More proof that Lincon was right...

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by The Galatian, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    1 can't fool all of the people all of the time.

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The percentage of Americans who blame the Bush administration for the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington has risen from almost a third to almost half over the past four years, a CNN poll released Monday found.
    Asked whether they blame the Bush administration for the attacks, 45 percent said either a "great deal" or a "moderate amount," up from 32 percent in a June 2002 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.
    But the Clinton administration did not get off lightly either. The latest poll, conducted by Opinion Research Corporation for CNN, found that 41 percent of respondents blamed his administration a "great deal" or a "moderate amount" for the attacks. (Read the complete poll results -- PDF)
    That's only slightly less than the 45 percent who blamed his administration in a poll carried out less than a week after the attacks.
  2. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Barbarian probably picks & chooses what he likes about the man. CNN would have been shut down long ago, it's reporters jailed, and no hebeus corpus (sp?) for them either, had a guy like Lincoln been in, right now.
  3. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    In fact, I do admire Lincoln for his virtues, and criticize him for his failings. I don't idolize any human. However, the topic is the way the American people are coming to realize who dropped the ball before 9/11.
  4. Timsings Member
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    Aug 8, 2006
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    Actually, I think this says more about the American people than it does about either Bush or Clinton. I think Lincoln might paraphrase himself to say that "you can fool a lot more people now than you could a while back." Our attention span is minute. We seem to be only interested in "fad news". What ever is happening right now is important. Tomorrow we will move on to the next big thing. Whatever was happening today will be out of fashion because it is old news.

    We are engaged in a great inversion of values based on a standard of trivialization that would astound Paul Tillich. In his 3-volume Systematic Theology, he talked about the dangers of trivialization on two fronts. First, there is the trivializing of ultimate matters such as God. Second, there is the elevating of trivial matters to a level of importance they do not deserve. In regard to many of the "hot-button" issues of today, we are in danger on both of these fronts. It is my opinion that, until we figure out what our priorities should be and act on them, we will continue to be mired in the same tarpit of buck-passing, self-interest, back-stabbing, and character-assassination, that characterizes those realms that constitute our ultimate concerns: athletics, politics, and religion.
  5. Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    I seriously doubt that many of the people polled even realize exactly when Clinton left and Bush took office. I bet half coudn't tell you what year it was.

    Bottom line, 9/11 was going to happen. I don't care if Clinton, Bush, Gore, or Lincoln was in power. We, as a people, were too complacent, with a feeling of invulnerability, prior to 9/11.

    As far as I'm concerned, we all dropped the ball on 9/11, and it cost us big. Hopefully, we all learned a lesson from it, and will not just point fingers at everyone else.

    We have a duty to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, kick a little terrorist booty, and keep going.
  6. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    All of America dropped the ball before 9/11. However our President was in office for 8 months. Clinton was in office the 8 years prior to that.

    Do you get that? 8 years versus 8 months. Distracted by his legacy and the mystical global warming.

    Was there any attacks on the WTC in the 8 months prior to 9/11 that our President was in office. Nope.

    But there was one during Clintons watch. But liberal do nothing polices failed us and then 9/11.
  7. Jack Matthews New Member

    Jul 7, 2006
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    I'll agree that all of America dropped the ball. We were too complacent, thinking that the dark cloud that pretty much hung over the world since WWII had sailed off somewhere. The world is always going to be at war over ideology, and it is going to get worse as the value of access to natural resources, particularly oil and water, becomes more and more critical.

    Considering the warnings left behind, the mountains of documents accumulated during the Clinton administration, the 9-11 commission report which basically showed the Clinton administration to be right in line with everything they should have done, and the fact that Bush administration security people (leftover failures from the previous Bush administration) basically ignored the hours upon hours of briefings they received and pooh-poohed the Clinton administration's intelligence warnings (remember the scoffing about the "Monica Rockets"?), and the simple fact that enough warnings were received within 48 hours of the attack to have prevented any of the hijackers from entering the country, I hold the Bush administration 100% responsible. It happened on their watch. Conservatives are always talking about people being responsible for their actions, that is, unless it is one of their own.
  8. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Personal responsibility is a conservative trait. Your error is in supposing that the pack of clowns running the WH are conservatives.