Music Galore...

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by nu thang, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. lindz New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    TO JonathanDT-
    What I am saying by the Levi's statement is that we are not to put God in "our world" we shouldn't make Him look like one of us. He is GOD!! He is God in the Flesh, yes, I DEFINATELY agree. But what I am saying is that we need to keep God at a higher position. We need to keep Him where He belongs! God is not my 'homeboy' God is my Best Friend. God is the One who takes care of me. He is not my friends down the street or at the mall.

    I do also agree that even our hymns were taken from 'beaty' music but I don't think that 'they of the contrary part' will look at us and say, "They call themselves Christians? They look like lunatics singing decently and in order! What were they thinking to put what they call 'God's words' to peaceful and apart from the world music? Let me tell you I will never be a Christian!" I do agree that hymns may not be their style and that they may never enjoy singing to God wtih them. But if that's the way they will be, well, I hope Someone will get ahold of them! Check out I Cor. 14:26

    Oh, Bro. Jonathan, I will read a book about your and many others' point of view when done reading this one. hey, I'll even read it with you. We could have some great converations about it! TTYL!
  2. arnold andrew New Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    i hate christian music
  3. uhdum New Member

    Jul 12, 2001
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    "Christian" beer? Doesn't make any sense. Doesn't have anything to do with the analogy at all, because I don't know of any "Christian beer." As for rock music being an invention of the devil, I believe that is false. Granted, there are those on here who disagree with me on that, but anyway, my opinion and a 50 cents will buy you a coke. Sure, the devil can use rock music, and he has... just as he's used country music, rap music, and all styles. However, that doesn't seem to stop us from advocating Southern Gospel (Christian Country) left and right.

    I am well aware of the propoganda put out by that site...a look at the URL title can tell you about 99% of their beliefs. It is a shame this "former rock guitarist" no longer uses his musical ability for God... or does he? I have found that when one is obsessed with something (and obsessed with searching for faults), one can dig up as much stuff and "proof" for his/her position as he/she wants. Not that he has been saved from the evils of much secular rock music (I will not doubt it exists), perhaps he should use his gift for God.

    I wish that were true. You are right... many of our hymn writers were godly, dedicated Christians... I just got a book chronicling the wonderful stories behind some of our best-loved hymns. I love them and their message to us. However, the fact of the matter is that many of them DID come from popular and contemporary music of the day. A glance at the hymn book will tell you that... the tune name will occasionally say "traditional American/Irish/Folk melody", etc. While I will not speculate as to whether some of them were drinking songs (I have heard this, but am not sure), I do know that oftentimes, the hymn writer itself did not set the words to music. Others came along later and did that.

    Personally, I am grateful for the advances in contemporary music, theory, and harmony. Many of our beloved hymns are based on stale, generic tunes which feature many illogical chord patterns, harmonies, and the like. I have actually re-harmonized a couple myself to make them sound a little better.

    Please define "rock music" for me. The drums? The guitars? The amplification? Perhaps I could better understand your aversion to it (which is nothing new, but a typical anti-CCM stance) if I knew what you defined as "rock music."

    God bless!
  4. JonathanDT New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    Be careful who you put on a pedastal. Did you know that Horatio G. Spafford, the author of It is Well With My Soul, died dissalussioned and thinking that he was the 2nd Messiah? Robert Robinson, the author of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," later was asked by a women who was humming his own song how he liked it. He replied in tears, “Madam, I am the poor un­hap­py man who wrote that hymn ma­ny years ago, and I would give a thou­sand worlds, if I had them, to en­joy the feel­ings I had then." These men were not always the great stories that we make them out to be.

    Don't you mean that our culture has become even more immoral? Let's be clear hear, you don't consider this purely a rock phenomenon, do you?

    You're mistaking where meaning comes from. The meaning of music comes not from the listener, and not from the music itself, but from the artist, the author of the music. To say that the meaning lies in the music itself is wrong, meaning rarely ever comes from the object.