More TSA brilliance: Search children DISEMBARKING a train

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by rbell, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Be forewarned: The video itself is clean...but you know how morons on YouTube are. Don't bother reading the comments...folks can't express themselves cleanly anymore.

    Now that the disclaimer's done, please keep the following things in mind:

    • Of course, the TSA is searching the most dangerous group of travellers: Prepubescent boys that are not middle-eastern Muslims. :rolleyes:
    • Also, this might prove helpful to you (Humorous? Disgusting?) These folks had ALREADY ARRIVED AT THEIR DESTINATION. They were being searched AFTER THEY DISEMBARKED. If you're going to have useless "security theater," shouldn't you at least do it before they get on, instead of as they're getting off? Exactly what clown is running this particular operation? And does their kindergarten teacher know they're absent?
    If this weren't government, and if this wasn't Amtrak, then this three-ring circus would bother me. But since we're talking government security, efficiency, and transportation, well--I'm surprised they didn't call them up a week after the trip and search them. I am a bit bothered by one thing--it appears they are not searching any handicapped 90 year-olds. Everyone knows that next to 9 year-old boys...that is by far the most deadly group of travelers.
