Message Notes

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by Salty, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    Why would you ever read a manuscript from the pulpit?

    pastorsbc1303, why would'nt I? Is there a verse that says, "Thou shalt not use a manuscript?" Why not be open to any method as long as it works and does not violate the Word? The last time I checked there was nothing in the Bible for or against manuscripts, outlines, notes, powerpoint, etc. Simply I am told to preach the word, in season or out of season....
  2. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    Isn't that what Spurgeon did? I thought he read his entire sermon, never looking up from the paper.
  3. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    Johnathan Edwards, one of the greatest preachers in U.S. history, read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" holding the manuscript inches from his face. I wonder if anyone would like to criticize his preaching from a manuscript. God gifts and talents preachers in different ways. He uses them in different ways. It's irritating when one thinks his way is the best. While I believe expository preaching is best, I used to get sick and tired of my preaching professor railing against any other method. I also got sick of him railing against any sermon that didn't have a thesis statement and three points to back it up as if that were the only way to preach a sermon.
  4. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    No. Spurgeon used handwritten notes, prepared the night before. He is the patron saint of Saturday night specials :)
  5. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Someone mentioned Stanley. Tremendous preacher. However, he says "Now, Listen..." about 987 times a sermon. Drives me nuts :laugh: If he ever wanted to emphasize something and ask me to listen, what phrase is he going to use without crying wolf? ;)

    I reiterate: delivery is very key no matter what you have with you in the pulpit.
  6. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    His other phrase that drives me nuts is "now watch this..." :)
  7. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    All preachers have some type of habit....
    My wife used to critique me... one of the hardest habits I had to break was licking my lips. I think it had to do with my nerves...

    Anyway, I managed to stop this.

    If I could only stay awake now... lol!!!

    (just Jokin)
  8. bobbyd New Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I just send TinyTim a check each month and he forwards his sermons to me...:laugh:

    I generally type out a cross between an outline and a manuscript, done on 2 columns printed out on landscape and cut in half. That way it fits into my Bible and as i move on to each page i can just slide them under neath my Bible as i preach.
  9. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I will tell you the same thing one of my preaching professors said when a guy in our class said, but Jonathan Edwards did this.... "He is Jonathan Edwards, you are not." :saint:

    Feel free to preach any way you want. I just cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would stand up and just read a piece of paper. But whatever works for ya.
  10. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    How insulting can one preacher be to another? I'm not reading a piece of paper. I am preaching a sermon. Maybe that you can understand. And as for your quip about Johnathan Edwards, neither have I heard of you or your preaching professor until I participated on this site,. And yet, you set yourself up to judge the validity of manuscript preaching verses any other method.
  11. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I was not insulting you in any way.

    You said in your previous post "read", so I took you at your word. Maybe I misunderstood you.

    I take a manuscript to the pulpit as well, but I do not think anyone would ever think I was simply reading from it.
  12. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I am not the judge of anyone. It seems you got a big chip on your shoulder or something. You are free to preach however you want.
  13. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I have heard PastorSbc1303, and he does a great job.
    He reminds me of my preaching style...:D
  14. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    Ok, I understood your post to be critical of someone who would preach from a manuscript. But, you say you weren't so I'll leave it at that.
  15. swaimj <img src=/swaimj.gif>

    Jul 20, 2000
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    Ya know, I never realized he did this when I watched him on TV, but when I listened to him on the radio I definitely heard it and it was a little off-putting. I'll stick to my guns that his delivery is very natural looking on TV.
  16. Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    When I preach, I use a mix of outline and key words. It is mostly to key me in on what I am trying to get across and to help keep me from chasing too many rabbits. I REALLY need one now that I am teaching the teens.
  17. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I'd be curious to see how this works. Would you email me a sample? I can PM you my addy if you're willing. PM me or simply tell me on here if you're willing.
  18. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    The topic of what paper preachers take to the pulpit with them evokes very emotional and passionate reactions. And I fear that we have turned this into a source of pride. ("I don't need notes" someone says, beating their chests in their minds). I went to a conference about ten years ago with Mark Howell at SBTS, who was a preaching prof there at the time. He said that the first thing preachers should do to improve their preaching is to take their notes and burn them. Again, in my estimation, what he was criticizing was not the presence of notes, but a preacher's dependence on them and the distraction they pose when taking eye contact away from the people. He was very passionate about this (Dr. Howell is a passionate guy). A pastor from the back of the room fired back at Dr. Howell and, as a note user, was very offended. So we had a ten minute discussion pro and con of using notes. Both walked out of the room with the same view that they held when they walked in, I'm sure.

    At a conference a couple of years later, I heard Derek Prime say he couldn't fathom a preacher not having a manuscript because of the careful preparation that goes in, and that it was necessary to glorify God by choosing words, phrasing, etc. very carefully and not in a haphazard, spur of the moment kind of way.

    Derek Prime is one of the best expositors you'll ever hear. Mark Howell is a good preacher as well. My point? Preachers are good not because of their presence of or lack of a manuscript, notes, etc. There must be something else to it :) Thus, use whatever method of final preparation and delivery you find works best for you and your setting. Never sacrifice preparation. Always strive to be note-free, even if you're not note-less.

    I love discussing the pros and cons of various methods. I think it's healthy for us to do. Like I just did by querying Bobbyd, every now and then you learn ways where you can do things better.

    FWIW, my mss or notes are typed on 5.5 by 8.5 printer paper (regular paper cut in half). I use front and back. When there are more than will comfortably fit in my Bible, I'll use a leather note holder that I got from a fellow who makes them as a ministry.

    Let me ask this: does your prep vary for each sermon? IOW, do those of you who do mss on Sun AM do one for Sun PM and Wed as well? Or do you vary by service? I never take a mss for Sun PM, for instance.
  19. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I prepare for Sunday PM the same as AM... usually...

    Except, my Sunday PM is more interactive... I allow questions and comments during my sermon....

    Wednesday is Bible Study, and I also use Powerpoint for it...
    But I never print it on paper... I should, but don't... We work together through the Powerpoint... discussing the verses... or questions... or whatever the study is using....

    For my Sunday Am... I work up an outline by Thursday... I have never preached from a written manuscript... I have always used outlines...
    So, I have the outlines done by Thursday for both AM and PM services...
    Then Friday and Saturday is spent putting the outline into Powerpoint slides... And finding pictures to illustrate the points I am making.

    I have been trying to use more pictures, less written words on my slides...
    And I am getting negative feedback... They like to follow along with my outline... so I am going to adjust it back to the way I used to do it...

    There is a constant tension on how to get the message across...

    Afterall, that is the purpose of preaching... getting the message across so they will act on what they hear.

    Some people put their pants on starting with their right foot.
    Some people put their pants on starting with their left foot.
    Some people jump into their pants with both feet at the same time...
    Some don't wear pants....

    Some preachers use notes
    Some use manuscripts
    Some use nothing
    some use visuals,

    My point? Whatever works use it... Time is too short to quibble over crazy things..
  20. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    My point? Whatever works use it... Time is too short to quibble over crazy things..

    My point exactly Tim. You do what works best for you. To this day, when I violate the things that I was taught by my two preaching professors I feel guilty as if I were violating the "prime directive." But, I'm learning to overcome that indoctrination. Sure, one has to start somewhere in learning and developing the art of preaching. But, as one becomes more competent and comfortable there is a need to diversify, to try different approaches, but most importantly, whether a seasoned preacher or beginning expositor, to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. While there are some methods I probably would never use, I'm not going to criticize those who do.