before the horse. Serve the Lord in full time ministry for at least 5 years then enroll in a D. MIN. program.
  4. TaterTot Guest

    We both made it thru seminary at the same time while serving a church "part-time". (Totally different thread) We had to scrimp and save, but God supplied every time. We both worked very hard, but it was the best years of our lives!!
  5. Livin' for Him New Member

    Mar 11, 2002
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    All of the ways you listed are certainly options. Personally, I would advise against going into debt, but, you have to seek God's face on this one step at a time. I would take longer to get my degree and be active in the ministry God has already given you. You already have a ministry that is a training ground for the full time vocation. If you are truly God called, He will meet every need you have, sometimes in very unexpected ways.
  6. Rev. Sam New Member

    Mar 16, 2002
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    I Pastor two congregations...both are Part time but I work full time for one and half time for the other so I guess you could say I am a full-time + part-time Pastor. Over 50 hours a week. The pay is rotten but the rewards are out of this world. God blesses.