My Political Movement

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by J.D., Apr 1, 2010.

  1. J.D. Active Member
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    Feb 21, 2006
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    Here's my new approach to politics. Please critique it.

    1. Leviathon must be killed.

    2. The only way to kill Leviathon is to starve it.

    3. The Federal Government is Leviathon.

    4. To starve it, we must stop voting for it.

    5. Therefore, do not vote for federal officials of any kind, of any party.

    6. It's okay to vote for state/local officials, but not federal.

    7. Voting for federal officials validates their actions, whether they are in accordance with your wishes or not.

    8. Do not support candidates that tout "less government", for it is code language for "less socialism". What we want is NO socialism.

    9. Do vote with your feet. Physically block every one of Leviathon's unconstitutional programs. Disrupt it's supply-lines of money and popular support.

    10. Cut off it's source of money by taking every legal way of avoiding taxes. If you can, reduce your income to below the taxation level. Some people can do this if their house is paid off, are receiving a tax-exempt pension, etc.

    11. Remember, Leviathon will thrash about madly as it feels the hunger pangs, so be ready for a rough ride.

    12. Nothing can live without food, so it will eventually die.

    13. When it's dead, repeal all of the amendments passed since the civil war, and replace it with the Constitutional Republic the founders intended.

    What do you think? Am I nuts?

    By the way, I am NOT proposing the overthrow of the government, or voilence, or anything illegal, so don't even go there.
  2. Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    You are living in a dream world. These steps will not work. Now, the thing to do is get out of the 17th century and adapt to the 21th century. Don't expect the country to ever return to the way it was. Do what you can to make the future as good as you can and live with the results.
  3. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Very interesting -

    A few points
    We may have to compromise on a few points. Those of us who want to see real change may disagree on some specific issues - so we need to put some minor things aside. And work for the greater good.

    To accomplish this, we need to start at the local level - and even run for office ourselves. Unfortunately, elections are normally a "popularity" contest. In most instances you must have name recognition.

    On point # 11 -
    A. The United States never had a "Civil War" - it was the War Between the States, also known as the War of Northern Aggression; as the main reason was States Rights.
    B. Be careful about wanting to abolish ALL amendments since the WBTS, as Robert Snow will think you want to bring back slavery.

    And contrary to what Robert Snow say, these steps can work - by first making sure we not only know what we believe, by WHY we believe it.

    Just yesterday, a customer of mine was saying how great Obama was and what he has done for our country. Well, I started taking issues one by one and explaining them. He agreed with every one of my points but - he is still a Democrat - and BO can do no wrong.

    so step # 14 - Have patience and in the words of Winston Churchhill - Never give in, never give in, never give in - Never, never, never.
  4. J.D. Active Member
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    Feb 21, 2006
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    Yes, I agree, it was the War Between the States. I was trying to be somewhat charitable. And my steps are painted in broad strokes. I certainly don't want to go back to slavery, but you know that. Liberals/progressives are going to poke holes in it no matter how it's said.

    One thing about voting - it needs to go back to age 21 minimum IMO.
  5. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    >A. The United States never had a "Civil War" - it was the War Between the States, also known as the War of Northern Aggression; as the main reason was States Rights.

    What we call the Revolution was a civil war because the intent was independence. There was no intent to change the form of government in England.

    The War of Northern Aggression was a revolution because its intent was to destroy state's rights and transfer all political and economic power to the northern industrialists, which it did.
  6. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    The war in 1776 was a Revoultion. A civil war is one in which two factions are fighting for control of the entire govt. The colonies simply wanted independence - they were not seeking control of London - and most of them didn't even want Canada)

    J.D. said
    One thing about voting it needs to go back to age 21 minimum IMO
    J.D., I started a poll for that

  7. J.D. Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 21, 2006
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    The coming socialist utopia is the real dream world that will fall apart once the blood of American prosperity, built up by two centuries of capitolism, has been sucked dry.
  8. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I agree with your sentiment, but not your method. We should vote for federal officials, but not the way choice A or B is presented to us. That is our fault. The Democratic and Republican parties would not exist without the people supporting them. They are both the same, anti-Constitutional, wanting to expand government, take away rights, and those are their good points. Their dark side is they are a group of thugs made of of thieves, power mongers, and vote panderers.

    It is up to we the people to dismantle the parties and create ones that want to run this country by the Constitution and serve the American people. The posters on this board who for years have been glorifying the attributes of one party over another have done this country no favors to put it nicely.
  9. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Just wondering, how active are you in your local political party? What have you done to ensure quality men are being nominated to run?
  10. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I had a simple consept for a political party. Its called the TSDP or the ThinkingStuff Dictatorial Party. Where in I become a dictator either by election or military force and I subject the whole contry to martial law and any discenters will be excused from citizenship and their lives. The beneficial results would be 1) lower the population base making it a smaller employment pool from which to hire people. Therefore less people will be unemployed 2) No matter what the supreme court says its irrelevant 3) Health care cost will go down 4) national debt will be reduced quickly and effectively. 5) All corporations will be ultimately under me. If a CEO fails to earn money he will be executed along with his family. Therefore banks will give loans to whom ever I want with 0 % interest as long as its an industry needed for national improvement. 6) the media will no longer be a problem as it is tightly controlled 7) The bill of rights which cause a lot of hassel for the government will be done away with immediately.
  11. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    You've got issues, dude.....
  12. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Either that or a twisted sense of humor. However, I believe this type of thing to be more effective historically (not that I agree with it). Consider what Hitler was able to do for the German economy in a few short years. What problems we face in this nation is upon reflection similar to what Athens had to deal with and the Roman Empire (partly). Its the curse of being a democratically based system. I forgot the founding father who acknowledge that the gambit was up once we realized we could vote ourselves more money.
  13. FR7 Baptist Active Member

    May 29, 2009
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    Benjamin Franklin
  14. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Since leaving the federal government (Hatch Act), I have been quite active in the campaign of Rand Paul. Oh, and a six way heart bypass slowed me down too. I also was active in campaigns for Richard Nixon.

    If the purpose of the question was to make me feel guilty about activity, you have the wrong guy. Besides that, being active for the present Republican Party is like a hampster running in his wheel. It accomplishes nothing but harming this Republic. The amount of activity does not translate into a transformation back to Constitutional government. So just wondering, how much do you do to change things back to our the way we should be governed?
  15. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Evidently you are one of the few who do participate. The point I am trying to get at is the belief that "all politics is local" You start local, work up to county, and then possibly State. However, you need you need patience - it will take a while to make a difference. But we do have to start somewhere. And as I said before, you need name recognition to run and win an office.

  16. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    We have most of this right now (or will soon) with Obama. :tongue3:

    Not voting is the worst thing you can do, then the corrupt politicians will stay in power. We need to vote in new people, people who represent our ideals.

    I am personally looking at politicians who represent what I believe in. I realize that no one person will represent everything I believe in, but I am looking at those who promote a smaller government, and less government control and regulation in our lives. I want to see the Health Care Bill repealed, as I believe it to be un-constitutional.

    People need to look outside the Democratic and Republican parties if necessary. I think some people are afraid to vote independent because they feel they are throwing their vote away. If we could convince people to vote for those who represent their personal views regardless of party, then we might get a good number of independents in there and change government.

    There is a problem with going independent however, in 1992 the main reason Clinton won was because Perot took away the vote that would have given Bush the victory. But I feel we must take this chance. This election coming up is different, it is not just a few people who are upset with the government, it is a large number that could elect an independent.

    But one thing is very important, all of us who are dissatisfied with the current Democrats and Republicans need to come together as a group and pick some viable candidates. Just being angry and dissatisfied will not accomplish anything, there must be some unity in this movement to actually get good people elected to office.
  17. Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I wouln't say this too loudly. :laugh:
  18. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Well, you have a good point there. Would not do it today. I was giving Salty a quick history of my political activites. When he resigned, I thought I miscarriage of justice had been carried out, since he was elected (twice). I have since changed my mind. If you go to, you can listen to some of the tapes. It did not take too many to lose a lot of respect for him.

    The whole situation was tragic. On a leadership level, he had talent, and could have been a successful President. However, down in his inner being, something was torturing him. He had a paranoia why beyond what was justified, and saw an enemy out to get him behind every tree. His downfall was using his office to get back at his real or imagined enemies. The best way I can describe him is an odd mixture of good and bad. His distrust of others overrode his sense of purpose for the country.