New & Pondering some questions.

Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by kalli11, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. kalli11 New Member

    Aug 1, 2009
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    Hi all, I'm new to this board. I'm 23, married, a PK and a co-youth leader. I also write devotionals for church and volunteer at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for church.

    It seems like my spiritual life is great, I mean I love it! But when it comes down to my working/education life, I'm in distress.

    I know everyone is hurting because of the economy, I can empathize with that, but I'm also trying to find what type of vocation I'd be good at. I've held many different types of jobs, most being entry-level, not enough to be called a "career". Any suggestions? I've taken many certified (through college), and of course non-certified tests. Of course some are dubious, I know that. I'm also confused on school. I love to learn but see so many people out there with their degrees in their hands and no job to prove for it (even before the recession). I'm very happy with my volunteer standpoint in church.

    I love to work, so I can't just be a stay at home person. I have no children. Just a twenty something with a few goals, but no real passion. Any advice?

  2. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    A couple of suggestions:

    1. What would you do for free - because you enjoy it - well find a paying job doing that.

    2. Take a diagnosist (sp) test to see your strengths and weakness.

    3. Have you considered the military (yes, I know about that Iraq thing ) but it is good pay and wonderful benefits.
    In addition, if you are sent overseas - Japan, Korea, Germany - there are many Baptist churches that sure could use some dedicated members.

    4. Pray, Pray, and then Pray some more

    May the Lord bless you as you seek HIS will
  3. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Hi Kalli, and welcome to the board!

    From what you have said, it sounds like counseling is in your heart! It would probably serve you well to further your education in this area. From what I have seen, it is a job that is definitely not lacking in good people needed! With counseling, you also have the option of working for either Christian-based or outside organizations, and that expands the places where you can look for work. The communication and interactive experiences you've already had will only help!

    True, there are many people with great degrees in their hand and no job to show for it. There are also people with no degrees in their hand and a job to show for it - I am one of them. (previous college credits combined with experience equal a degree in the eyes of the educational facility that hired me, and I'm not arguing)

    But...don't let that be your excuse for not furthering your education, if doing so is possible. It can in no way hurt, while lack of education most definitely can.

    What ya gotta figure out on your own is whether you now feel like you're lacking in the education department for what you believe you should be doing, and I'm sure you'll figure out what you should be doing relatively fast if you think about what you're already doing and what you're good at. :flower: