Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 22, 2003.

  1. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Brazenly promoting illicit sex, "Paradise Hotel" premiered on Fox television June 18 as the sleaziest reality TV show yet. Its revolting
    premise pits six women and five men at Paradise Hotel, a purposefully promiscuous place "where every desire is fulfilled and the only rule is
    hook up or go home," as the show's introduction blatantly states.

    Your help is needed -- NOW! Without immediate action, the show will continue its weekly contest of illicit sex for the titillation of
    impressionable viewers, who even are encouraged to join the debauchery!

    To prevail, women must choose a sexy stranger and then jump into bed with a man they've known for a matter of hours. Hidden cameras and microphones are everywhere for the benefit of the prurient audience. Sexual intimacy is portrayed as a game -- with no more significance than a handshake.

    Is this what you want America's youth watching on network TV?

    Fox and program advertisers have pushed the envelope too far! Great damage is being done to our vulnerable, impressionable youth who are
    being told that sex with anyone, at anytime is the norm. Sure, jump into bed with total strangers, the show urges. And don't worry about
    emotional or physical or spiritual consequences, because -- as Fox insinuates -- there aren't any.

    That's wrong! This program must be stopped. It is not too late -- if you act now! Tell Fox and the program's advertisers to drop the show or face
    a boycott.


    [ July 01, 2003, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Squire Robertsson ]
  2. ColoradoFB New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    My TV has both a channel selector and an OFF button. If enough people don't watch, the show won't make it. Simple economics...if it can't make money, it will be dropped.
  3. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Has there been a television show put out that was taken off the air or lost ratings due to a boycott? I'm just curious about the effectiveness of such a threat. If it's never worked in the past, I'd think that threatening it would be a bit pointless. If it has worked in the past then great, but I'm clueless as to the facts.
  4. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    It makes no difference to them whether you watch it or not. If you are not a member of the Nielson Family you don't count. Advertisers do care and by letting them know that you won't be buying their product if they continue sponsering the program it will make a very small but real difference. If enough people do the same, then they will withdraw their support and THEN, it will be a matter of economics. Controversy just fans the fire and makes for bigger audiences (there are more lost than saved). The only thing they respond to is lowered profits for their decisions.
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Gina: This petition will go to all of the sponsors as well as the TV station. Yes, it works.

    Just last week, due to petitions, Rubbermaid withdrew sponsorship of the show "Lucky" on FX TV. There is a thread about it in this forum.

    If the show loses it sponsors, it cannot go on the air.

  6. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Sponsors do care, if you're their target market. "Banned in Boston" used to be a selling point.

    Anyone know who are the sponsors of this sleaze? Somehow I'd expect them to be malt liquor companies, condom makers and such who wouldn't care much for the Christian demographic.

    I'm not watching to find out
  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Daisy; Here is the list of sponsors. The petition is being sent to all of them as well as Fox. If you click on the link I provided, whether or not you sign the petition, you can see this list of people it will be sent to. (not one liquor, condom makers, or even tobacco company on here)

    Howard Bernick, Alberto-Culver Company
    Bradley D. Blum, Burger King Corporation
    Emil J. Brolick, Taco Bell Corporation
    Robert A. Davies III, Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
    Frederick A. DeLuca, Doctor's Associates Inc.
    David C. Novak, Yum! Brands Inc.
    Nelson Peltz, Triarc Companies, Inc.
    Stephen W. Sanger, General Mills, Inc.

  8. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Yes, tobacco...they're not allowed to advertise that but they own so many food & fast food companies, I can't keep track.

    Your list is impressive. I'd think that Alberto-Culver would certainly care.
  9. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    OH That's pitiful that they can put such trash on the air! SICKENING! :rolleyes: :eek: Thanks, Granny Sue for posting about this. I just signed the petition. Makes me feel good that we can do something, even if it is little.
    ~Miss Abby
  10. Bartimaeus New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Thanks ------Bart
  11. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Unless there's serious action behind a boycott (Like when the SBC and many others boycotted Disney), corporations scoff at letters threatening a ban because you've given mental assent to the company and/or product.
  12. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Sometimes these petitions are counter-productive. The publicity causes more people to watch in order to protest the attempted censorship.

    Just don't watch it. BTW, what day is it on and, time does it start? :D
  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Tom: Just last week Rubbermaid stopped sponsoring the show "Lucky" because of petitions sent by these same people. Sometimes it works...depends on the company I guess.

  14. Peter101 New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    After reading your description of Paradise Hotel, I searched for other descriptions of it on the Internet. I didn't find anything as scandalous as you suggested. I suspect that you or whoever sent you the description exaggerated a bit. And by the way, since it is a reality type show, the actual events have not yet been determined. So you may be needlessly concerned. But let's suppose that it will turn out to be as luridly sexual as you suggest. Do you have the moral right to tell adults how they should behave on TV? Do you also have the right to censor what other adults see on TV? Maybe you do, but I think that the point is open to question. You can go to your neighborhood stores and see Playboy and other magazines that have similar themes. They are apparently still sold because the courts have found that they cannot be censored. By assuming the right to censor things that others see, you are assuming that you know better than they how they should live their lives. I am not sure that you should have that much power. I am not sure I want to surrender any of my rights to you, no matter how well intentioned you may be.
  15. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I am not telling anyone how they should behave on TV. I am also not censoring what other adults see on TV. Do I have the right? Yes, as a Christian, I have the right to try and get rid of filth, no matter what form it hides behind.

    I can't go to MY neighborhood stores and see Playboy or any other lewd magazine on display. They have to be hidden under the counter and out of sight of the general public. Therefore, children and teens cannot see them or purchase them.

    I am not assuming anything. I am concerned about a filthy show on TV that many teens will be watching when left alone by themselves. I think we need better role models for them; don't you?

    I have no power. Christians, as a whole, have power when they stand together. And I certainly would not want ANYONE to surrender their rights to ME!

    If this show is taken off the air, it will not be because of me. It will be because thousands of Christians decided to take a stand against public filth and lewdness and say, "Enough is enough".

    Question: If you are a Christian; why would you be so set on keeping a show like this on the air?

  16. Peter101 New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Question: If you are a Christian; why would you be so set on keeping a show like this on the air?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

    Because I think censorship is a greater evil than whatever might be in the show. I think that the owners of TVs are responsible enough to control what is seen in their own homes. I don't think you have any right to interfere just because the contents may not be to your liking. Besides, I think that Fox is a responsible organization and is perhaps as well qualified as you or any religious group to decide what the should have on TV.
  17. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Just look at Peter's location and I think that will clear things up...he is from liberal California... ;)

    He is probably hoping to see the show and that is why he is upset that you are standing against it.


    Sue has no power to censor what you watch as a government authority. But, she does have the right to censor what is watched in her own home. She also has the right to speak her mind about filth and try to persuade the network and advertisers that this isn't the right way to go through her boycott. It is called freedom of speech. You know, that issue that liberals hold on to as the Holy Grail until a conservative excercises that right.

    Joseph Botwinick
  18. Peter101 New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;I am not assuming anything. I am concerned about a filthy show on TV that many teens will be watching when left alone by themselves. I think we need better role models for them; don't you?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

    Firstly, you have not seen the show yourself, so you can't be sure it is actually objectionable. Maybe your source exaggerated the situation. And since it is reality type show, without a script, you cannot know what the future contents will be. Secondly, even if the contents are objectionable, the teens you mention have parents and they are the ones who properly should decide whether their children should watch or not. You should stick to your own knitting and stay out of the lives of others who may not want your interference.
  19. ColoradoFB New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    Peter, I agree. Plus, most people don't use the V-Chip controls that are in every TV made these days to lock out programming that is rated for mature audiences. The tools are there to filter your kids' viewing. People would rather censor what other adults watch than to use the tools they possess.
  20. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Please tell me you said this in jest!

    (And I don't knit, I crochet)

    I am a responsible person; but how many 'lost' parents don't care what their teens watch?

    This show is not just bad for Christians, it is perhaps worse for the lost, who like you, see nothing wrong with it. :confused:

    I have the right to let the sponsors know I will no longer buy their products if they sponsor this kind of filth.

    What have YOU taken a stand on lately???

    "Evil prevails when good men do nothing" (paraphrased by me)