Marxist overreach continued: EPA cedes a million acres and a city to Native tribes

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by thisnumbersdisconnected, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Joined:
    Apr 11, 2013
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    I have to admit, when I saw this, I thought the Fox website had been hacked again. It is stupefyingly unbelievable, that this administration and it's communist armies of bureaucrats believe they have the right to exercise this kind of power and authority. The worst part is, it was done at the end of last year, and no one made a fuss about it until notice was given for a hearing requested by the Wyoming attorney-general filed last month to stay the order pending judicial review!!
    As detailed in the article, this action by the EPA could result in the overturned convictions of Native Americans who were charged, tried, found guilty and sentenced as a result of activity on the disputed land; previously issued environmental licenses may be rendered null and void; food processing plants can operate without oversight by the feds or the state; any and all criminal, civil and traffic investigations undertaken by the Wyoming State Patrol within the confines of the disputed area are rendered null and void.

    This is nothing short of insanity. It is indicative of the desire of this administration to rule by fiat, without care, concern, or approval of elected officials. When is the "loyal opposition" going to stand up and demand the Great Pretender stop acting like king and dictator by allowing his federal agencies to act unilaterally, without authority, to deny the rights and property of the citizens of this country? When does the GOP grow a backbone? When does nullfication, if not outright secession, begin among the states who will not tolerate this criminal activity?
  2. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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