Miracle Healing: Where's my new finger?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Sakuras, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. Sakuras New Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Hello all my friends,

    I have watched miracle healing on T.V. over the years. Some make me laugh like Benny Hinn. No disrespect meant to those who admire and follow him.

    It seems you can't bump into anyone that doesn't have a camera or camcorder these days.

    Yet, I have seen no healing that involves a finger coming back, a scar victim with new skin, a blown off leg return or the like. Plenty of internal miracle healing such as a headache gone and so on. But nothing external captured on tape.

    Why do you think this is?

    Thanks for reading my post and your time.
  2. TomMann New Member

    Jun 15, 2002
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    Hope you don't think you deserve an award for figuring this one out. I started back to church in the mid 90's in a charismatic baptist church. In study and observation, it dawned on me that charismatics suffer and die with the same problems and sicknesses that the rest of us do. They are not richer or drive better cars. By their beliefs one would have to assume that they must not have the superior faith they claim is required to receive the things they desire.......
  3. Sakuras New Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    An award? No my friend. Just a personal observation.

    I don't think there are any original ideas left in the world.

    Miracle healing, why is there no evidence of outward healing - scars, limbs etc.?

    I believe the Bible. I just want to know why no evidence? Yet mass claims for internal healing - tumors, headaches etc.
  4. Repent-or-Burn New Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    No evidence?

    Maybe becaue BH is a liar and in it for the money and or public attention.. So, it's all fake?
  5. Sakuras New Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Not just Benny Hinn. Anybody in the entire world have video of a miracle healing that I am speaking of?

    My theory is God will show no sign currently because it wouldn't be based off faith.

    Is that possible? Or in fact is there evidence of such a healing - limb coming back or massive burns healed?
  6. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    I believe that God still is in the healing business. But, I don't think He's doing it through Binny.
  7. Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    I didn't get a new leg, but at 21, on Oct 3rd @ 10:03pm, I was hit head on by a drunk driver (passed out at the wheel) and due to the damage done to my car was 'assumed' dead, until a first responder came to look and see just how bad it was. When I noticed him looking me I ask if he would mind helping cause I my right legs was dislocated amoung many other serious issues. Later the doctor advised me that I had a 95% or so chance of never walking again without the aid/assistance of crutches or a walker. I spent 9 months on my back unable to even walk prior to that conversation.

    However one night while I was sitting up in my bed praying I remember saying that whether I am in a wheelchair or not or whatever, I would preach the gospel message he has called me to no matter what. I then remember hearing (in my heart) a song I had never heard before but somehow new the words to, and was singing it somewhat quietly as in my parents house all were sleeping. But when I opened my eyes I was standing beside my bed without a crutch or walker. Now I don't know if I just got up or if God stood me up, I just don't remember how I got to that point of standing without either and to me- that doesn't matter. I remember tenitively taking a step. I don't know why exactly I didn't reach for my crutch first but it felt right to try first. Before that the result was always the same - I would fall down while blowing my knee out of joint and being unable to walk at all for days later.

    But this time it was firm. I took another and another, I went to door and opened it and was overcome with such joy and God's grace I started yelling out in the darkness that I can walk, I can walk! I was on the botton floor and my parents were on the top. I walked over to the stairs, put my foot on the botton step, thought better of it, and turned around and placed my botton it and went up that way- bottom first. Hey, I wasn't about to chance messing up what God had done by falling down the stairs due to their lack of use like that. :)

    Needless to say when I went to my appointment the doctor had nothing to say other than he couldn't explain it, I should not be walking without assistance according to my previous scans but now there was a distinct and see-able change in the scans. Understand something though. I can walk but my knees are still messed up somewhat so that jumping, turning quickly, running still will blow out my knees but God has graciously allowed me to be able to 'walk' with Him.

    That is my story, and it is one that has medical documentation with it as I was in the process of sueing the gentleman's insurance company since this was his either his 11th or 13 DUI in that year. He was really wealthy so I guess he gets the benifit of the doubt. He only spent 1 night in jail and only had to pay approx. $1500 in fines for the incident.

    If you are curious about the song I heard these are the words:
    It is a really simple song/chourus, but to me, very powerful.

    Say what one will, but this is my testimony of that event.
  8. Repent-or-Burn New Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    "My theory is God will show no sign currently because it wouldn't be based off faith."

    Faith, in scripture - is not the way we use it today.

    I have heard it described as this: Faith is trusting God for what He has already promised.

    Read Hebrews 11, friend.
  9. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    You do not have the vaguest idea what you are talking about. Your theory is nonsense, to put it nicely.

    This time, you read Hebrews 11, and while you are at it, absorb what it says.

    Allen, that was a great testimony. Thanks for sharing.

    Hebrews 11:1 is a good description of faith. It says nothing about it being today, yesterday, or tomorrow. God is sovereign, and He uses faith for His purposes as He sees fit. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, not by your warped theories, ROB.

    I see miracles every year in my local church through the prayers of the congregation. It does not always have to be the spectacular. Maybe we should all be more observent to the Holy Spirit in us, and listen to that still, small voice like Allen did, instead of forming stupid theories in our own minds.
  10. Bob Alkire New Member

    Mar 23, 2001
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    Amen, brother! All we need to do is look around.

    Allen I wish to thank you too, for sharing your trouble and blessing.
  11. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    One word: hoax.

    I don't discount certin unique times when a person is truly healed, but if someone like Benny Hin claims to have the power to heal people on demand, I guarantee that person is a fake. The gift of healing is not given a person "on demand" in scripture, for a person to wield as they wish. If Hinn was genuine, and, given all the supposed healing he's done, he should have at least been able to heal a person with a severed limb, or a person with a physical disfigurement. It's never happenned.
  12. Jeffrey Dean New Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    I've seen miracles validated by medical tests aplenty.

    Here in my little SBC world just in the last couple of years I personally seen the xrays/MRI imaging that give the evidence of divine healing touch. The doctors are typically baffled to hold the before and after pictures. We have believers whose medical tests show bodies ravanged by cancer and then - after prayer - their images show zero cancer. Typically the doctors rerun the tests and scratch their heads.

    2 years ago we had a pastor with permanent hearing loss and two hearing aids recieve his hearing from the Lord. He went from considering a medical retirement due to the disease that had taken over 90% of his hearing to a ministry that does not include hearing aids. He fully believes in a God who heals.

    Within six months we had a young mother develop full blown leukemia. White count well over 30,000. My best friend, and SBC pastor who fully embraces a God who heals, prayed for that healing as she lay in the hospital bed. Within 2 days she had a white count of 11k (high normal is 10k). Soon after she was a 6K with a pronouncement of no cancer - not remission - but cured.

    Three months ago a group of friends came together to pray over a young women with severe scoliosis. We prayed and nothing seemingly happened. Within 2 weeks the girl (23) felt her back move and folks it is verified straight back today. Visiblibly twisted to perfectly normal - verified by eyes, pictures, doctors, etc. The Lord straightened this girls back.

    We probably are different from the Charamatic believers being vilified on this thread in that we don't make a show of healing nor do we emphasis it as the focus of ministry. But we have as a body of believers seen the incredible hand of God in healing. Cancer cured, backs straigthened, migranes gone, ears opened, and a bunch of "lesser" miracles. Do I understand it? Not at all. Does everyone receive healing - no. Do enough believers seek healing - no.

    Benny Hinn, et al. make me nervous too. But I do appreciate the faith of those who take Jesus at His word. And seeing the Lord heal the sick has increased the faith of this former scoffer.
  13. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    No one is questioning the validity of healings which are miraculous. I've been witness to several in my life. It's a question of whether Hinn's claims are valid. They are not. Healing at will isn't biblically consistent, and with Hinn, easily falsifiable.
  14. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Woo hoo, Allan and Jeffrey, you've made my day.

    A couple of observations:

    One, if someone has the gift of healing, then it's absolute, and he does not need to pray for someone's healing. He simply speaks healing and it's done. That, it seems to me, would include raising the dead.

    Two, today God may heal sovereignly, as he desires, as in Allan's story.

    Three, we should have no hesitancy in praying for healing, for ourselves or anybody else.

    I love the story of Bartimaeus. When Jesus approached, some asked who sinned, he or his parents. Jesus said neither, that Bartimaeus was blind so that Jesus could display his power at that moment. Jesus clearly intended to give Bartimaeus his sight.

    But, and this is the interesting part, he made him ask for it. Remember, Jesus said to him, "what do you want?" Bartimaeus said, "I want my sight." Jesus already knew what he wanted and what he was going to do, but Bartimaeus had to ask.

    Maybe God intends to heal in response to prayer in some cases. In other cases, maybe not. So pray for healing and leave it to God.
  15. Sakuras New Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Hello all,

    Let's forget Hinn.

    Is there any witness on the planet that has seen a healing such as scars removed or limbs coming back?

    I am not saying ears are not cleaned, x-rays show tumors gone etc.
    I believe all this.

    However, why are not we seeing miracles as the one I suggested?
    The kind that back-in-the-day the Bible talked about: rising from the dead, skin conditions instantly healed?

    The kind of healings that can in no way be objected.

    Thank you.
  16. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I can attest to a legally blind person getting uncorrected vision, two cases of cancer disappearing, and a case of a person's tumor shrinking and disappearing.
  17. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I think the jist of the question is really interesting. Why isn't there tales in the bible or elsewhere of amputees having an arm regrown? etc... certainly this would have been an issue in days past?
  18. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Because God doesn't want to do it that way?

    Sometimes that's the best answer I can think of.
  19. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I understand but think about it. God raised people from the dead but doesn't restore amputees? Strange huh? I think its a good argument for the Atheist.
  20. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Yes, it's an interesting question and one I have thought about, but there is no answer. The bible is silent on it. Although, Jesus did pick up the ear of Malchus and put it back on his head.

    Regarding the atheist, the best way to witness to them is by telling them of your own salvation experience. They really can't argue with that. The fool has said in his heart there is no God. No amount of physical evidence will change his mind, only the grace of God.