Nadya Suleman said she wanted to fill a void in her life with a huge family. But we w

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Ps104_33, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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  2. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    Isn't it interesting what people think will make them happy? "If I can just marry that person, I will be happy." "Having a baby will make me happy. Then I will have someone to love me." That's a selfish reason for having children--so that SHE will be loved. What about the child(ren)? Don't they deserve to be loved? Too many people are too selfish to have children when they're only thinking of their own happiness.

    People think that money will make them happy, or that possessions will make them happy. Too often when we get what we want, we find it does NOT produce happiness. The emptiness that is still there can only be filled by the love of the Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus the Christ.
  3. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    And she has been on public assistance prior to getting pregnant again.
  4. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    How does a woman who is the recipient of food stamps pay for 7 IVF procedures?

    Or in other words, how does a woman with enough money to pay for 7 IVF procedures become eligible for food stamps?

    I'm not judging.....just asking for clarification.

    Click here for LINK
  5. windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    If I understood her interview correctly, she was married in 1996: She had wanted children and tried to get prenant but to no avail. Divorced, later, she decided to try IVF and found a willing donor. A fertility clinic helped her with her first 5 pregnancies over a period of 5 1/2 years, one of which produced a set of twins. Then she returned to the clinic for another pregnancy attempt. 6 Embryos were produced....potential life... and she already had some medical difficulties which cause her and the doctor to think the liklihood of more than 1 or possibly 2 of the embryos implanting was low. But 6 embyos took, 2 of which produced twins. She opted to have all 6implanted: She said she was told and understood the risk to herself and the babies... if multiple babies resulted. She didn't want any of the embryos destroyed so she opted to have them all implanted.... with the fertility doctor agreeing with her that her chance of having a successful pregnancy was so low that multiples were unlikely.... even if all were placed: She already had a history of an ectopic pregnancy and internal scarring. In less than a month after the implantation, the swelling of her belly was well pass that expected of a single pregnancy..... but it wasn't until later that multiples were discovered by ultra-sound. When she learned of this and was offered selective abortion, she refused and decided to take her chances. She made it to the 24 week before she developed difficulties which stopped her from her routine.... of going to college and placing her 6 children in day-care offered on campus for parents with children. She claims she had saved for years for the fertility treatments. She had worked in a clinic and had received a back injury and was drawing disability on which she lived. She qualified for food stamps to feed her children and student loans for college but claims she's had no additional 'welfare'. She claims that she paid her parents some rent, but admits it was less than what they could have received in a normal market from someone unrelated. She admits that money is a concern but she has not let this make her fearful that she will find a way to manage: She states that though she doesn't have a lot, still her children do not lack for attention or food or anything which they need. One child is already diagnosed as autistic, and another is suspected to have ADHD. The possibility of these or other disorders, such as cerebral palsy, is a possibility in any of the 8 which were recently born....but will likely take time before problems with development is known. She is now reunited with her 6 children and happy to be with them... and is beginning to consider the difficulty of making room for 8 more infants and cribs and the logistics of care and crowding in a home so small..... but her children are already talking about the crowd of baby brothers and sisters which will fill their lives and she believes they are accepting of the adjustments which must be made. She counts them all as a blessing from God, and, even with those who have challenges, believes she has love for them and that her challenges will also bless her in working through them.


    My opinion: I think there is some immaturity and a lot of optimistic idealism in this 33y/o's experience: I don't think all her choices and decisions were carefully thought out nor good...... However, I think it is improper to add any difficulty to the problems she may face by judging her. The fact that people in this world will judge her based upon their own values and sense of morality is a product of her own choices and national and international attention which her case has received. But, as Christians, we can exercise caution of treating and judging after the fashion of the world, and choose compassion and leave the judgement to God: at least I hope so.

    I believe God meant for children to be parented by a father and a mother.... who are responsible for providing a stable home for the raising of their off-spring. But we know the world does little to support the ideal, and many Christian and non-Christian homes are broken. Many children are raised by single parents.

    I believe God meant things like pregnancy to occur the old fashioned way in a home where parents are married and committed to each other: But, singles 'hook-up' and have children out of wedlock. We do not condone their choices but we don't continue to condemn them, nor remove their children without cause. While childless couples or those with fertility problems turn to artificial and medical processes in their desire to have a family: It can seem that there are moral and ethical issues surrounding some of these decisions.... but to judge these couples? To judge what happens to a fertilized embryo which never gets implanted? We do not like the idea that an embryo is destroyed.... but would we judge someone who requests that they all be implanted at the risk of having mutiple births instead of letting them be destroyed?

    We may say that this woman took conception into her own control and away from God by her choices..... but, then, who are we saying is in charge of life? If God is not obeyed in moral issues regarding the parenting of children does that mean He did not exercise his will in their conception or live birth? ....... We might say that this woman has no way to take care of or to support these children..... but are we projecting our own concerns and values upon her and her future without knowing just what God may have planned for her provision and that of her children? Otherwords, do we react to her based upon our own limited experience, power, and knowledge to judge her, or do we pray for her and trust God to do a work in her life and those of her children? Do we judge her fitness to be a good mother based upon our own values and experience regarding expenses, family size, partnership? Do we really think the state is a better judge than God; so which do we trust more and support by our own speech and the innermost thoughts of our heart.... ????

    For me.......I'm going to pray for this mother and her familly, her children...... and sincerely have the highest hopes for her and her children: She will face enough difficulty without my additional judgement.
  6. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    I dont care if she has 100 children. Just dont make me support them. It is not fair to the tax payer that she spits out children left and right with no plan as to how she will support them financially. It isnt like she had them by accident. These octuplets were planned with out no idea as to how she was going to support them. Maybe you dont want to judge her well I will do it for you. She is an irresponsible selfish idiot who cares about no one but herself. I am sick and tired of phony Christians who dont want to judge irresponsible bahavior because it makes them feel warfm and fuzzy inside blah blah blah. Im tired. Im going to bed.
  7. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    They weren't going to be destroyed if she had said for them not to be. She could have adopted the embryos out. Or used surrogate mothers. The potential risk to neurological disorders and developmental delays of the children and risk of her own life was not worth purposely having them all at one time. It will be some time before we know if any of those children have these disorders or delays.....I pray that they don't. Especially in light of the fact that 3 of her 6 other children have disabilities.

    I've already prayed for her....many times. That doesn't stop me from discussing this grossly irresponsible and obviously immature behavior with other people.

    There HAS to be a discussion of the relative wrongness of her actions. This CANNOT become a precedent. Not for babies nor for tax payers.
  8. Bro. James Well-Known Member
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    Sep 14, 2004
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    Nadya needs many sessions with a psychiatrist--at taxpayer expense of course. What is a little more red ink? California seems to be running low. Arnie will get some bailout money--somehow. The lady seems more interested in notariety than childrearing.

    The Dr.(?) who carried out the procedure should be shackled with child support for 14 children--this obligation to continue until the last one finishes their PhD, regardless of the demise of above referenced physician.

    How much is red ink worth these days?

    I am paying over $3.00 for a loaf of real bread.

    Even so, come Lord Jesus.


    Bro. James