Name 5.

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by SaggyWoman, Aug 12, 2001.

  1. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Name 5 persons who had a major impact on you as a child or youth.

    Mine are:

    1.) Sue, my 5th grade SS teacher because she made learning fun.

    2.) Johnetta--she would pick me up every Saturday to visit the bus kids, but we did lots of other things, too. She discipled me by example.

    3.) William, my interim pastor that came right after we lost the one who baptized me. He purposed to get to know the youth in the church, and even skated with me at a youth outing. (I was a young youth, and he had girls my age.)

    4.) Virginia, my missions teacher. She was as faithful . . . what an example.

    5.) Tim, my youth director in High School, because he believed in me.
  2. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    1. My mom who always stood by my side.
    2. Eric Schroeder- my best friend who would bear endless hours of my questioning everything about the Christian faith.
    3. Donna Engstrom- my mentor who also would bear endless hours of my questioning and tried her best to teach me what she knew from her experiences with God.
    4. Pastor Nordstrand- He had a big impact on my spiritual life and re-lighting the flame for God within me.
    5. My Grandpa- He died when i was really young but he loved me a lot and let me get away with things he would not let any of my cousins get away with.

    Until Next Post, Adam :D
  3. Joy New Member

    Mar 24, 2001
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    1. My Mother

    2. Mommy

    3. Grandma Lois (Who is my mother)

    4. Mrs. Millete (That's my mother)

    5. (See 1-4 ! ) ;)
  4. Cindy <img src=/Cindy.JPG>

    Oct 27, 2000
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    1)My mother, who is my role model in every incredible example of a beautiful,vibrant,godly woman and the best,most loving mother anyone could ask for. I want to be like her when I grow up!

    2)My father, who showed me by example what it means to live by faith, and never withheld any good thing from me that it was within his power or resources to give.

    Both my parents have always believed in me,encouraged and supported me.

    3)Miss Gardiner, my very old-fashioned,British 4th-grade teacher who I couldn't stand at the time...but who encouraged my love of reading and the written word.

    4)Mr. Frank Ford, my fifth-grade teacher who further encouraged my love of reading and also the spoken word. He encouraged a shy,quiet little girl to develop speaking skills that have aided me to this day.

    5)Mr. Jerry B. Mosley, my sixth- and seventh-grade history teacher, who encouraged my love of writing and made me believe I have some sort of talent in that area.

    6)Mrs.Carole Henderson, my high school journalism teacher and newspaper staff sponsor, who made me believe I could have a career in journalism.

    (Is it any wonder I married a teacher? )

    7)Floyd Gilzow, my first news director (I was only 19 when he hired me), who taught me the best and most essential of everything I know and have used in my career.

  5. Cindy <img src=/Cindy.JPG>

    Oct 27, 2000
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    OOPS! Sorry...I named more than five.

  6. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    1. Mrs. Thomas, my first grade teacher. She was kind, very G-dly, and understood me spiritually. She also let me check out Alice in Wonderland even though the librarian wouldn't let me because she knew I could read it. The librarian didn't believe me.

    2. Her Daughter in Law, my second grade teacher. She bought me a pair of really pretty boots in the middle of winter when I didn't have any. She talked to me about everything, any problems I may have been having, and never broke any confidences I placed in her

    3. Her Husband, Pastor Thomas. A very kind and gentle man. I remember going to summer camp , and the last year at summer camp, on the way their all I could think of was how much I couldn't wait to be their riding the horses, and how I hoped I could get Princess that year, and on the way there we found out he died. (He had cancer). He was a great pastor, and had a way of preaching to us kids at our level that touched us and we understood exactly what the Word meant.

    4. My high school principal. He was awesome. He always got me out of trouble, unless the other principal knew about it, because the other principal hated me. He took time out to learn who I was and cared, and that saved me from a lot of bad stuff. Or at least worse stuff. He was street smart, and taught this chick a few survival skills instead of throwing me into a home economics course. ;)

    5. My best friend Paul. He was always there for me, and vice versa. It was uncanny. We'd show up from out of state without so much as a phone call and find the other person in the middle of nowhere because we just knew when something bad had happened to the other. We'd usually just walk up to whoever, sit there and cry with them for about half and hour, and walk away until it happened again. Odd, but true. Never did talk much. We didn't need to. True friends. Those are the best kind, the kind that can come over and you don't have to feel uncomfortable with even if a single word is not spoken.

    Wow. Memories. Life sure has changed since then. Insert deep, thoughtful, philosophical look after previous sentence.
  7. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    6.) I forgot about my high School principal. He was a Christian man and very supportive of me through high school.

    7.) My fifth grade teacher, Mr. Hamilton. I just moved to a new town and had him. He made the transition much easier, and became a positive memory in a tough period in my life.
  8. Grace New Member

    Mar 23, 2001
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    1. My mom-When I was younger, we disagreed a lot, but now she is my best friend. I see now where she knew a lot more than I gave her credit for.

    2. My adopted Gramma-we're only related in heart, but she is my "real" Gramma. She has listened to me rant and rave about everything from parents, boys, and old people in our church. She always encourages me and has a hug. She will lecture me sometimes, but that's ok.

    3. My Grandpa(adopted)-my adopted Gramma's husband. I've been kind of hurt by the grandpa's that I was given by birth, but the one that God gave me to adopt is my hero. He puts God first in everything, especially his marriage (something that I needed to see after a very messy divorce situation between a set of my grandparents).

    4. My former choir director. I can't remember not knowing her. We've been friends for so long. She's my prayer partner. She has really chewed me out before. Sometimes she makes me mad, but I always think about what she said and realize that she's right.

    5. My friend Angie. She has really encouraged me to be the best I can and to stay in college until I graduate (which at the rate I'm going will be in the year 2050 )