Ministry ideas needed

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Amy.G, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    I was asked today if I would lead a team to do outreach (or rather inreach) to members of our church who are sick, have lost loved ones, need encouragement...ect. I was already a member of the team but the woman who was leading it had to give it up because of her husband's illness. We had just begun this program and it was still in the planning stage when she had to stop. I have always been a "worker bee" and not in a leadership position, so I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm honored to have been asked though.

    I hope my friends on the BB will give me some helpful advice. The hardest part that I see is finding out who needs help.

    Any ideas?
  2. Steven2006 New Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Not anything specific. But maybe it would be a good idea to go to lunch with the woman that was leading it and pick her brain. She might even offer to be there for you as far as taking a call for advice or ideas. Sounds like she doesn't have the time because of he husbands illness, but that doesn't mean she couldn't be of real value to you in this area. I will pray for you as you go forward.
  3. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Well, that's also a problem because when she was leading it, we only met a couple of times to discuss how to go about things and she had no ideas at all. She was pretty much relying on the rest of us to give her ideas. That's about as far as it has gotten so far. The team is small. We have about 6 people who signed up.
  4. Steven2006 New Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    I see, sorry to hear that. Another though that came to mind, is just ask the people in need, how best can you be a help to them. Also make sure that people on your team have a genuine empathy for these people. I think sometime people have sympathy, but not enough empathy. I will pray that you are a blessing to those you help.
  5. abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    First, find out who is sick, shut-in, etc. You can start by asking ss teachers who has been absent for a while. Ask people to look around and see if the folks they usually sit near have been coming. If anyone takes a roll, maybe they can let you know, or if you have a prayer request sheet, that can tell you a lot.

    Next, write their name on a 3x5 card and assign someone to that person. On the back of the card, they can record each date of when they visited or called their shut-in and any urgent needs or prayer requests. If someone needs meals due to surgery, their contact person can relay the message to the group and you can organize meals to be delivered, or maybe they need a ride to a doctor's appt, and the contact person can let you or the group know. Collect the cards every few weeks to make sure no one has been overlooked. Also, get their addresses and make sure someone sends them a card once in a while to let them know you care.

    That's all I can think of at the moment, but maybe it will help you get started.
  6. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Steven, thank you. I sure need some prayer! :) I do hope that we will be a blessing to those in need.

    Abc, those are great ideas! I had thought of taking a roll each week. Our church is small, about 150 members, but we have 2 services because of the size of the sanctuary. The church we used to attend used clip boards placed at the end of each row. It was a much larger church. But I think in a smaller church, it might work if we just used 2 clipboards, one for each side (there are 2 sets of pews with aisle in the middle). Do you think that would work? I don't know any other way to keep up with attendance. Of course, some people don't attend SS, but attend worship services.
    I'm just trying to keep some from falling through the cracks. We have an email prayer chain, but not everyone uses it, so you don't hear about all the needs just by email.

    Thanks for your great ideas and prayers! Keep them coming!

  7. charles_creech78 New Member

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Pray to the lord and let him lead you. That is the best advice I can give you. God bless all of us.
  8. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    I wonder if this is something that actually needs leadership? I am curious as to what kind of planning or organization has to be done.

    Why not just train people on how to have a visit and let them go do it. I think mots people know how to visit someone.

    Conversation: Ask about their family, their health, their lives. Talk about general issues of life (weather, etc ... whatever is of interest to them).
    Scripture: Be prepared with a passage of Scripture to share with them. Ask them if they have a favorite they would like you to read.
    Pray: Pray with them before you leave.

    I am not sure we need to organize this per se. Teach the necessity of ministering to the body and let the people go do it.

    Set up a meeting for interested people. Spend a half hour or so talking about what to do when you visit someone. If there are some who are nervous to do it by themselves, hook them up with someone else (of the same sex ... do I even need to say that?).

    Keep a list of names if necessary. Often it won't even by necessary. People will know who the shut-ins are and will go to see them.
  9. Archeryaddict New Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    if you don't feel as you are being led by the Holy Spirit to do this, Pray and ask God if this is something He is calling you to do before you take this on.
    dont jump out in front of God Make sure He is the one who is leading you to do this and not just something someone else thinks it is something you should be doing.

    Saturate this in prayer and God will prepair the path for you
    that is the best advice I can give you.
  10. webdog Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 31, 2005
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    What Charles said. Before accepting, I would pray about it first,asking God if He even wants you to accept it...then go from there.
  11. Mr.M New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Do what you would do most naturally to console and communicate with close friends and family. Yes, you might do it somewhat systematically as in on a schedule or planned but simply be natural and communicate in whatever fashion you think would touch them the most if they were family or close friends.