Movie reviews: Why r non-Christians more discerning?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Forever settled in heaven, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. Joined:
    Jul 29, 2000
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    most of the evangelical machinery seems to have given blanket endorsement for The Passion, some calling it the gtest thing in the last 2,000 years, n others hailing it the gtest thing for the next decades or even centuries.

    yet we get Time magazine's review placing the movie in the context of Romish theology/14th-century culture of self-flaggelation n blood gore, others pointing out the end result of being stunned by hardcore brutality but not clear abt any message, of being turned off not by the gospel but by the gore, etc.

    where r our learned leaders?
  2. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Outside critics of anything, FSiH, are ALWAYS more discerning than inside devotees.

    It's true for communism, atheism, churchianity, Christianity, evolution, anti/pro abortion, nazism, you get my point.

    It's difficult for evolutionists to critically examine their own doctrines, because they tend to hang out with those who do not question the belief system

    If we Christians remain ignorant of suggestology, brainwashing techniques, mass psychology, marketing, hypnotic influences, we will be EASY PREY for evil worldlings or phony religious teachers.

    Remember evangelist Jim Jones? How soon we forget.
  3. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Chuck Swindol gave an excellent review of the movie, both why he said "You owe it to yourself to see this movie" and his reservations about the movie and the message. I think both Pro-passion and anti-passion and those who don't give a hoot anymore can appreciate his review.

    I think those of us who are pro-passion really understand that this movie wasn't meant to be an evangelistic effort.
  4. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    It appear to me that it's the Christian naysayers who are the undiscerning folks. The vast majority of the Christian folks who are seeing it are going in with an open mind, and few are coming out disappointed.

    It's interesting, however, that the same naysayers about this movie don't have a problem bashing the "enemy liberal media" when they disagree with them. But when they agree, now they're sleeping with the enemy? What's that all about?

    Besides, does anyone remember the critics who panned Star Wars, Schildler's List, Gods and Generals, and Titanic? That didn't make them bad movies. It's the job of a critic to be CRITICAL: To report what they liked and disliked. Yet, here you have the naysayers take the reported dislikes and blanket the whole. I'm not surprised. This type of judgementalism is becoming quite the acceptible attitude among some Baptists. It's practically a Distinctive.
  5. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Yes Johnv, we all must at least listen to differing points of view.

    I watched Dateline (I think that's its name, I watch little tv) and listened to that group of PASSION film goers who all loved it.

    I listened. I still disagreed, but I did see that the film is not 100% negative, nor will its effects be all good or bad, but a mix.