Neti pots may infect you

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by freeatlast, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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  2. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    A frined of mine wrote me on this.
    "I took a course in parasitology in college and we learned about Nageria Fowleri. It is a very bad thing to get. As the article said, it is contracted through the nose. During late summer, the amoeba has had ample time to throughly infect lakes and pools due to the warmth. People jumping or diving into lakes at this time must be careful not to get water up the nose. The amoeba this flagellated so it swims up into the brain where it eats away and puts very large holes in the brain. The victims usually are not diagnosed until after death, because once contracted, the victims only last about a week. One thing that they did not point out in the article is the severe, severe, pain these 2 victims went through the last days of their life.

    While teaching on parasites in Shepherd about 4-5 years ago when I first started working at the school, to get the classes attention, I told them about N. fowleri, because it sticks out as one of the worst parasites you can get. It was a class of Seniors. One young man just was sitting there, and after the discussion died down, he told us that his friend died of it. It was is San Antonio, Tx. The young man that died was do recreation at a lake there in San Antonio, and suddenly started developing a horrible headache that would not go away. He said that his parents said that he would just roll around on the floor in his room because of the pain he was having with the headaches. Within days, he died."