Memorable Easter Services

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by ktn4eg, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Today (04/08/07) is what most folks call Easter Sunday, a day that most Christians set aside to remember in a special way the fact of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    I'd love to read about what memories my BB friends have of a particularly memorable Easter Sunday service that they have experienced (either one in the past or perhaps the one that occurred today), and telling us why that particular Easter Sunday service holds an important part in your memory.

    (I've got one that I'll share with y'all in a subsequent posting, but first I'd love to hear from some of y'all, ok?)
  2. JerryL New Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    Today, along with our normal worship part of the service we first played a video called Sunday's Coming ( to see a clip, ) then I got up and read Matthew 28: 1-7. We went back to a couple more songs, then went into the Preaching service by our Pastor. We ended up playing another video of "That's my King" by the late C.M Lockridge.( to view a clip, ) It was a very memorable service. I condensed it a lot but that is the jist of it.
  3. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Not 'zacky 100%, but I'm still fairly sure none any of us remember would match up to that first one.

    :thumbsup: :smilewinkgrin:

  4. Joseph M. Smith New Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    I have two memories of special Easter services:

    The first dates to 1947, when as a boy of nine years old, I was baptized at Deer Park Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. I didn't know then that Easter was a day hallowed by Christian tradition for baptism. But I did know that I wanted to follow Christ.

    The second occurred when I was pastor of Takoma Park Baptist Church in Washington, DC, just a few years ago, and we built a pulpit drama around the "rolling away of the stone". The youth of the church worked with me to create a re-enactment of the resurrection event that involved a large papier-mache "stone". As I preached, at several points, speaking about the inability of many of us to find peace from various human pursuits -- the accumulation of wealth, ambition, etc. -- I would fake a "push" against the papier-mache, and it would move a little, but not much. At the end of my sermon, however, focusing on the power of the risen Christ, the last act in the sermon was to push the "stone" as if it were God doing so, and it rolled dramatically down the platform steps and into the center aisle! Unforgettable .. led to applause, and, much more important, to some new commitments to Christ. This Easter was also graced by the presence of my brother, Dr. Robert C. Smith, of Southwestern Seminary, at the organ -- and people are still talking about his music! What a day and what a savior!